
UbuntuHelp:DREAM software radio


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Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) is a set of digital audio broadcasting technologies designed to work over the bands currently used for AM broadcast, particularly shortwave. DRM can fit more channels than AM, at higher quality, into a given amount of bandwidth, using various MPEG-4 codecs.


There's a DRM decoder using the soundcard for decoding DRM signals in realtime. The DREAM software is currently developed on http://drm.sourceforge.net/

What do you need?

You need a frequency stable long, medium and shortwave receiver with an intermediate frequency (IF) of 12 kHz for feeding the DRM signal into the soundcard.


Compiling is not trivial as it uses non standard libs of FAAD2 - modified for the AAC coding used on RF. You can use this script doing all needed steps to compile DREAM successfully: Copy&Paste it to a new file eg. dreamubuntu.sh then

chmod +x dreamubuntu.sh 
sudo ./dreamubuntu.sh

Or use attachment:dreamubuntu.sh.tar.gz instead of Copy&Paste

# compile DREAM with Ubuntu - based on Julian's debian script
# posted on http://drm.sourceforge.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=182
# modified for Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn (beta) by Andreas Weller, DF1PAW
# install build tools
apt-get install g++ cvs autoconf unzip make automake1.8 libtool sysutils
# install libraries
apt-get install libasound-dev hamlib-dev fftw-dev libqwt-dev
# get the journaline sources
cd /usr/src
wget http://drm.sourceforge.net/download/WinFhGJourLib.zip
unzip WinFhGJourLib.zip 
cd WinFhGJourLib/journaline_20040318
# create the library and install library and headers
ar r libfhgjournaline.a NML.o Splitter.o crc_8_16.o dabdgdec_impl.o log.o newsobject.o newssvcdec_impl.o
ranlib libfhgjournaline.a 
mkdir /usr/include/journaline
cp dabdatagroupdecoder.h newssvcdec.h NML.h /usr/include/journaline
mv libfhgjournaline.a /usr/lib
# get the FAAD2 sources
cd /usr/src
wget http://drm.sourceforge.net/download/WinFAAD2Inst.zip
unzip WinFAAD2Inst.zip 
cd WinFAAD2Inst
cd faad2
fromdos bootstrap
fromdos configure.in
chmod +x ./bootstrap
./configure --prefix=/usr --without-xmms --without-mpeg4ip --with-drm
make install
# get the FAAC sources
cd /usr/src
wget http://drm.sourceforge.net/download/WinFAAC960Inst.zip
unzip WinFAAC960Inst.zip 
cd WinFAAC960Inst
cd faac
fromdos bootstrap
fromdos configure.in
chmod +x ./bootstrap
./configure --prefix=/usr --without-mp4v2 --with-gnu-ld --with-pic 
cd libfaac
make install
# install the headers
cp ../include/*.h /usr/include
# get the dream sources
cd /usr/src
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@drm.cvs.sourceforge.net/cvsroot/drm login
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@drm.cvs.sourceforge.net/cvsroot/drm co drm
cd /usr/src/drm
chmod +x ./bootstrap
export QTDIR=/usr
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-alsa --with-gnu-ld --with-pic --with-qtgui --with-qtdir=/usr --with-faad2 --with-faac --with-journaline --with-hamlib     