


Firehare讨论 | 贡献2008年4月7日 (一) 21:54的版本

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ZABBIX 服务是 ZABBIX 软件的核心进程。ZABBIX 服务可以通过执行下列语句来启动:

shell> cd bin
shell> ./zabbix_server

ZABBIX 服务作为守程进程来运行

ZABBIX 服务接受以下命令行参数:

-c --config <file> 指定配置文件, 缺省是 /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
-h --help 得到本帮助
-v --version 显示版本


shell> zabbix_server -h


shell> zabbix_server –c /usr/local/etc/zabbix_server.conf
shell> zabbix_server --help
shell> zabbix_server -v

配置文件包含 zabbix_server 的参数。该文件必须存在,同时为 "zabbix" 用户开放读权限。其支持的参数有:

参数 是否必须 缺省值 说明
AlertScriptsPath /home/zabbix/bin 为用户自定义媒体类型脚本所在位置。
DBHost - 数据库主机,通常为‘localhost’.
DBName - 数据库名,通常为‘zabbix’.
DBSocket - 数据库Socket名。用于到 MySQL 数据库的非 TCP 连接。例如: /tmp/mysql.sock
DBPassword NULL 数据库密码。如果没有使用密码,那么必须注释掉该参数。
DBUser NULL 连接数据库的用户名。
DebugLevel 3 调试级别, 下面四种级别之一:

0 – 无

1 – 严重

2 – 错误

3 – 警告

4 – 调试

DisableHousekeeping 0 如果设为1,将不启用 housekeeper
ExternalScripts /etc/zabbix/exter 外部测试脚本的位置
FpingLocation /usr/sbin/fping ICMP pinger 的位置,它必须设有 setuid 标志
HousekeepingFrequency 1 该参数定义守护进程多长时间执行 housekeeping 操作(单位:小时) 。如果使用 PostgreSQL 的话可设为 24,届时将执行 VACUUM 命令。
Include - 使用这个参数是为了在配置文件中包含文件,该参数的数量没有限制。

例如: Include=/etc/zabbix/db_conn.conf

ListenIP - 通过捕获器(Trapper)进程监听的接口。如果该参没有设置的话,捕获器(Trapper)将监听所有接口。
ListenPort 10051 通过捕获器监听的端口号。
LogFile - 日志文件名。如果没有设置将使用syslog。
LogFileSize 1 本参数为日志文件控制日志环回设置。缺省状态下,Zabbix在日志达到1MB的时候自动环回。本参数以MB为单位。如果设置为0,将不会进行日志环回。
NodeID 0 唯一的节点数 (0-999). 最好为 ‘0’ 否则将会被独立的ZABBIX服务错过。
PidFile /tmp/zabbix_server.pid 保存进程号(PID)的文件
PingerFrequency 30 ZABBIX 服务每隔 PingerFrequency 秒 (1-3600) ping 一次
SenderFrequency 30 这个参数定义守程进程必须多长时间尝试发送报警。 (单位:秒)
StartDiscoverers 1 开始自动发现的搜索器数量 (0-255).
StartHTTPPollers 5 开始 HTTP 轮询的轮询器数量 (0-255).
StartPollers 5 开始轮询的轮询器数量 (0-255).
StartPollersUnreachable 1 开始轮询不可达主机的轮询器数量 (0-255).
StartTrappers 5 开始监听的捕获器数量 (0-255)
Timeout 5

在检索请求时的超时时间 (1-255秒)。

注意:在 misc/conf/zabbix_server.conf 配置文件中可以找到示例。

TrapperTimeout 5 在捕获进程中的超时时间 (1-255秒)
UnavailableDelay 60 多久尝试连接不可用主机
UnreachableDelay 15 多久尝试连接不可达主机
UnreachablePeriod 45 如果一台主机不可达时间超过了 UnreachablePeriod 所设置的秒数,那么将该主机状态改为不可用(Unavailabl)

ZABBIX 代理 (UNIX, 独立守护进程)

ZABBIX UNIX 代理运行在一台被监控的主机上。该代理为Zabbix服务提供主机的参数和有用信息。

ZABBIX Agent 通过两个方式 ‘ZABBIX Agent’ 和 ‘ZABBIX Agent (active)’ 来处理监测项。

ZABBIX Agent 的启动可通过运行:

shell> cd bin
shell> ./zabbix_agentd

ZABBIX Agent 作为独立守护进程运行。

ZABBIX Agent 接受以下命令行参数:

-c --config <file> 指定配置文件,缺省是 /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
-h --help 得到这个帮助
-v --version 显示版本号
-p --print 打印支持的监测信息并退出
-t --test <metric> 测试指定的监测信息并退出


shell> zabbix_agentd –h


shell> zabbix_agentd –c /usr/local/etc/zabbix_agentd.conf
shell> zabbix_agentd –help
shell> zabbix_agentd –print
shell> zabbix_agentd –t “system.cpu.load[all,avg1]”


参数 是否必须 缺省值 说明
DebugLevel 3 调试级别, 下面四种级别之一:

0 – 无

1 – 严重

2 – 错误

3 – 警告  4 – 调试

DisableActive 0 禁用主动检查进程。代理将不会连接 ZABBIX 服务器以得到主动检查的监测项列表。
EnableRemoteCommands 0 启用远程命令。ZABBIX服务器可以通过代理来发送需执行的命令
- 使用这个参数是为了在配置文件中包含文件,该参数的数量没有限制。

例如: Include=/etc/zabbix/user_parameters.conf

ListenIP - 代理所绑定的IP地址。在主机有多个接口时使用
ListenPort 10050 监听的端口号
LogFile - 日志文件名。如果没有设置则使用 syslog
LogFileSize No 1 本参数为日志文件控制日志环回设置。缺省状态下,Zabbix在日志达到1MB的时候自动环回。本参数以MB为单位。如果设置为0,将不会进行日志环回。
PidFile /tmp/zabbix_agentd.pid 保存进程号(PID)的文件
RefreshActiveChecks 120 本代理将每120(缺省)秒刷新一次主动检查列表。
Server - 用逗号分隔的ZABBIX服务器列表。来自其它IP地址的连接将被拒绝。
ServerPort 10051 代理将通过连接本服务器端口来进行主动检查。
StartAgents 5 启动代理的数量
Timeout 3 得到所请求数值的超时时间(1-255秒)。代理不会中断超时的用户自定义进程。
UserParameter -

要监测的用户自定义参数。可以有多个用户自定义的参数。其值可以是: UserParameter=user, who|wc -l

注意:在 misc/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf 文件中可以找到配置文件的示例。

ZABBIX Agent (UNIX, Inetd version)

The file contains configuration parameters for zabbix_agent. The file must exist and it should have read permissions for user ‘zabbix’. Supported parameters:

Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
Server Yes - Comma-delimited list of IP addresses of ZABBIX servers. Connections from other IP addresses will be rejected.
Timeout No 3 Do not spend more that Timeout seconds on getting requested value (1-255). The agent does not kill timeouted User Parameters processes!
UserParameter No - User-defined parameter to monitor. There can be several user-defined parameters.

Example:UserParameter=use rs,who|wc -l

Note: Example of the configuration file can be found at misc/conf/zabbix_agent.conf

ZABBIX Agent (Windows)

ZabbixW32 is ZABBIX agent for Win32 systems. It will work on Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista.


Installation is very simple and includes 3 steps:

Step 1 Create configuration file.

Create configuration file c:/zabbix_agentd.conf (it has the same syntax as UNIX agent).

Step 2 Install agent as a Windows service.

ZabbixW32.exe --install

If you wish to use configuration file other that c:\zabbix_agentd.conf, you should use the following command for service installation:

ZabbixW32.exe --config <your_configuration_file> install

Full path to configuration file should be specified.

Step 3 Run agent.

Now you can use Control Panel to start agent's service or run:

ZabbixW32.exe start

Windows NT 4.0 note. ZabbixW32 uses PDH (Performance Data Helper)

 API to gather various system information, so PDH.DLL is needed. This DLL is not supplied with Windows NT 4.0, so you need to download and
 install it by yourself. Microsoft Knowledge Base article number 284996 describes this in detail and contains a download link. You can find this
 article at http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;284996


Command line syntax:

zabbix_agentd.exe [-Vhp] [-idsx] [-c <file>] [-t <metric>]

ZABBIX Windows Agent accepts the following command line parameters:


-c --config <file> Specify alternate configuration file (default is c:\zabbix_agentd.conf).
-h --help Display help information.
-V --version Display version number.
-p --print Print list of supported checks (metrics) and exit.
-t --test <metric> Test single check (metric) and exit.


-I --install Install ZABBIX agent as a service.
-d --uninstall Uninstall ZABBIX agent service.
-s --start Start ZABBIX agent service.
-x --stop Stop ZABBIX agent service.

The file contains configuration parameters for Zabbix_agentd.exe. Supported parameters:

Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
Alias No -
Sets the alias for parameter. It can be useful to substitute long and complex parameter name with a smaller and simpler one. For example, if you wish to retrieve paging file usage in percents from the server, you may use parameter "perf_counter[\Paging File(_Total)\% Usage]", or you may define an alias by adding the following line to configuration file: Alias = pg_usage:perf_counter[\Pagi ng File(_Total)\% Usage] After that you can use parameter name "pg_usage" to retrieve the same information. You can specify as many "Alias" records as you wish. Please note that aliases cannot be used for parameters defined in "PerfCounter" configuration file records.
DebugLevel No

Debug level, one of

0 – none

1 – critical

2 – errors

3 – warnings

4 – debug

Include No - Use this parameter to include a file into the configuration file. Number of parameters Include is not limited. For example: Include=c:\user_parameters. conf
ListenPort No 10050 Port number to listen.
LogFile No - Name of log file. If not set, syslog is used.
LogUnresolvedSymbols No - Controls logging of unresolved symbols during agent startup. Values can be strings ‘yes’ or ‘no’ (without quotes).
MaxCollectorProcessingTime No 100 Sets maximum acceptable processing time of one data sample by collector thread (in milliseconds). If processing time will exceed specified value, warning message will be written to the log file.
NoTimeWait No - The parameter has no effect.
PerfCounter No -

<parameter_name>,"<perf_c ounter_path>",<period> Defines new parameter <parameter_name> which is an average value for system performance counter <perf_counter_path> for the specified time period <period> (in seconds).

For example, if you wish to receive average number of processor interrupts per second for last minute, you can define new parameter "interrupts" as following:

PerfCounter = interrupts,"\Processor(0)\Inter rupts/sec",60

Please note double quotes around performance counter path. Samples for calculating average value will be taken every second.

You may run typeperf –qx to get list of all performance counters available in Windows.

PidFile No - The parameter has no effect.
Server Yes - Comma-delimited list of IP addresses of ZABBIX servers. Connections from other IP addresses will be rejected.
StartAgents No - The parameter has no effect.
UserParameter No - ') characters! Example:UserParameter=test ,echo 1


ZABBIX UNIX Sender is a command line utility which may be used to send performance data to ZABBIX Server for processing.

The utility is usually used in long running user scripts for periodical sending of availability and performance data.

ZABBIX Sender can be started by executing:

shell> cd bin
 shell> ./zabbix_sender –z zabbix –p 10051 –h LinuxDB3 –k db.connections –o 43

ZABBIX Sender accepts the following command line parameters:

-z --zabbix-server <zabbix server> Hostname or IP address of ZABBIX Server.
-p --port <zabbix server port> Specify port number of server trapper running on the server. Default is 10051.
-s --host <host name or IP> Specify host name or IP address of a host.
-k --key <key of metric> Specify metric name (key) we want to send.
-o --value <value> Specify value of the key.
-i --input-file <input file> Load values from input file.
-h –help Give this help.
-v –version Display version number.

In order to get this help run:

shell> zabbix_sender -h


ZABBIX UNIX Get is a process which communicates with ZABBIX Agent and retrieves required information.

The utility is usually used for troubleshooting of ZABBIX Agents.

ZABBIX Get can be started by executing:

shell> cd bin
shell> ./zabbix_get -s127.0.0.1 -p10050 -k"system.cpu.load[all,avg1]"

ZABBIX Get accepts the following command line parameters:

-p --port <port number> Specify port number of agent running on the host, Default is 10050
 -s --host <host name or IP> Specify host name or IP address of a host.
 -k --key <key of metric> Specify metric name (key) we want to retrieve.
 -h --help Give this help.
 -v --version Display version number.

In order to get this help run:

shell> zabbix_get -h