


Ekeng讨论 | 贡献2007年5月17日 (四) 10:52的版本 Introduction

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Google Earth 把我们这个地球有用的图像和地理信息显示在您的桌面上.我们可以观看外国,如毛伊和巴黎,以及一些我们感兴趣的地点,譬如本地餐馆,医院, 学校等等.
注: 本文是用命令行来解释的,因此需要一些基本的命令行知识,当然不仅仅是拷贝和粘贴.





Note: Google Earth is available from the UbuntuHelp:Medibuntu repository.

0. Download
 Download the linux version of Google Earth.
0. Make Executable
 At the command line, cd into the directory that you saved Google Earth. Then issue the following command:
  chmod +x GoogleEarthLinux.bin 
0. Run the installer
 Issue the following command at the command prompt:
  sudo ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin 
Continue through the rest of the installation using the default options, unless you are more experienced and need to change the options.
WARNING: DO NOT choose to run Google Earth, as doing so will disallow you to run it as a normal user in the future.


You can run the program via the command line or by pressing Alt+F2. Either way, type in googleearth, and then press Enter.

Desktop Entry

To add Google Earth to the Desktop menu run this command in a terminal:
 sudo cp /opt/google-earth/googleearth.desktop /usr/share/applications/ 


Google Earth for Linux is still in beta. As such, many problems that you may encounter can be attributed to this.


Permission Denied

Receiving this error means that you ignored the warning in step 3 of the install instructions. To fix it, do the following:
 sudo chown -R username ~/.googleearth
 sudo chown username  ~/.local/share/applications/googleearth.desktop 
Be sure to replace username with your user name.

Google Earth & Compiz

As with all OpenGL apps, Google Earth has issues running with Compiz. To resolve this issue, either run Google Earth in a normal GNOME session, or see this thread: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176636