


Bones7456讨论 | 贡献2007年4月30日 (一) 16:04的版本

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Ubuntu 的一些常见问题









贡献人员:<a class="nonexistent" href="">RedCode</a>、Hex、debian、deman、baturu


文章状态:<a class="nonexistent" href="">翻译完成</a>




1. 1About Ubuntu (关于Ubuntu)



1.1. What is the numbering system of the releases about? What is the next release of Ubuntu?(Ubuntu的版本号是如何确定的? 下一个版本的Ubuntu的版本号将会是多少?)


The version number comes from the year and month of the release; the version names are made by <a title="Ubuntu" href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarkShuttleworth" class="interwiki">MarkShuttleworth</a>.

(版本号是根据该版本系统发行时间的年和月来确定的;版本名称由<a href="" class="nonexistent">MarkShuttleworth</a>先生命名。)


1.2. Are Kubuntu, Edubuntu and Xubuntu forks of Ubuntu?(Kubuntu、Edubuntu、Xubuntu是Ubuntu的分支吗?)


No, they are all official releases with changes to the quintessential distribution of Ubuntu. All of their packages are in the same archives.





1.3. What is Kubuntu? Can I install it from Ubuntu? (Kubuntu是什么? 我能在Ubuntu中安装它吗?)


<a class="http" href="http://kubuntu.org">Kubuntu</a> uses the Ubuntu base and <a class="http" href="http://kde.org">KDE</a>, the K Deskop Environment; it combines ease of use, contemporary functionality, and outstanding graphical design. To install Kubuntu from any other Ubuntu derivative, simply install the kubuntu-desktop package. For alternative methods of getting KDE, see <a class="nonexistent" href="">InstallingKDE</a>.

Kubuntu基于Ubuntu的系统核心,但使用KDE桌面环境(K Deskop Environment。译者注:Ubuntu使用的桌面环境是Gnome);它易于使用,功能强大,拥有优秀的图形界面。要想在任何的Ubuntu衍生版本中安装Kubutu,只需要安装Kubuntu-desktop软件包即可。对于其他获取并安装KDE的方法,请参看<a class="nonexistent" href="">安装KDE</a>.



1.4. What is Xubuntu? How can I install it from Ubuntu? (Xubuntu是什么? 如何才能在Ubuntu中安装它)


<a class="http" href="http://xubuntu.org">Xubuntu</a> uses the Ubuntu base and the <a class="http" href="http://www.xfce.org/">Xfce</a> deskop environment; Xfce is typically a more lightweight desktop environment, and is thus also more suitable for lower-end systems. To install xubuntu from any other Ubuntu derivative, simply install the xubuntu-desktop package. Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy) users please note: you will first need to enable the Universe repository (see <a href="">AddingRepositoriesHowto</a>)

如 同Kubuntu一样,Xubuntu也是基于Ubuntu,但它使用的既不是KDE也不是Gnome,而是另外一种桌面环境——Xfce。Xfce是一 种非常小巧的桌面环境,因此它非常适合在低端配置的机器上面使用。要在任何一种Ubuntu衍生版本中安装Xubuntu,只需简单地下载并安装xubuntu-desktop软件包即可。 不过要请那些使用Ubuntu5.10的用户注意的是,在安装Xubuntu之前请先设定系统能够使用Universe Repository!参看<a href="">AddingRepositoriesHowto</a>。 (译注:Ubuntu将源分成四类 GPL:Universe repository、Main 非GPL:Multiverse、 Restricted,官方对Multiverse、 Restricted提供支持,而社区对 Universe repository、Main 提供支持。后面将会牵涉到Repository(源))





1.5. What is Edubuntu? How can I install it from Ubuntu? (Edubuntu是什么? 如何才能在Ubuntu中安装它?)


<a class="http" href="http://edubuntu.org">Edubuntu</a> provides a customised school environment with an Ubuntu base; though it uses the GNOME desktop environment, it includes applications from both GNOME and KDE by default. To install Edubuntu from any of the Ubuntu derivatives, simply install the edubuntu-desktop package.

<a class="http" href="http://edubuntu.org">Edubuntu</a>提供了一个基于Ubuntu核心、针对学校(教育)使用特点定制的应用环境;它虽然使用GNOME作为桌面环境,但默认情况下同时包含了GNOME和KDE的应用程序。要在任何的Ubuntu衍生系统中安装Edubuntu,仅仅需要安装edubuntu-desktop软件包即可。


1.6. What is the relationship between Ubuntu and Debian? (Ubuntu与Debian之间的关系是什么?)


Please see <a class="http" href="http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship">http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship</a>, and consider reading some of <a class="interwiki" href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarkShuttleworth" title="Ubuntu">MarkShuttleworth</a> for more information.

想要了解Ubuntu和Debian之间关系,请参阅http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship,也可以考虑阅读一些关于<a class="nonexistent" href="">MarkShuttleworth</a>先生的资料。

== Installing Ubuntu (安装Ubuntu) =

1.7. What is the difference between the Desktop and the Alternate CD? (Desktop CD 与Alternate CD 之间的区别是?)


While Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) had a Live CD (an Ubuntu CD that runs directly off your Memory and the Disc, without installing anything to hard-disk) and an Install CD, Ubuntu 6.06 'Dapper Drake' has a "Desktop" and an "Alternate" CD. The Desktop CD contains a Live session with an installer, once started up; it does not have the classical text installer. The Alternate CD has the old text-installer, with no Live session available. If you are trying to upgrade to Dapper by using the CD-rom as a source, then you should use the alternate CD. The Alternate CD also provides you with the option of an Expert install.

从Ubuntu5.10 (Breezy Badger)开始便有了Live CD(直接在内存以及光盘上运行而不需要往硬盘上安装任何东西的光盘)以及一张安装光盘,到了Ubuntu6.06(Dapper Drake)出现了Desktop和Alternate CD。其中Desktop CD包含了Live session,它可以让您直接体验Dapper Drake而不需要事先进行系统的安装。当然了,您也可以用这张盘所提供的图形界面安装界面来快速安装系统。跟Desktop不同的是, Alternate CD提供的是文字安装界面而不是Desktop当中所提供的图形安装界面。另外Alternate CD也无法让您在没有安装系统之前体验使用Ubuntu的乐趣! 因此您可以按照自己的喜好来决定到底使用哪张盘来安装系统。不过对于那些打算使用光盘将系统升级到Dapper的用户来说,您应该选择Alternate CD而不是Desktop CD。除此之外,Alternate CD另外提供了专家模式安装选项,您可以利用此选项进行一些高级安装设置。

See below for more information on upgrading to Dapper.



1.8. What does the DVD contain? (Ubuntu所提供的DVD安装盘当中包含了什么?)


The Ubuntu DVD available with Dapper is a conjugation of the Alternate and the Desktop CD. At the boot prompt, you can select to either go into the Live session with a graphical install, or do the old classical install.

在Dapper的DVD安装盘当中整合了前面所提到的Desktop CD和Alternate CD.在安装的初始阶段会有选择项,您可以选择进入Live session使用图形安装界面进行安装,也可以选择使用老的文字界面进行安装。


1.9. Can I do an installation of Ubuntu over the network? What other methods of installation are there? (我能通过网络进行安装吗? 有没有其他的安装方法?)


See <a href="">Installation</a> for complete guides and instructions on different methods of installation.



2. Using Ubuntu (关于Ubuntu的使用)



2.1. How do I install things on Ubuntu? Why shouldn't I compile? Why does ./configure give errors? (如何在Ubuntu系统当中安装软件?为什么需要对它们进行编译?为什么会在配置的时候发生错误?)


For the vast majority of applications that you will ever use, you should never need to compile them. Ubuntu provides over 16,000 packages in all of its repositories. Please see the <a href="">SoftwareManagement</a> (and, specifically the <a href="">InstallingSoftware</a> sub-category) page for instructions on how to gain those packages, and the <a class="nonexistent" href="">CompilingSoftware</a> if you are convinced (after viewing the previous page) that you do indeed need to compile.

对于您所使用的大部分应用软件而言,您都不需要对它们进行编译。Ubuntu已经提供了超过16000种软件包。具体请参看对于<a href="">SoftwareManagement</a>(软件管理)的说明以便获取对如何获得您所需要的包的操作指南,同时请参看对<a class="nonexistent" href="">CompilingSoftware</a>(软件编译)的相关说明以便在需要的时候能够顺利的对它们进行编译。


2.2. What is a repository? What is the sources.list file? (什么是repository(源)? 什么是Sources.list (源列表)文件?)


Repositories are particular locations on the web which contain the thousands of packages (each containing programs, applications, etc) that you would need on your computer. The sources.list file contains the list of all the repositories that will be used to download packages in Synaptic (see <a href="">SynapticHowto</a>) and APT (see APTPage); it is located in /etc/apt/. Since /etc is the directory for system-wide configurations, you will require root privileges to edit it (see <a href="">RootSudo</a>).

Repositories (源)是一个包含了很多个包的网页的具体位置(这些包当中包含了代码、应用程序等等),而这些包很可能就是你的计算机所需要的东西。 sources.list文件当中保存一张列表,所有库由这张列表记录下来。当需要下载软件包的时候可以通过新立得(一种图形化的apt软件包管理工具, 参阅<a href="">SynapticHowto</a>)和APT(轻量级的在线安装升级的软件包管理系统)从列表里面所指向的库中获取软件包. 源列表文件存放在/etc/apt/. 由于/etc目录的重要性,如果您想要修改该文件的话就得事先获得root用户权限,否则操作无法进行!(关于root用户请参看<a href="">RootSudo</a>)

For a full walk-through on how to add extra repositories please see <a href="">AddingRepositoriesHowto</a>. For an explanation on the methodology between the different repository components (main, universe etc) please see <a class="http" href="http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components">http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components</a>.


2.3. How can I upgrade to the latest version of Ubuntu? (如何才能将系统升级到最新版本?)


For instructions on upgrading to Breezy (Ubuntu 5.10) from Hoary (Ubuntu 5.04), see <a class="nonexistent" href="">BreezyUpgrade</a>. For instructions on how to upgrade to Dapper (Ubuntu 6.06) from Breezy, see <a href="">DapperUpgrades</a>. Skipping a release while trying to upgrade (i.e. trying to upgrade to Dapper from Hoary, or from Warty (Ubuntu 4.10) to Breezy), is not supported.

如果您是从Ubuntu5.04(Hoary)升级到Ubuntu5.10(Breezy)的话,那么请参阅<a class="nonexistent" href="">BreezyUpgrade</a>(在Breezy下的升级指南)。 如果需要从Ubuntu5.10(Breezy)升级到Ubuntu6.06(Dapper)的话,请参阅<a href="">DapperUpgrades</a>(在<a href="">DapperUpgrades</a>下的升级指南) 需要注意的是非连续版本之间的升级是无法进行的!比如从Ubuntu5.04升级到Ubuntu6.06 或者 从Ubuntu4.10升级到Ubuntu5.10。

=== I didn't set a root password, what is it? What is sudo? (我并没有设置root帐户的密码,它是什么?什么是sudo?)=== Ubuntu uses the sudo model for administrator and user actions, in contrast to the traditional user/root bifurcation. Check out the <a href="">RootSudo</a> page for all the information.

与传统的User/root分离不同的是,Ubuntu使用的是sudo来区分管理员与普通用户的操作。 请参考对<a href="">RootSudo</a>的相关说明以获取更多的信息!


2.4. How can I play MP3/Divx/DVDs/Quicktime/Realmedia files or view Flash/Java web pages(如何才能播放MP3/Divx/DVDs/Quicktime/Realmedia 格式的文件或者浏览带有 Flash/Java内容的网页)


See the <a href="">RestrictedFormats</a> page.

如要获取这方面的资料,请参阅对”<a href="">RestrictedFormats</a>“的相关说明。


2.5. What is a meta-package? Is it safe to remove the ubuntu-desktop package? (什么是元软件包?删除ubuntu-desktop软件包安全吗?)


A meta-package is a package that doesn't contain applications within itself, but simply depends upon particular versions of other packages, so that when it is installed, it drags all of them in too. The package manager uses it to know which particular packages to install. For example, the ubuntu-desktop metapackage installs the full GNOME desktop environment, with all the other packages that are in a default Ubuntu install. The existence of meta-packages makes it very easy to install other Ubuntu derivatives on your desktop; see below for more information.

元 软件包是一种本身不包含应用程序的软件包。元软件包通常都会与其他一些特定版本的软件包建立一定的依赖关系,一旦相应的元软件包被安装 那么与其建立依赖关系的软件包也会被同时下载并安装,而通常包管理者都会用它来确定那些软件包将会被安装。例如通过ubuntu-desktop 元软件包安装了一个完整的GNOME桌面环境,而与其相关的包也会被同时安装。这样一来可以很简便的将更多更好的软件包安装到您的系统当中。如果您要获得 更多关于元软件包的资料的话,相信下面这一段会对您有所帮助。

It is technically just fine to remove a meta-package, if required, and this shouldn't necessarily cause any problems. However, it is strongly recommended that you reinstall that package if you decide to manually upgrade to another version of Ubuntu. The package manager requires those packages to be installed for it to successfully perform the upgrade.



2.6. A new version of a package I want has been released, but it's not in the repositories. What's up?(我需要一个软件包发布了新版本,而它恰巧没有被源所收录的话,怎么办?)


The stable versions of Ubuntu will only get security updates. This means no new versions of packages. The current development version will get updates until 2 months before release. The last two months are spent solely on improving stability. You may however, be able to find the new package in backports or in 3rd party repositories. Details can be found at <a class="nonexistent" href="">UbuntuBackports</a>.

一 个系统是否稳定对于使用者而言是相当重要的,因此我们始终如一的对软件包进行严格的测试以确保它的稳定可靠。但这也意味着用户将不能获得最新版本的软件 包。通常情况下我们会提供测试版的软件包给测试人员进行升级使用以便发现问题所在直到发布的前两个月为止。而剩下来的两个月则用于解决软件包当中所存在的 问题。 当然了,您也有可能通过第三方而不是官方的源来获得这些软件包。具体细节请参看<a class="nonexistent" href="">UbuntuBackports</a>


2.7. Can I browse and search the Ubuntu repositories?(我能否浏览并搜索Ubuntu的源呢?)


You can access the source code of all Ubuntu packages, as well as view which ones are available for a particular release of Ubuntu at <a class="http" href="http://packages.ubuntu.com">http://packages.ubuntu.com</a>.

您可以在下面的网站访问全部Ubuntu软件包的源代码,也可以浏览特定Ubuntu版本的可用包:<a class="http" href="http://packages.ubuntu.com">http://packages.ubuntu.com</a>


2.8. Where can I find out more information on Xgl/Compiz? Can I install Xgl/Compiz on Ubuntu?(哪里能够找到Xgl/compiz 的相关资料? 我可以在Ubuntu中安装Xgl/Compiz吗?)


Please see <a href="">CompositeManager</a> for more information and installation instructions.

请参阅<a href="">CompositeManager</a> 获取更多的资料以及安装指南!


2.9. I installed Windows (or another Operating System) and now I can't get into Ubuntu! (我安装了Windows(或者其他操作系统)现在进不去Ubuntu了!)


See the <a href="">RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows</a> page.

请参阅<a href="">RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows</a>


3. Kubuntu



3.1. Are Kubuntu CDs available from ShipIt? (请问能否从ShipIt获得Kubuntu的安装光盘呢?)


Yes, you can order them from <a class="http" href="http://shipit.kubuntu.org">http://shipit.kubuntu.org</a>

<a class="http" href="http://shipit.kubuntu.org">您可以到http://shipit.kubuntu.org里面填写资料,以便我们将安装光盘快速、准确的送达您的手中</a>


3.2. How do I change Konqueror back to the default KDE profiles?


Please see <a class="http" href="http://kubuntu.org/faq.php#konqueror">http://kubuntu.org/faq.php#konqueror</a>


4. Hardware(关于硬件)



4.1. What hardware is supported/works on Ubuntu? (如果我想使用Ubuntu的话 我的机器配置必须达到一个什么样的程度呢?)


See<a class="nonexistent" href="">HardwareSupport</a>.

这方面的内容请参看<a href="">HardwareSupport</a>


4.2. How can I view my Windows/Mac partitions from Ubuntu? (如何才能在Ubuntu中看到我在Windows/Mac系统下面所使用的硬盘分区呢?)


Please seeAutomaticallyMountPartitions.

这方面的内容请参看<a class="nonexistent" href="">AutomaticallyMountPartitions</a>


4.3. How can I get my wireless set up on Ubuntu? (如何在Ubuntu系统当中使用无线网络连接)


CheckUbuntu:HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsfirst. If your card is not supported out-of-the-box, then consider reading theWifiDocs for guides.

请先参看<a class="nonexistent" href="">HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards</a>(Ubuntu系统所能够支持的无线网卡)如果您的无线网卡不在能够支持的设备之列,那么请阅读Wifidocs并以此作为参考


4.4. The resolution of my monitor was not detected appropriately, what should I do?(如何解决显示器无法正常移除的问题)


See the <a href="">FixVideoResolutionHowto</a> page.

请参阅下面的相关说明<a href="">FixVideoResolutionHowto</a>


4.5. I have an AMD64 processor, should I install the i386 ISO or the amd64 one? What are the drawbacks of having an am64 install? (我的机器里面所使用的CPU是AMD64,那么我是应该安装i386版本的光盘镜像还是应该安装AMD64版本的呢?)


AMD64 is an officially supported architecture with its respective ISO for Ubuntu and all major Ubuntu derivatives. By installing the amd64 ISO, rather than the i386 (32-bit) ISO, there will be some enhancement in performance.


The drawbacks are that Ubuntu, with APT (the package manager for Ubuntu), currently does not support <a class="nonexistent" href="">BiArch</a>, which means you likely won't be able to install and run 32bit packages on your AMD64 install. This is a problem for users who wish to use Flash, w32 codecs, and WINE (for example), as they are only available for 32-bit. There are possible methods of getting it running, but they involve creating a chroot (see <a href="">DebootstrapChroot</a>), for example.

但需要注意的是,由于APT(Ubuntu下面的软件包管理器)并不能很好的支持<a class="nonexistent" href="">BiArch</a>,因此您很可能会无法在您的AMD64位系统上面安装并使用32位的软件包。对于那些期待着在Ubuntu上使用诸如Flash、Wine等软件的AMD64位用户来说,恐怕他们只能在32位的系统上面来享受这一切了。

Mark Shuttleworth (see <a class="interwiki" href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarkShuttleworth" title="Ubuntu">MarkShuttleworth</a>), the founder of Ubuntu, has mentioned that Ubuntu might join other Linux distributions in being <a class="nonexistent" href="">BiArch</a> compatible by Ubuntu 6.10 'Edgy Eft'. Stay tuned.

不过据Ubuntu的创始人讲,Ubuntu可能会与其他Linux开发者一起在Ubuntu6.10 “Edgy Eft”版本当中解决此问题!


4.6. How do I install Ati/Nvidia drivers for my video card? (如何才能为我的ATI/Nvidia显卡安装驱动?)


Please see the <a href="">BinaryDriverHowto</a> page.

请参阅<a href="">BinaryDriverHowto</a>(如何安装驱动程序)


5. The Ubuntu Community (关于Ubuntu社区)



5.1. Where can I get support from? (如何才能获得别人的帮助?)


* The official documentation is at <a class="http" href="http://help.ubuntu.com">http://help.ubuntu.com </a>
Ubuntu的官方文档存在于下面的位置 http://help.ubuntu.com 通过阅读官方文档您可以获得一定的帮助

*This wiki start page is here: <a href="">UserDocumentation</a>.
下面是本wiki的首页所在 <a href="">UserDocumentation</a>

*The forums are at <a class="http" href="http://ubuntuforums.org">http://ubuntuforums.org.</a>
Ubuntu官方论坛的网址是: <a class="http" href="http://ubuntuforums.org">http://ubuntuforums.org</a>

*The mailing lists are <a class="https" href="https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users">here for Ubuntu users</a>, <a class="https" href="https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-users">here for Kubuntu users</a>, and <a class="https" href="https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/edubuntu-users">here for Edubuntu users</a>.

*ubuntu IRC channel on Freenode. See <a class="nonexistent" href="">InternetRelayChat</a>.
我们的IRC是<a class="nonexistent" href="">InternetRelayChat</a>

*See also <a class="http" href="http://www.ubuntu.com/support">http://www.ubuntu.com/support</a>
同时您也可以在下面的网站当中获得帮助 <a class="http" href="http://www.ubuntu.com/support">http://www.ubuntu.com/support</a>


5.2. I think I found a bug, where can I report it? (如果在Ubuntu系统当中发现了漏洞, 应该如何向你们发送报告呢?)


The Ubuntu bugtracker is athttp://www.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs.

如果您发现Ubuntu系统当中存在漏洞的话,您可以访问下面的页面来向我们提交报告 <a class="http" href="http://www.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs">http://www.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs</a> 我们将会尽快的提供解决方法并修补漏洞。谢谢您的帮助!


5.3. How can I contribute to Ubuntu? (如何才能为Ubuntu尽自己的一份力呢?)


Please see <a class="http" href="http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate">http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate</a>, <a class="interwiki" href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingUbuntu" title="Ubuntu">HelpingUbuntu</a> or <a class="interwiki" href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EasyWaysToHelpUbuntu" title="Ubuntu">EasyWaysToHelpUbuntu</a>.

请参阅http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate 、<a class="nonexistent" href="">HelpingUbuntu</a>或者是<a class="nonexistent" href="">EasyWaysToHelpUbuntu</a>。



CommonQuestions (2007-03-15 11:40:19由localhost编辑)