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{{Use dmy dates|date=January 2020|cs1-dates=y}}
The following is a '''list of 7400-series digital logic integrated circuits'''.  In the mid-1960s, the original [[7400-series integrated circuits|7400-series]] [[integrated circuit]]s were introduced by [[Texas Instruments]] with the prefix "SN" to create the name SN74xx. Due to the popularity of these parts, other manufacturers released pin-to-pin compatible [[logic gate|logic]] devices and kept the 7400 sequence number as an aid to identification of compatible parts.  However, other manufacturers use different prefixes and suffixes on their part numbers.
*01期 2014-06-06 “旗”妙物语世界杯一 欧罗巴余晖
*02期 2014-06-13 “旗”妙物语世界杯二 黑非洲殖民泪
*03期 2014-06-20 世界杯之西班牙折戟拉美
*04期 2014-06-27 世界杯之拉美自相残杀
*05期 2014-07-04 世界杯之夜闯巴西贫民窟  <ref>{{cite news|title=《晓松奇谈》第五期播出 巴西风情大揭秘|url=http://ent.163.com/14/0704/10/A0A8OBS100034OGT_mobile.html|accessdate=2019-03-20|publisher=腾讯音乐}}</ref>
*06期 2014-07-11 世界杯之挥霍天赋的巴西人
*07期 2014-07-18 金砖老二 巴西
*08期 2014-07-25 南明悲歌(一)臭知识分子亡国
*09期 2014-08-01 南明悲歌(二)爱国与卖国
*10期 2014-08-08 南明悲歌(三)江南大屠杀
*11期 2014-08-15 南明悲歌(四)名妓与名士
*12期 2014-08-22 南明悲歌(五)真假太子案(官方已下架)
*13期 2014-08-29 南明悲歌(六)南明大结局(官方已下架)
*14期 2014-09-05 澳大利亚(上)
*15期 2014-09-12 澳大利亚(下)
*16期 2014-09-19 一战1913 敢爱故事之伟大时代
*17期 2014-09-26 一战1913 敢爱故事之文艺时代
*18期 2014-10-03 梦露之死与共济会(上)
*19期 2014-10-10 梦露之死与共济会(中)
*20期 2014-10-17 梦露之死与共济会(下)
*21期 2014-10-24 致白衣飘飘的年代
*22期 2014-10-31 [[台湾]]观感(上)(官方已下架)
*23期 2014-11-07 台湾观感(下)(官方已下架)
*24期 2014-11-14 台湾历史真相一 台湾民主国(官方已下架)
*25期 2014-11-21 台湾历史真相二 [[日据时代]](官方已下架)
*26期 2014-11-28 台湾历史真相三 二二八惨案(官方已下架)
*27期 2014-12-05 台湾历史真相四 蒋介石日记大揭秘(官方已下架)
*28期 2014-12-12 两岸秘史一 北平无战事(官方已下架)
*29期 2014-12-19 两岸秘史二 土鳖恨海龟(官方已下架)
*30期 2014-12-26 两岸秘史三 蒋介石上位记(官方已下架)
Some TTL logic parts were made with an extended military-specification temperature range. These parts are prefixed with '''54''' instead of '''74''' in the part number.<ref>{{cite web |title=1967–1968 Integrated Circuits Catalog (page 10) |url=https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookts196768_16942634/page/n10 |publisher= [[Texas Instruments]] |access-date=January 14, 2020}}</ref>
*31期 2015-01-02 两岸秘史四 蒋介石权术秘籍(官方已下架)
*32期 2015-01-09 离骚1949(上)(官方已下架)
*33期 2015-01-16 离骚1949(下)(官方已下架)
*34期 2015-01-23 台湾启示录(上)(官方已下架)
*35期 2015-01-30 台湾启示录(下)(官方已下架)
*36期 2015-02-06 朝花夕拾上 十年浩劫中的高晓松全家
*37期 2015-02-13 朝花夕拾中 文革时期的何以笙箫默
*38期 2015-02-20 奇谈奇葩大拜年 贺岁集锦
*39期 2015-02-27 朝花夕拾下 穷苦年代心酸的公园“野合”
*40期 2015-03-06 妄人列传之[[马可波罗]](上)
*41期 2015-03-13 妄人列传之[[马可波罗]](下)
*42期 2015-03-20 乱世佳人上 国民女神们终嫁何人
*43期 2015-04-03 乱世佳人下 国民女神们终嫁何人
*44期 2015-04-10 扒一扒美利坚(一)假乳房与橘子(上)
*45期 2015-04-17 扒一扒美利坚(二)假乳房与橘子(下)
*46期 2015-04-24 胜利阴影下(一)揭秘七百里战俘营
*47期 2015-05-01 胜利阴影下(二)征服德意日女性
*48期 2015-05-08 胜利阴影下(三)失贞与叛国
*49期 2015-05-15 胜利阴影下(四)中国没有大和族(官方已下架)
*50期 2015-05-22 扒一扒美利坚(三)赌城风云
*51期 2015-05-29 胜利阴影下(五)无辜与灭族(官方已下架)
*52期 2015-06-05 胜利阴影下(六)[[犹太]]复国血泪史(官方已下架)
*53期 2015-06-12 扒一扒美利坚(四)枪与堕胎药
*54期 2015-06-19 扒一扒美利坚(五)民意绑架死刑
*55期 2015-06-26 扒一扒美利坚(六)拿破仑与小龙虾
*56期 2015-07-03 扒一扒美利坚(七)南部顽固对抗同性恋
*57期 2015-07-10 禅让与革命(一)华夏第一帝国
*58期 2015-07-17 禅让与革命(二)罗马皇帝传位同性恋人
*59期 2015-07-24 禅让与革命(三)纯种汉人去哪儿了
*60期 2015-07-31 扒一扒美利坚(八)成人的童话乐园
*61期 2015-08-07 扒一扒美利坚(九)种族歧视[[蝴蝶效应]]
*62期 2015-08-14 三个令人发指的问题
*63期 2015-08-21 [[黄金大劫案]]
*64期 2015-08-28 扒一扒美利坚(十)西雅图特产垄断寡头
*65期 2015-09-04 两个抓紧时间看的问题
*66期 2015-09-11 大电影看历史1 [[阿甘正传]](上)
*67期 2015-09-18 大电影看历史2 [[阿甘正传]](下)
*68期 2015-09-25 张勋和他的北洋(一):草莽时代的小咖秀
*69期 2015-10-02 张勋和他的北洋(二):权力的游戏
*70期 2015-10-09 TPP和欧洲难民危机
*71期 2015-10-16 马与美国大选
*72期 2015-10-23 女王的骑士团
*73期 2015-10-30 [[张勋]]和他的北洋(三)被忽悠的冤大头
*74期 2015-11-06 张勋和他的北洋(四)复辟的正确打开方式
*75期 2015-11-13 北洋拾遗(上):天价赔款收回之迷
*76期 2015-11-20 ISIS肆虐与中国出兵护侨
*77期 2015-11-27 美国生活成本报告
*78期 2015-12-04 代号大富翁
*79期 2015-12-11 1860年代:高潮来临
*80期 2015-12-18 1860年代:欧洲残酷扩张
*81期 2015-12-25 1860年代:维多利亚的秘密
A short-lived '''64''' prefix on Texas Instruments parts indicated an industrial temperature range; this prefix had been dropped from the TI literature by 1973. Most recent 7400-series parts are fabricated in [[CMOS]] or [[BiCMOS]] technology rather than TTL.  Surface-mount parts with a single gate (often in a 5-pin or 6-pin package) are prefixed with '''741G''' instead of '''74'''.
Some manufacturers released some [[4000-series integrated circuits|4000-series]] equivalent CMOS circuits with a 74 prefix, for example, the 74HC4066<ref>{{cite web |title=RCA Solid State Databook High Speed CMOS Logic (1988, page 536) |url=https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_rcadataBooMOS_35821859/page/n536 |publisher= [[RCA]] |access-date=January 14, 2020}}</ref> was a replacement for the 4066 with slightly different electrical characteristics (different power-supply voltage ratings, higher frequency capabilities, lower "on" resistances in analog switches, etc.). See [[List of 4000-series integrated circuits]].
Conversely, the 4000-series has "borrowed" from the 7400 series{{snd}} such as the CD40193 and CD40161 being pin-for-pin ''functional'' replacements for 74C193 and 74C161.
*82期 2016-01-01 扒一扒以色列(上):盗墓笔记
*83期 2016-01-08 扒一扒以色列(下):共产主义实现之后
*84期 2016-01-15 大众记忆(上):北京老炮儿
*85期 2016-01-22 大众记忆(下):摇滚老炮儿
*86期 2016-01-29 [[清明上河图]](上)
*87期 2016-02-05 [[清明上河图]](下)
*88期 2016-02-12 2016说说心里话
*89期 2016-02-19 [[张学良]](一)
*90期 2016-02-26 2016颁奖季:格莱美与奥斯卡
*91期 2016-03-04 张学良(二)
*92期 2016-03-11 张学良 西安事变(上)
*93期 2016-03-18 张学良 [[西安事变]](下)
*94期 2016-03-25 1860年代:太平天国与南北战争(上)
*95期 2016-04-01 1860年代:[[太平天国]]与[[南北战争]](下)
*96期 2016-04-08 扒一扒韩国:太阳的后裔
*97期 2016-04-15 扒一扒韩国:继承者们
*98期 2016-04-22 扒一扒韩国:来自星星的你(官方已下架)
*99期 2016-04-29 扒一扒韩国:请问答2016
*100期 2016-05-06 扒一扒韩国:大长今
*101期 2016-05-13 谁是白眼狼
*102期 2016-05-20 不成熟小建议之三个首次回应的问答
*103期 2016-05-27 谁越过了三八线
*104期 2016-06-03 不成熟小建议之唱片时代与美国大选
*105期 2016-06-10 好莱坞精英:恶棍天使
*106期 2016-06-17 好莱坞精英:犹太大亨
*107期 2016-06-24 口述历史之对谈张治中女儿
*108期 2016-07-01 口述历史之周恩来解放后密会蒋经国
*109期 2016-07-08 口述历史之北戴河秘闻
*110期 2016-07-15 一个国家的诞生:伪装者
*111期 2016-07-22 睡在上铺的兄弟:海子
*112期 2016-07-29 扒一扒北欧:安徒生与维京海盗
*113期 2016-08-05 扒一扒北欧:瑞典女王
*114期 2016-08-12 扒一扒北欧:当童话照进现实
*115期 2016-08-19 扒一扒加拿大1:来了,温哥华
*116期 2016-09-02 扒一扒加拿大2:原住民酋长
*117期 2016-09-09 扒一扒加拿大3:文艺之都蒙特利尔
*118期 2016-09-16 扒一扒加拿大4:白宫陷落
*119期 2016-09-23 校园民谣 熟悉的恋恋风尘
*120期 2016-09-30 揭秘国际纵队 [[海明威]]竟陷身性绯闻
*121期 2016-10-07 国际纵队 永别了,武器
*122期 2016-10-14 波罗的海的奋斗
*123期 2016-10-21 高晓松谈文青的一周 同台飚戏金城武
*124期 2016-10-28 高晓松探访星战圣地 天行者庄园(上)
*125期 2016-11-04 高晓松探访星战圣地 天行者庄园(下)
*126期 2016-11-11 反思美国大选 美国总统大选上演惊天逆转
*127期 2016-11-18 匠心之旅:日本料理PK中华美食
*128期 2016-11-25 匠心之旅:迷失京都
*129期 2016-12-02 揭秘日本的“道”文化 看摇滚巨匠赴沙漠之旅
*130期 2016-12-09 卡斯特罗正传 传奇的革命领袖
*131期 2016-12-16 卡斯特罗与切·格瓦拉怎样成为亲密战友
*132期 2016-12-23 CIA解密文件大白天下 暗杀卡斯特罗638次
*133期 2016-12-30 不说再见(最后一期)
官方下架共18期。<ref>{{cite news|title= 晓松奇谈|url=http://www.iqiyi.com/a_19rrgifngp.html?vfm=2008_aldbd|accessdate=2019-03-20|publisher=爱奇艺}}</ref>
Older TTL parts made by manufacturers such as [[Signetics]], [[Motorola]], [[Mullard]] and [[Siemens]] may have different numeric prefix and numbering series entirely, such as in the European FJ family FJH101 is an 8-input [[NAND gate]] like a 7430.
A few alphabetic characters to designate a specific [[7400-series integrated circuits#Families|logic subfamily]] may immediately follow the '''74''' or '''54''' in the part number, e.g., 74LS74 for low-power [[Schottky diode|Schottky]]. Some CMOS parts such as 74HCT74 for high-speed [[CMOS]] with TTL-compatible input thresholds are functionally similar to the TTL part. Not all functions are available in all families.
The generic descriptive feature of these alphabetic characters was diluted by various companies participating in the market at its peak and are not always consistent especially with more recent offerings. The National Semiconductor trademarks of the words FAST<ref>{{cite web |title=FAST Advanced Schottky TTL Logic (1988, cover page) |url=https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaFASTDatabook_31226275 |publisher= [[National Semiconductor]] |access-date=January 14, 2020}}</ref> and FACT
<ref>{{cite web |title=FACT Advanced CMOS Logic Databook (1990, cover page)) |url=https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_nationaldaFACTDatabook_39311242 |publisher= [[National Semiconductor]] |access-date=January 14, 2020}}</ref> are usually cited in the descriptions from other companies when describing their own unique designations.<ref>{{cite web |title=Samsung High Performance CMOS Data Book 1988 (page 31) |url=https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_samsungdatghPerformanceCMOSLogicDataBook_50512171/page/n31 |publisher= [[Samsung]] |access-date=January 14, 2020}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=1990/1991 Logic Databook (page 401) |url=https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_idtdataBooook_39008706/page/n401 |publisher=[[Integrated Device Technology]] |access-date=January 14, 2020}}</ref>
In a few instances, such as the 7478 and 74107, the same suffix in different families do not have completely equivalent logic functions.
Another extension to the series is the '''7416xxx''' variant, representing mostly the 16-bit-wide counterpart of otherwise 8-bit-wide "base" chips with the same three ending digits. Thus e.g. a "7416373" would be the 16-bit-wide equivalent of a "74373". Some 7416xxx parts, however, do not have a direct counterpart from the standard 74xxx range but deliver new functionality instead, which needs making use of the 7416xxx series' higher pin count. For more details, refer primarily to the Texas Instruments documentation mentioned in the [[#References|References]] section.
For CMOS (AC, HC, etc.) subfamilies, read "open drain" for "[[open collector]]" in the table below.
There are a few numeric suffixes that have multiple conflicting assignments, such as the 74453.
==Logic gates==
[[File:Logique74ls51.svg|thumb|right|Schematic of 74LS51 IC consists of a 3-3 AOI gate and 2-2 AOI gate. AOI means [[AND-OR-Invert]] (AND-NOR). Most AOI chips are currently obsolete.]]
{{See also|Logic gate|Logic level|Logic family}}
Since there are numerous 7400-series parts, the following groups related parts to make it easier to pick a useful part number. This section only includes combinational logic gates.
For part numbers in this section, "x" is the [[7400-series integrated circuits#Families|7400-series logic family]], such as LS, ALS, HCT, AHCT, HC, AHC, LVC, ...
;Normal inputs / push–pull outputs
:{| class="wikitable"
! Configuration !! Buffer !! Inverter
| Hex 1-input || 74x34 || 74x04
:{| class="wikitable"
! Configuration !! AND !! NAND !! OR !! NOR !! XOR !! XNOR
| Quad 2-input || 74x08 || 74x00 || 74x32 || 74x02 || 74x86 || 74x7266
| Triple 3-Input || 74x11 || 74x10 || 74x4075 || 74x27 || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a
| Dual 4-input || 74x21 || 74x20 || 74x4072 || 74x29 || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a
| Single 8-input || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || 74x30 || 74x4078 || 74x4078 || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a
;Schmitt-trigger inputs / push–pull outputs
:{| class="wikitable"
! Configuration !! Buffer !! Inverter
| Hex 1-input || 74x7014 || 74x14
:{| class="wikitable"
! Configuration !! AND !! NAND !! OR !! NOR
| Quad 2-input || 74x7001 || 74x132 || 74x7032 || 74x7002
| Dual 4-input || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || 74x13 || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a
;Normal inputs / open-collector outputs
:{| class="wikitable"
! Configuration !! Buffer !! Inverter
| Hex 1-input || 74x07 || 74x05
:{| class="wikitable"
! Configuration !! AND !! NAND !! OR !! NOR !! XOR !! XNOR
| Quad 2-input || 74x09 || 74x03 || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || 74x33 || 74x136 || 74x266
| Triple 3-input || 74x15 || 74x12 || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a
| Dual 4-input || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || 74x22 || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a || style="background: grey; text-align: center;" | n/a
;Schmitt-trigger inputs / three-state outputs
:{| class="wikitable"
! Configuration !! Buffer
| Octal 1-input || 74x241
| 74x240
;AND-OR-invert (AOI) logic gates
: NOTE: in past decades, a number of [[AND-OR-invert]] (AOI) parts were available in 7400 TTL families, but currently most are obsolete.
* SN5450 = dual 2-2 AOI gate, one is expandable (SN54 is military version of SN74)
* SN74LS51 = 2-2 AOI gate and 3-3 AOI gate
* SN54LS54 = single 2-3-3-2 AOI gate
==Larger footprints==
Parts in this section have a pin count of 14 pins or more.  The lower part numbers were established in the 1960s and 1970s, then higher part numbers were added incrementally over decades.  IC manufacturers continue to make a core subset of this group, but many of these part numbers are considered obsolete and no longer manufactured.  Older discontinued parts may be available from a limited number of sellers as [[new old stock]] (NOS), though some are much harder to find.
For the following table:
* Part number column{{snd}} the "x" is a place holder for the [[7400-series integrated circuits#Families|logic subfamily]] name. For example, 74x00 in "LS" logic family would be "74LS00".
* Description column{{snd}} the terms Schmitt trigger, open-collector/open-drain, three-state were moved to the input and output columns to make it easier to sort by those features.
* Input column{{snd}} a blank cell means a normal input for the logic family type.
* Output column{{snd}} a blank cell means a "totem pole" output, also known as a [[push–pull output]], with the ability to drive ten standard inputs of the same logic subfamily ([[fan-out]] N<sub>O</sub>&nbsp;=&nbsp;10). Outputs with higher output currents are often called drivers or buffers.
* Pins column{{snd}} number of pins for the [[dual in-line package]] (DIP) version; a number in [[parentheses]] (round brackets) indicates that there is no known dual in-line package version of this IC.
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! {{TOC tab|Part number|74x00 – 74x99}}
! Units !! Description !! Input !! Output !! Pins !! Datasheet
|- {{anchor|7400}}
| 74x00
| 4
| quad 2-input [[NAND gate]]
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls00 SN74LS00]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7401}}
| 74x01
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate
| [[Open collector|open-collector]]
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn5401 SN74LS01]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7402}}
| 74x02
| 4
| quad 2-input [[NOR gate]]
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls02 SN74LS02]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7403}}
| 74x03
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate
| open-collector
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn54ls03 SN74LS03]<!--May '21 July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7404}}
| 74x04
| 6
| hex [[inverter gate]]
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls04 SN74LS04]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7405}}
| 74x05
| 6
| hex inverter gate
| open-collector
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls05 SN74LS05]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7406}}
| 74x06
| 6
| hex inverter gate
| open-collector 30&nbsp;V / 40&nbsp;mA
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls06 SN74LS06]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7407}}
| 74x07
| 6
| hex [[buffer gate]]
| open-collector 30&nbsp;V / 40&nbsp;mA
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls07 SN74LS07]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7408}}
| 74x08
| 4
| quad 2-input [[AND gate]]
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls08 SN74LS08]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7409}}
| 74x09
| 4
| quad 2-input AND gate
| open-collector
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls09 SN74LS09]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7410}}
| 74x10
| 3
| triple 3-input NAND gate
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls10 SN74LS10]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7411}}
| 74x11
| 3
| triple 3-input AND gate
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls11 SN74LS11]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7412}}
| 74x12
| 3
| triple 3-input NAND gate
| open-collector
| 14
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/motorola/SN54LS12J.pdf SN74LS12]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7413}}
| 74x13
| 2
| dual 4-input NAND gate
| [[Schmitt trigger]]
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n125 SN74LS13]<!--December2019-->
|- {{anchor|7414}}
| 74x14
| 6
| hex inverter gate
| Schmitt trigger
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls14 SN74LS14]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7415}}
| 74x15
| 3
| triple 3-input AND gate
| open-collector
| 14
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/motorola/74LS15.pdf SN74LS15]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7416}}
| 74x16
| 6
| hex inverter gate
| open-collector 15&nbsp;V / 40&nbsp;mA
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn7416 SN7416]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7417}}
| 74x17
| 6
| hex buffer gate
| open-collector 15&nbsp;V / 40&nbsp;mA
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn7417 SN7417]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7418}}
| 74x18
| 2
| dual 4-input NAND gate
| Schmitt trigger
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n149 SN74LS18]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7419}}
| 74x19
| 6
| hex inverter gate
| Schmitt trigger
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n149 SN74LS19]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7420}}
| 74x20
| 2
| dual 4-input NAND gate
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls20 SN74LS20]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7421}}
| 74x21
| 2
| dual 4-input AND gate
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls21 SN74LS21]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7422}}
| 74x22
| 2
| dual 4-input NAND gate
| open-collector
| 14
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheets/270/331402_DS.pdf SN74LS22]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7423}}
| 74x23
| 2
| dual 4-input NOR gate with strobe, one gate expandable with 74x60
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn5423 SN7423]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7424}}
| 74x24
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate
| Schmitt trigger
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol2_45945352/page/n149 SN74LS24]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7425}}
| 74x25
| 2
| dual 4-input NOR gate with strobe
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn7425 SN7425]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7426}}
| 74x26
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate
| open-collector 15&nbsp;V
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls26 SN74LS26]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7427}}
| 74x27
| 3
| triple 3-input NOR gate
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls27 SN74LS27]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7428}}
| 74x28
| 4
| quad 2-input NOR gate
| driver N<sub>O</sub>=30
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn5428 SN74LS28]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7429}}
| 74x29
| 2
| dual 4-input NOR gate
| 14
| [https://archive.org/stream/bitsavers_derivationates1974DigitalIntegratedCircuitDataBook_79049866#page/n101 US7429A]
|- {{anchor|7430}}
| 74x30
| 1
| single 8-input NAND gate
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls30 SN74LS30]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7431}}
| 74x31
| 6
| hex delay elements (two 6ns, two 23-32ns, two 45-48ns)
| 16
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls31 SN74LS31]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7432}}
| 74x32
| 4
| quad 2-input [[OR gate]]
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls32 SN74LS32]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7433}}
| 74x33
| 4
| quad 2-input NOR gate
| open-collector driver N<sub>O</sub>=30
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls33 SN74LS33]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7434}}
| 74x34
| 6
| hex buffer gate
| 14
| [http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/nationalsemiconductor/DS009389.PDF MM74HC34]<!--July2018-->
|- {{anchor|7435}}
| 74x35
| 6
| hex buffer gate
| open-collector
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookVol3_25840031/page/n101 SN74ALS35]
|- {{anchor|7436}}
| 74x36
| 4
| quad 2-input NOR gate (different pinout than 7402)
| 14
| [https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_tidataBookogicDataBook_23574286/page/n81 SN74HC36]
|- {{anchor|7437}}
| 74x37
| 4
| quad 2-input NAND gate
| driver N<sub>O</sub>=30
| 14
| [http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74ls37 SN74LS37]<!--July2018-->