
Wikibot留言 | 贡献2008年10月19日 (日) 05:22的版本 (新页面: {{From|https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FoldingAtHome/origami}} {{Languages|UbuntuHelp:FoldingAtHome/origami}} I wrote origami to make Folding @ Home feel more native on Linux systems. ...)
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{{#ifexist: :FoldingAtHome/origami/zh | | {{#ifexist: FoldingAtHome/origami/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:FoldingAtHome/origami|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:FoldingAtHome/origami|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

I wrote origami to make Folding @ Home feel more native on Linux systems. I also very regularly work in lab environments where I have a number of machines at my disposal for testing. For this reason I created the deployment features for hands-off Folding @ Home deployment to multiple machines. I am very actively developing this application at this point and welcome any comments and suggestions. -Christer Edwards


To download the latest version of origami (as of this writing, visit:

You'll need to unpack the origami archive after you've downloaded from the above link. To do that run:

tar -xf origami-*
cd origami-*

You can also checkout the latest builds via bzr on Launchpad:

bzr branch lp:origami

Origami is also available in Ubuntu Personal Package Archive (.deb form):

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/christer.edwards/ubuntu hardy main

The .deb packages are available for all currently supported versions of Ubuntu (dapper, feisty, gutsy, hardy, intrepid). The .deb package now also supports acpi events such as turning off F@H when on battery power and starting it when on AC power.

Installation Options

Below is a list of options that can be used with origami. If any (or all) of these are omitted at install time the installer will not ask you for them. It will default to an Anonymous contributor, Team 0, i386 with no active cron scheduling.

  • -t|--team TEAMNUMBER allows you to set the team number.
  • -u|--user FOLDINGUSER allows you to set the folding username.
  • -p|--proc accepts "i386" or "smp" (or "amd64" on version and higher). Only select "smp" (or "amd64") if you have a 64bit machine & OS installed.
  • -c|--cron accepts "1" or "0" to toggle the creation of a cron job to turn off folding at 8:00am and on again at 5:00pm.
  • -P|--port defines a port to be used with a proxy
  • -H|--host defines a host to be used with a proxy


Install to the local machine, optionally setting the TEAMNUMBER, FOLDINGUSER, processor and cron setting:

sudo ./origami install [-t TEAMNUMBER -u FOLDINGUSER -p i386|smp(|amd64) -c 1|0]

Network Deployment

Install to any machine listed in the ~/.origamirc file, optionally setting the TEAMNUMBER, FOLDINGUSER, processor and cron setting:

sudo ./origami deploy [-t TEAMNUMBER -u FOLDINGUSER -p i386|smp(|amd64) -c 1|0]

Updating User and Team

Update the TEAMNUMBER and/or FOLDINGUSER on the local machine. Default is 'Anonymous' and '0'.

sudo ./origami name [-t TEAMNUMBER -u FOLDINGUSER]

Update the FOLDINGUSER and TEAMNUMBER data on any machine listed in ~/.origami.

sudo ./origami network-name [-t TEAMNUMBER -u FOLDINGUSER]


Uninstall Folding @ Home from the local machine: USE WITH CAUTION

sudo ./origami erase

Uninstall Folding @ Home on any machine listed in ~/.origamirc. USE WITH CAUTION

sudo ./origami armageddon

Monitor Progress

Monitor the local status and progress of Folding @ Home work units:

./origami monitor
./origami status (on version and higher)

Monitor the status and progress of Folding @ Home on any machine listed in ~/.origamirc.

sudo ./origami network-monitor

Backup Current Data

Backup your local Folding @ Home progress. Data saved to ~/.origami.

sudo ./origami archive

Backup Folding @ Home progress from any machine listed in ~/.origamirc. Data saved by hostname-date in ~/.origami.

sudo ./origami network-archive

Restore Backup

Restore your backed up Folding @ Home data to the local machine.

sudo ./origami restore

Restore your backed up Folding @ Home data to any machine listed in ~/.origamirc.

sudo ./origami network-restore

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, bugs, etc please report them on launchpad [on Launchpad]. I am also very actively pursuing packaging this for Ubuntu & Debian. My goal is to have this implemented in time for Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex".