
Devin留言 | 贡献2008年10月9日 (四) 22:15的版本 →‎Other Architectures


Ubuntu需要运行在下列三种常见的"体系结构"之一:Intel x86, PowerPCAMD64

Intel x86

绝大多数的桌面个人电脑和中小型服务器均使用intel x86体系结构。如果您对您的计算机的技术细节不甚了解, 在大多数情况下,您应该是使用的这种体系结构。 从技术上说,intel x86体系结构包括所有基于x86的处理器,它们包括AMD和VIA(以前是Cyrix)处理器和其它更新的处理器,比如速龙XP(Athlon XP)和intel奔四至强(Intel P4 Xeon)等处理器。(Ubuntu*不*支持286和更老的处理器,其它的通用Linux也是如此) intel x86体系结构包括几乎所有系统总线(甚至这些系统总线被其它类型的处理器所使用):ISA, EISA, PCI, MCA (微通道总线), and VESA局部总线 (VLB)。 值得注意的是,有些笔记本电脑含有特殊的或专用的硬件,您可以通过访问 Linux 笔记本支持网站来检查您的笔记本是否能在Ubuntu下正常工作。


This covers the majority of machines with a PowerPC CPU. Most prominent are the Power Macintoshes produced by Apple. Note that older Macs with a Motorola 680x0 processor are *not* covered here. (They have the "m68k" architecture, which isn't supported by Ubuntu but may be supported by other Linux distributions.) The PowerPC family is quite varied though, you can find everything from Power Macintosh clones to IBM small-to-medium servers here. This architecture also covers most bus systems that are in use with the PowerPC processor. The most notable exception is the Nu``Bus, which was used in some Apple Macintosh models (before Apple switched over to PCI). (A Linux kernel and limited support for the Nu``Bus can be found at http://nubus-pmac.sourceforge.net/). Here's a list of supported models:

  • Manufacturer: Apple (Linux Subarchitecture: powermac-New'World)
  • iMac Bondi Blue, 5 Flavors, Slot Loading
  • iMac Summer 2000, Early 2001
  • iBook, iBook SE, iBook Dual USB
  • iBook2
  • Power Macintosh Blue and White (B&W) G3
  • Power Macintosh G4 PCI, AGP, Cube
  • Power Macintosh G4 Gigabit Ethernet
  • Power Macintosh G4 Digital Audio, Quicksilver
  • Power'Book G3 Fire'Wire Pismo (2000)
  • Power'Book G3 Lombard (1999)
  • Power'Book G4 Titanium
  • Manufacturer: Apple (Linux Subarchitecture: powermac-Old'World)
  • Performa 4400, 54xx, 5500
  • Performa 6360, 6400, 6500
  • Power Macintosh 4400, 5400
  • Power Macintosh 7200, 7300, 7500, 7600
  • Power Macintosh 8200, 8500, 8600
  • Power Macintosh 9500, 9600
  • Power Macintosh (Beige) G3 Minitower
  • Power Macintosh (Beige) Desktop, All-in-One
  • Power'Book 2400, 3400, 3500
  • Power'Book G3 Wallstreet (1998)
  • Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh
  • Workgroup Server 7250, 7350, 8550, 9650, G3
  • Manufacturer: Power Computing (Linux Subarchitecture: powermac-Old'World)
  • Power'Base, Power'Tower / Pro, Power'Wave
  • Power'Center / Pro, Power'Curve
  • Manufacturer: UMAX (Linux Subarchitecture: powermac-Old'World)
  • C500, C600, J700, S900
  • Manufacturer: APS (Linux Subarchitecture: powermac-Old'World)
  • APS Tech M*Power 604e/2000
  • Manufacturer: Motorola (Linux Subarchitecture: powermac-Old'World)
  • Starmax 3000, 4000, 5000, 5500
  • Manufacturer: Motorola (Linux Subarchitecture: prep)
  • Firepower, Power'Stack Series E, Power'Stack II
  • MPC 7xx, 8xx
  • MTX, MTX+
  • MVME2300(SC)/24xx/26xx/27xx/36xx/46xx
  • MCP(N)750
  • Manufacturer: IBM (Linux Subarchitecture: prep)
  • RS/6000 40P, 43P
  • RS/6000 Power 830/850/860 (6070, 6050)
  • RS/6000 6030, 7025, 7043
  • RS/6000 p640
  • RS/6000 B50, 43P-150, 44P
  • Manufacturer: Amiga Power-UP Systems (Linux Subarchitecture: apus)
  • A1200, A3000, A4000

This list is not exhaustive. New models are constantly being brought out, and some older models may be absent because they haven't been tested.


包括带有"amd64"扩展的AMD处理器和带有"EM64T"扩展的Inter处理器。(Intel的"ia64"是不同的体系结构,Ubuntu官方仍然不支持ia64,但是相关的工作已经开始,从2004年元月16日起,已经能够得到许多Ubuntu/ia64的包)。访问https://alioth.debian.org/docman/view.php/30192/27/mainboards.html 能查看支持的主板列表。


以上所列的所有体系结构都可以支持多处理器(经常被称为"对称多处理器"或SMP)结构。Ubuntu可以完全没有问题的支持多处理器,它可能很好的运行在多处理器的系统上。 系统安装程序可能会选择只使用多处理中的一个处理器,而且不会发出警告信息:在安装完成之后,您可以通过CompileTheKernel页的信息来得到使Ubuntu使用您的所有处理器的方法。


Ubuntu当前不支持其它的体系结构。但这并不意味着Ubuntu不能运行在其它体系结构上,事实上,它完全有可能没有任何问题地安装到其它体系结构的计算机上。毕竟,Ubuntu是基于Debian发行版,而Debian也支持另外的八种体系结构。 然而,如果您在使用中出现问题,使用Ubuntu的人可能会也可能不会给您有用的帮助信息--因为这里不进行任何承诺。