
Wikibot留言 | 贡献2008年5月10日 (六) 08:31的版本

{{#ifexist: :MoBlock/zh | | {{#ifexist: MoBlock/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:MoBlock|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:MoBlock|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

MoBlock is an application that enables you to block internet traffic based on large lists of IP address ranges in order to protect your privacy. It uses a file in PeerGuardian format (guarding.p2p) or an ipfilter.dat. There are plans to make it the official PeerGuardian for Linux. Note: Firestarter and most iptables firewalls do not work with MoBlock. If you want a firewall that works with MoBlock, you can try FireHOL. See the instructions for FireHOL users (scroll down). You may also try iplist by uljanow. Also consider that routers can make software firewalls on your computer redundant.

Add Repository

Add the correct gpg key to the apt keyring

All repositories use this. In terminal, type the following.

gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv 9072870B
gpg --export --armor 9072870B | sudo apt-key add -

Add specific repository for release

You must use a repository for your specific release (i.e. Ubuntu 7.10)

Ubuntu 8.04 ("Hardy Heron") 32-bit

Add to /etc/apt/sources.list

deb http://moblock-deb.sourceforge.net/debian hardy main
deb-src http://moblock-deb.sourceforge.net/debian hardy main

Ubuntu 7.10 ("Gutsy Gibbon") 32-bit

Add to /etc/apt/sources.list

deb http://moblock-deb.sourceforge.net/debian gutsy main
deb-src http://moblock-deb.sourceforge.net/debian gutsy main

Ubuntu 7.04 ("Feisty Fawn") 32-bit

Add to /etc/apt/sources.list

deb http://moblock-deb.sourceforge.net/debian feisty main
deb-src http://moblock-deb.sourceforge.net/debian feisty main

64-bit packages

These repositories do not contain 64-bit packages. You can either create your own from source or use a user-built packages.

Ubuntu 7.10 ("Gutsy Gibbon")

Ubuntu 7.10 64-bit moblock-nfq package 0.8-39 (hosted by ubuntuforums.org).

Package Installation

Using Repositories

MoBlock checks traffic that is sent to the iptables QUEUE (deprecated) or NFQUEUE (new) target. So there are two packages, moblock-ipq and moblock-nfq. Depending on your package of choice you need either the ip_queue or xt_NFQUEUE kernel module loaded. Unless you have a Linux kernel older than 2.6.14, you should use the moblock-nfq package with the new target.

Ubuntu (development) ("Hardy Heron"), Ubuntu 7.10 ("Gutsy Gibbon") and Ubuntu 7.04 ("Feisty Fawn")

Add the repositories using the above instructions.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install moblock-nfq

Ubuntu 6.10 ("Edgy Eft")

These instructions are currently broken, most likely due to a bug in lsb init-functions (lsb-base). Note: there's a working "init-functions" on moblock-deb.sf.net Add the repositories using the above instructions. Then, you need to install two netfilter lib packages. libnfnetlink (Hosted by Ubuntu Forums) libnetfilter-queue (Hosted by Ubuntu Forums) Finally, install the moblock-nfq package from the repository.

sudo apt-get install moblock-nfq

Ubuntu 6.06 ("Dapper Drake")

These instructions have not been confirmed to work. Please report in this thread if they are valid. Add the repositories using the above instructions. Then, you need to install two netfilter lib packages. libnfnetlink (Hosted by Ubuntu Forums) libnetfilter-queue (Hosted by Ubuntu Forums) Finally, install the moblock-nfq package from the repository.

sudo apt-get install moblock-nfq

Compile a package

If you want to make your own MoBlock binary package from source and install it, you can use the following instructions. Most users will not need to compile a package, but this can be used for 64-bit packages (although user-built packages are provided above), or for an older release (you will also have to compile netfilter lib packages). First, make sure you have added a source repository for your release. Then, run the following in terminal.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fakeroot
mkdir moblock
cd moblock
sudo apt-get build-dep -y moblock
apt-get source moblock
cd moblock-*
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i moblock-nfq*.deb
sudo apt-get purge -y build-essential debhelper dpatch dpkg-dev g++ g++-4.1 gettext html2text intltool-debian iptables-dev libc6-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev libnfnetlink-dev libstdc++6-4.1-dev linux-libc-dev patch po-debconf
sudo apt-get install -f

Some of these commands can be combined into one, but this lets you make changes like adding a patch if necessary and explains the process better. Explanation: the directory moblock is created and the current working directory is changed to it. Moblock's development dependencies are then installed. The MoBlock source package is downloaded and the current working directory is changed to it. The source and binary packages are built and the working directory is moved one directory up. Then the moblock-nfq*.deb is installed and its dependencies are installed. Finally, the development dependencies (including configuration files) are removed. You can also use this shell script (hosted by Ubuntu Forums). Make sure it is executable. In Ubuntu, you can right click it and click on properties. In the tab Permissions make sure Allow executing this file as program is checked. Then close and double click on the file. Click the button Run in Terminal.

Install a package

Use the instructions at the [[UbuntuHelp:InstallingSoftware] page under [|InstallingSoftware#head-c0628aa246e0b55ea2009705d1b5a84ede8736b5:Installing downloaded packages]]

Configuration and Usage

The packages contain a moblock-control script with the following features:

  • start and stop MoBlock (including handling of the iptables rules if desired)
  • update the specified blocklists from online sources
  • use local blocklists
  • modify the blocklist and whitelist IPs and ports

The logfiles are rotated daily. In the default configuration MoBlock starts at system boot and some preconfigured blocklists are updated once a day. You can specify the blocklists to use in /etc/moblock/blocklists.list. Everything else (automatic start and update, iptables handling, IP and port whitelisting) is configured in /etc/moblock/moblock.conf. This is important especially if MoBlock blocks sites that it should not block.

Start MoBlock

sudo moblock-control start

Stop MoBlock

sudo moblock-control stop

Restart MoBlock

sudo moblock-control restart

Rebuild Blocklist

sudo moblock-control reload

Moblock is then reloaded.

Update Blocklists

sudo moblock-control update

Moblock is then reloaded.

MoBlock Status

sudo moblock-control status

It receives the iptables settings and the status of the MoBlock daemon.

Test MoBlock

sudo moblock-control test

The test has been known to have problems in older versions of MoBlock. Look at the log to check if you are unsure. This can be done interactively (this command will show you the log in real-time).

tail -f /var/log/moblock.log

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Some applications cannot connect to the internet any more!

No ports are whitelisted by default. So, if the IP address your application is trying to reach, is in the blocklist, it is blocked. To change that, locate line 68 in /etc/moblock/moblock.conf

gksu gedit /etc/moblock/moblock.conf

In Kubuntu, replace gksu with kdesu.

#WHITE_TCP_OUT="http https"

Uncomment the code, that is, remove the hash (#).

WHITE_TCP_OUT="http https"

See? By default port 80 and 443 (also called http and https) is configured, for outgoing connections. In effect, you can now browse blocked ips, with firefox/konqueror or any other browser. If you know the port number of an application you use, then this is the place to put it. If you want to put a range of ports, use the format "startport:endport".

But why can I not just remove the IP address from the blocklist instead?

You can. Find out what you want to whitelist by checking /var/log/moblock.log. This can be done interactively (this command will show you the log in real-time).

tail -f /var/log/moblock.log

Then, edit /etc/moblock/moblock.conf

gksu gedit /etc/moblock/moblock.conf

In Kubuntu, replace gksu with kdesu. To whitelist IPs, edit the following part.

# Do a "moblock-control restart" when you have changed these settings.

Insert e.g. "" to whitelist a single IP, or e.g. "" to whitelist an IP range ( - or e.g. "" to whitelist a bigger IP range ( - Separate IP addresses with a whitespace. You can also use a search phrase, such as Google, Hotmail, or an actual IP address range (as specified in the blocklists). Edit the following part.

# Do a "moblock-control reload" when you have changed these settings.

Separate phrases with a semicolon. Remember to reload or restart MoBlock after modifying the configuration.

How do I choose what blocklists to include in the update function?

Edit /etc/moblock/blocklists.list

gksu gedit /etc/moblock/blocklists.list

In Kubuntu, replace gksu with kdesu. Uncomment the blocklists, that is, remove the hash (#) to enable certain blocklists or comment them out by adding a hash before the blocklists to disable them.

How do I keep it installed, without having it run at startup?

Edit /etc/moblock/moblock.conf.

gksu gedit /etc/moblock/moblock.conf

In Kubuntu, replace gksu with kdesu. Set the following.


What happens when I install MoBlock the first time?

It will download a new blocklist for you during installation, and start it as a deamon. In other words, it will start automatically everytime you boot up.

I have a custom compiled kernel. Moblock does not work.

Enable netfilter support in xconfig, or in the kernel source config file.

How do I change automatic updating?

MoBlock automatically updates its blocklists everyday. To configure automatic updating, edit /etc/moblock/moblock.conf.

gksu gedit /etc/moblock/moblock.conf

The number in the following setting enables (1) or disables (2) automatic updating.


To disable automatic updating, set the following.



Special thanks to pelle.k for the Ubuntu Forums thread this is derived from, the MoBlock Debian Packages maintainer jre, and the contributors to MoBlock. The Ubuntu 7.10 64-bit package and source page shell script were provided by daradib. The Ubuntu 7.04 64-bit package was provided by minijoe. The Ubuntu 6.06 netfilter lib packages were provided by foxy123.

Further Reading