
Oneleaf留言 | 贡献2007年5月14日 (一) 00:53的版本

{{#ifexist: :CompositeManager/ConfiguringCompiz/zh | | {{#ifexist: CompositeManager/ConfiguringCompiz/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:CompositeManager/ConfiguringCompiz|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:CompositeManager/ConfiguringCompiz|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

Configuring Compiz

The behaviour of each compiz plugin is determined by a number of parameters or preference keys. These 'key-value pairs' can be adjusted with the help of Gnome's Configuration Editor or gconf-editor.

To use Configuration Editor, click on the "Applications" menu, select "System Tools" and navigate to "Configuration Editor". You can also run the Configuration Editor by invoking

gconf-editor &

from a terminal. In the editor's main window, navigate to apps>compiz.

<!> Note: Do not run gconf-editor as root i.e. with sudo.

(!) If you experience freezes or crashes while running gconf-editor from the terminal, start it with this command:

G_SLICE=always-malloc gconf-editor

(!) You can also run the Configuration Editor's command line tool,


to set or display keys. For help with the command line tool, type "man gconftool-2" into the Help Browser.

General Settings

Note: Newer versions of Compiz may have some items moved, such as 'default_snap' from screen0 to allscreens or vice-versa. Also, newer versions are missing the Dock plugin.

(!) The rest of this document should be updated to reflect newer versions of Compiz available.

Loading Plugins

(!) It is recommended that you do not specify any compiz plugins except gconf in your startup script. Compiz will load the plugins automatically. (Once compiz loads the gconf plugin, further plugins specified on the command line will be ignored. Instead, the gconf plugin will override them with the list of plugins already stored in the gconf-editor's database.) A startup script could look like this:

gnome-window-decorator &  compiz --replace gconf &
# If you use AIGLX (instead of Xgl) use this instead:
#gnome-window-decorator &  compiz --replace --indirect-rendering --strict-binding gconf &

(!) To check if all plugins are loaded correctly, open gconf-editor and navigate to apps>compiz>general>allscreens>options:


Make sure active_plugins lists the plugins in the following order:

gconf, dbus, reflection, blur, miniwin, decoration, state, wobbly, fade, minimize, cube, rotate, zoom,
scale, move, resize, place, switcher, trailfocus, water, showdesktop

(!) The order of the plugins is important! Some plugins depend on other plugins and some plugins need to be loaded before other plugins in order to function properly. The plugin loader will not do anything to try and resolve issues relating to the load order - if a plugin can't be loaded due to a dependency problem, it will just be ignored (i.e. it won't load). Add, move or delete items in this list to load and unload plugins. Be aware that unloading a plugin might disable others.

Window Snapping

If you press <Shift> while moving a window, it will snap to the border of the workspace or to other windows. If you want to make snapping the default behaviour, open gconf-editor, navigate to /apps/compiz/plugins/wobbly/screen0/options and check the default_snap key:


Focus follows the Mouse Pointer

By default, a window comes into focus when you click on it. If you'd like to move the input focus by simply moving the mouse pointer over the window, uncheck click_to_focus under /apps/compiz/general/allscreens/options.

Default Key Bindings

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:80%; background:#CCCCCC; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> Switch windows Alt + Tab
Arrange and view all active windows on the current workspace/viewport F12 (toggle); select a window by clicking on it.
Arrange and view all active windows across all workspaces/viewports F10 (toggle); select a window by clicking on it.
Arrange and view active windows of the same application F11 (toggle); select a window by clicking on it.
Slow motion effects & animations Shift + F10
Switch to next workspace/viewport Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right Arrow
Switch to next workspace/viewport and take the active window with you Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left/Right Arrow
Rotate desktop cube/prism with the mouse pointer Ctrl + Alt + Left-click on the desktop and drag
Make active window translucent/opaque (built-in) Alt + mouse wheel up/down
Make active window translucent/opaque (with the opacity plugin) Ctrl + Shift + Scroll, or right-click the window's title bar and select Opacity (seems to be absent in current compiz cvs.)
Saturate/desaturate active window Control + mouse wheel up/down
Zoom in once Super-key + right-click
Zoom in step-by-step Super-key + mouse wheel up
Zoom out step-by-step Super-key + mouse wheel down
Move window Alt + left-click anywhere on the window's body
Snap window to workspace edges and window borders Hold down Shift while moving the window
Resize window Alt + right-click anywhere on the window's body
Water Effect Ctrl + Super-key (I have to press the Ctrl key first) - (requires the 'water' plugin)
Rain Shift + F9 (requires the 'water' plugin)

(!) Note: Super-key is the usually the same as the "windows-key" on most keyboards (adjustable in the keyboard preferences).

Custom Key Bindings

You can add your own key bindings to compiz. Under /apps/compiz/general/allscreens/options, you will find two sets of key pairs: command0 to command11 and run_command0_key to run_command11_key. First, add the terminal command or program you wish to run to one of the commandX key pairs. Then, add the key-binding to the corresponding run_commandX key pair. Suitable modifiers are <Alt>, <Shift> and <Control>.

(!) Example: To make Control + Alt + Delete bring up the Gnome System Monitor, set the value of command0 to gnome-system-monitor and the value of run_command0 to <Control><Alt>Delete.

Increasing the Number of 'ViewPorts'

Under apps>compiz>general>screen0>options, change the value of the size key. The minimal (and default) value is 4, the maximal value is 32.

(!) The 'cube' with its default of four desktops is actually a tetragonal prism. Increasing the number of 'viewports' will change your prism into a different type of prism -- an octagonal prism or dodecagonal prism for example.

(!) Increasing the number of viewports from the default 4 will currently cause images located on the caps of the prism to stop working.

Individual Plugins Settings


This plugin controls brightness / saturation values.

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:90%; background:#DEE3E7; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> Key pair <:> Description <:> Values <:> Default
brightness_decrease Key Command to decrease brightness. <:> <:> <Shift>Button5
brightness_increase Key Command to increase brightness. <:> <:> <Shift>Button4
brightness_step Step by which to change the brightness. <:> 1-10 <:> 5
saturation_decrease Key Command to decrease saturation. <:> <:> <Control>Button5
saturation_increase Key Command to increase saturation. <:> <:> <Control>Button4
saturation_step Step by which to change the saturation. <:> 1-10 <:> 5


The 'cube' plugin controls various characteristics of the prism (the 'cube').

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:90%; background:#DEE3E7; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> Key pair <:> Description <:> Values <:> Default
acceleration Fold Acceleration (the switching speed of workspaces while 'unfolded') <:> 1.0-20.0 <:> 4
color Sets the background color of the cube caps <:> <:>
draw_caps Toggle the top and bottom of the cube. Uncheck to keep them transparent and see-through to the skydome. <:> <:>
images_bottom A comma-separated list of images that will be displayed on the bottom of the cube <:> <:>
Anchor(cube_svgs)images_top A comma-separated list of images that will be displayed on the top of the cube <:> <:>
in Check the 'in' checkbox to make it look like you are inside the cube/prism when rotating (instead of outside) <:> boolean <:> false
mipmap Generate mipmaps when possible for higher-quality scaling <:> boolean <:> true
next_slide Key Command for switching to the next image on *both* the top and bottom faces of the cube <:> <:> space
prev_slide Key Command for switching to the previous image on *both* the top and bottom faces of the cube <:> <:> Back'Space
rotate_images Toggles rotation of the images on the cube caps so that they will always be "face-up" <:> boolean <:> true
scale_image_bottom Enables the scaling of images on the cube bottom. <:> boolean <:> false
scale_image_top Enables the scaling of images on the cube top. <:> boolean <:> false
skydome Check to have an 'skydome' image displayed behind the cube when rotating (no effect when in is checked) <:> boolean <:> false
skydome_animated Check to make it look like you are moving around the cube when rotating with mouse <:> boolean <:> false
skydome_image Insert path to the 'skydome' image to be displayed behind the cube <:> <:>
speed Fold speed (speed of the 'unfold' effect) <:> 0.1-50.0 <:> 1.5
timestep Fold timestep (delay for the 'unfold' effect) <:> 0.1-50.0 <:> approx. 1.2
unfold Key binding for the 'unfold' effect: the cube or prism is laid out like a film strip on your screen, allowing you to select a different screen by moving left or right. Somewhat similar to the 'switcher' feature, but for the desktop as a whole instead of active windows <:> <:> <Control><Alt>Down

(!) Suggested image sizes for skydome feature are:

1024 x 1024, 1024 x 2048, 1024 x 4096, 2048 x 1024, 2048 x 2048, 2048 x 4096, 4096 x 1024, 4096 x 2048, 4096 x 4096

(!) Images for the cube caps should be in either svg or png formats; the skydome images should be in png format.

(!) suggested directories for the images that go on the top or bottom cap of the prism:



The 'decoration' plugin offers parameters related to the drawing of window borders and drop shadows.

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:90%; background:#DEE3E7; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> Key pair <:> Description <:> Values <:> Default
shadow_color Defines the color of window drop shadows <:> <:> #87827d
shadow_offset_x X-offset for drop shadows (can be negative for opposite direction) <:> -16 to +16 <:> 1
shadow_offset_y Y-offset for drop shadows (can be negative for opposite direction) <:> -16 to +16 <:> 1
shadow_opacity Opacity level of drop shadows <:> 0.01 to 6 <:> 0.5
shadow_radius Radius value for drop shadows <:> 0.0 to 48 <:> 8


This plugin creates a Mac OS X-style 'Dock' for apps or windows.

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:90%; background:#DEE3E7; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> Key pair <:> Description <:> Values <:> Default
animation_time Speed of window animations <:> 0 to 2000 <:>
close_window_key Key binding to close a docked window's parent <:> <:> Button3
dock_color Color of the Dock <:> 0 to 16777215 <:> 11526384
dock_font Font used by Dock <:> <:> courier
dock_hidden_size Size of the Dock when hidden <:> 1 to 256 <:> 6
dock_hide_on_click Hide the Dock with a left-click <:> boolean <:> true
dock_opacity Opacity of the Dock <:> 0 to 100 <:> 60
dock_position Dock's position on the desktop <:> 0=bottom, 1=right, 2=top, 3=left <:> 0
dock_size Size of the Dock <:> 0 to 256 <:> 42
dock_spacing Space between docked windows and the taskbar <:> -20 to 512 <:> 40
from_all_workspaces Show docked windows from all workspaces/'viewports' <:> boolean <:> false
group_timeout Hide a group of docked windows after a specified amount of time (in ms) <:> 100 to 50000 <:> 1500
highlight_time Highlight a window after a specified amount of time (in ms) <:> 100 to 5000 <:> 500
icon_opacity Opacity for all docked icons <:> 0 to 100 <:> 75
icon_opacity_on_hover Opacity of docked icons while hovering <:> 0 to 100 <:> 95
icon_scale_on_hover_factor Scale docked icons while hovering <:> 0.90 to 10.00 <:> 1.25
icon_width Standard width of docked icons <:> 20 to 512 <:> 64
runs_on_aiglx Enables dock functionality under AIGLX <:> boolean <:> false
show_maximized_windows Show docked windows even when they are maximized <:> boolean <:> true
uniconify_key Key binding for uniconifying a window <:> <:> Button1
window_type Window types that can be docked <:> Desktop, Dock, Toolbar, Menu, Utility, Splash, Dialog, Modal'Dialog, Normal, Fullscreen, Unknown <:> Splash, Normal, Dialog, Modal'Dialog


The 'fade' plugin makes windows, menus or tooltips fade in or out.

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:90%; background:#DEE3E7; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> Key pair <:> Description <:> Values <:> Default
fade_speed How fast the windows fade in and out <:> 0.1 to 10 <:> 5
fullscreen_visual_bell Fullscreen fade effect on system beep <:> boolean <:> true
urgent Flashing fade effect on urgent windows <:> boolean <:> true
urgent_center Center brightness while urgent flashing <:> 0 to 100 <:> 70
urgent_count Number of flashes for urgent flashing <:> 0 to 15 (0=forever) <:> 5
urgent_speed Flash speed for urgent flashing <:> 5 to 50 <:> 15
urgent_swing Maximum swing percentage for urgent flashing <:> 0 to 100 <:> 20
visual_bell Fade effect on system beep <:> boolean <:> false
window_types Define the window types that should be affected by the 'fade' plugin <:> Desktop, Dock, Toolbar, Menu, Utility, Splash, Dialog, Modal'Dialog, Normal, Fullscreen, Unknown <:> Dock, Toolbar, Menu, Utility, Splash, Dialog, Modal'Dialog, Normal, Unknown

(!) Tip: Remove Splash from window_types to allow the switcher to terminate. See this compiz forum topic for details.



The 'minimize' plugin makes windows "zoom in" when created and "zoom out" when closed or minimized.

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:90%; background:#DEE3E7; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> Key pair <:> Description <:> Values <:> Default
speed The speed of the minimize effect <:> 0.1 to 50 <:> 1.5
timestep Minimize timestep <:> 0.1 to 50 <:> 0.5
window_types Window types that should be affected by the 'minimize' plugin <:> Desktop, Dock, Toolbar, Menu, Utility, Splash, Dialog, Modal'Dialog, Normal, Fullscreen, Unknown <:> Toolbar, Utility, Dialog, Normal
zoom_created_windows Zoom windows in and out from/to the mouse pointer. Note: This takes priority over wobbly creation (the map_effect key in the wobbly plugin) <:> boolean <:> true
zoom_created_windows_from_center Zoom windows in and out from/to their center, not the mouse pointer <:> boolean <:> false


Enable Zooming Menus

(!) To make menus zoom on creation, ensure that Unknown is included in the window_types key.

<!> Note: This option takes priority over wobbly_menus wobbly menus.


This is an experimental plugin. It allows the user to create an icon of a mini-window, or even 'mindow', that shows a picture of the main window and can be clicked on to return the main window. It is a possible replacement for the minimize funtionality. More information and up-to-date links to the source can be found here on the compiz blog and in the compiz forum.

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:80%; background:#DEE3E7; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> always_on_top Toggles mindows being on top of other programs
bring_back_centered deprecated?
deiconify_key deprecated? Key binding to maximize a mini-window
dock_opacity opacity of the dock
iconify_key deprecated? Key binding to create a window
iconify_on_minimize deprecated? Toggles miniwin as default behavior for minimize
mindow_opacity Opacity of mini-window (0 - 100)
mindow_width Width of mini-window
move_key deprecated? Key binding to move mini-window
on_all_workspaces Toggles mindows to be on all workspaces
opacity_on_hover Opacity of mini-window while hovering (0 - 100)
scale_on_hover_size deprecated?
show_dock Toggles the dock feature
taskbar_hide_on_click deprecated?
taskbar_opacity deprecated?
terminate_move_key deprecated? Key binding to terminate moving of mini-window
window_types Valid window types for mini-windows. For Available windows see window_types window_types


The 'move' plugin allows you to move your windows by dragging anywhere on its body.

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:90%; background:#DEE3E7; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> Key pair <:> Description <:> Values <:> Default
constrain_y Constrains the y-coordinate of windows to the workspace area (Prevents the window from being moved above the top of the screen) <:> boolean <:> true
initiate Set the key combination for dragging a window by clicking anywhere on its body <:> <:> <Alt>Button1
opacify_min_opacity Only change opacity of windows whose opacity is higher than this value <:> 0 to 100 <:> 80
opacity Set opacity/translucency of windows while they are being moved (0 is fully translucent, 100 is opaque) <:> 0 to 100 <:> 80
snapoff_maximized De-maximize and don't snap to egdes while moving windows <:> boolean <:> true


Places new windows in logical positions that will usually not overlap with other windows or toolbars.

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:90%; background:#DEE3E7; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> Key pair <:> Description <:> Values <:> Default
center_initiate Center window <:> <:> Button0
workarounds Window placement workarounds <:> boolean <:> true


The 'resize' plugin controls the resizing of windows by key combinations or mouse clicks.

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:90%; background:#DEE3E7; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> Key pair <:> Description <:> Values <:> Default
initiate Key binding which initiates the resizing of windows <:> <:> <Alt>Button2
opacify_min_opacity Only make windows translucent that have a higher opacity than this value <:> 0 to 100 <:> 80
opacity Opacity level while resizing a window <:> 0 to 100 <:> 100


The 'rotate' plugin sets the parameters for the cube/prism's rotation.

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:90%; background:#DEE3E7; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> Key pair <:> Description <:> Values <:> Default
acceleration Set the acceleration of the cube/prism's rotation. <:> 1 to 20 <:> 4
edge_flip_dnd Flip to next viewport when dragging obejct to screen edge <:> boolean <:> true
edge_flip_move Flip to next viewport when moving window to screen edge <:> boolean <:> true
edge_flip_pointer Flip to next viewport when you bump the pointer against the edge of the screen <:> boolean <:> false
flip_time Time taken to flip between viewports <:> 0 to 1000 <:> 182
initiate Set key combination to rotate the cube/prism while clicking on the desktop <:> <:> <Control><Alt>Button1
invert_x Invert x axis while rotating the cube/prism <:> boolean <:> false
invert_y Invert y axis while rotating the cube/prism <:> boolean <:> false
rotate_left Set key combination for rotating to the next viewport to the left <:> <:> <Control><Alt>Left
rotate_left_window Set key combination to take the active window with you while rotating to the next viewport to the left <:> <:> <Shift><Control><Alt>Left
rotate_right Set key combination to rotate to the next viewport to the right <:> <:> <Control><Alt>Right
rotate_right_window Set the key combination to take the active window with you while rotating to the next viewport to the right <:> <:> <Shift><Control><Alt>Right
rotate_to_x & rotate_to_x_window etc.. Set key combinations to rotate directly to viewport x (or to rotate while taking the active window with you). Note: Only available for the first 12 viewports <:> <:> Not Set
sensitivity Changes the sensitivity of pointer movements while rotating the cube/prism. <:> 0.01 to 100.00 <:> 1
snap_bottom Enable snapping to the bottom face of the cube. Can be used for slideshows of images listed under cube_svgs images_bottom <:> boolean <:> false
snap_top Enable snapping to the top face of the cube. Can be used for slideshows of images listed under cube_svgs images_top <:> boolean <:> false
speed Set the speed of the cube/prism's rotation. (Does not apply to rotating with the mouse pointer) <:> 0.1 to 50 <:> 1.5
terminate Set key combination to terminate the function described in "initiate"
timestep Sets the delay before rotating <:> 0.1 to 50 <:> approx. 1.2


This plugin scales all your active windows so that you can see them all at once, similar to the 'Exposé' feature in Mac OS X. Clicking on any window will activate it and cause all the windows to return to their original size. By default, F12 scales all windows; F11 scales all the windows from any specific application.

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:90%; background:#DEE3E7; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> Key pair <:> Description <:> Values <:> Default
all_screen_corners Define a screen corner that will trigger the scale feature for all currently active windows on all desktops. For example, Top'Left' will initiate scaled mode for all active windows from all desktops when moving the mouse to the top left corner. <:> Top'Left, Top'Right, Bottom'Left, Bottom'Right <:> Not Set
corners Define a screen corner that will trigger the scale feature for all active windows on the current workspace. <:> Top'Left, Top'Right, Bottom'Left, Bottom'Right <:> Not Set
current_corners Define a screen corner that will trigger the scale feature for windows that belong to the currently active application only. <:> Top'Left, Top'Right, Bottom'Left, Bottom'Right <:> Not Set
darken_back Darkens the surrounding desktop and makes the scaled windows stand out more <:> boolean <:> true
darken_back_factor Set the percentage of the darkening effect <:> 0.00 to 1.00 <:> approx. 0.67
head Head on which windows are scaled <:> 0 to 10 <:> 1
initiate Key combination which triggers scaled mode for all active windows on the current workspace. See corners for a screen corner definition with the same effect <:> <:> F12
initiate_all_screens Key combination which triggers scaled mode for all active windows on all workspaces. See corners_all for a screen corner definition with the same effect <:> <:> F10
initiate_current Key combination which triggers scaled mode for windows of the active application only. Note: If this does not work as you expect it to, try to change use_class "use_class". See current_corners for a screen corner definition with the same effect. <:> <:> F11
opacity Opacity percentage of unfocused windows in scaled mode <:> 0 to 100 <:> 75
overlay_icon Overlay an application icon on windows when hovering over them in scaled mode <:> None, Emblem, Big <:> Emblem
show_desktop Show the desktop when clicking between windows in scaled mode <:> boolean <:> true
sloppy_focus Enable 'Focus follows mouse pointer' behaviour in scaled mode <:> boolean <:> true
spacing Space between scaled windows <:> 0 to 250 <:> 25
speed Regulate how fast windows move to their scaled size/position <:> 0.1 to 50.0 <:> 1.5
terminate Key to stop scaling and move windows back to their original size and position. Used if scaling was started with the key set in initiate. Left-click on a window also terminates scaled mode <:> <:> F12
terminate_all_screens Key to stop scaling and move windows back to their original size/position. Used if scaling was started with the key set in initiate_all_screens. Left-click on a window also terminates scaled mode <:> <:> F10
terminate_current Key to stop scaling and move windows back to their original size/position. Used if scaling was started with the key set in initiate_current. Left-click on a window also terminates scaled mode <:> <:> F11
timestep Delay before entering into scaled mode <:> 0.5 to 50.0 <:> approx. 1.2
use_class Use the window type (WM_CLASS) when scaling (For scaling current application windows only) <:> boolean <:> false
window_types Define the window types to include in scaled mode <:> Desktop, Dock, Toolbar, Menu, Utility, Splash, Dialog, Modal'Dialog, Normal, Fullscreen, Unknown <:> Toolbar, Utility, Dialog, Normal



Use the 'state' plugin to set various window attributes according to window type, window class, window title or owning program.

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:90%; background:#DEE3E7; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> Key pair <:> Description <:> Values <:> Default
<-4> List windows by type, class, title or by the application that controls them and adjust their translucency states.
For example, to set the opacity of all menus to 80, enter w':'Menu':'80'.
w == window_types window type (Dock, Toolbar, Menu, Utility, Splash, Normal, Dialog, Modal'Dialog, Unknown)
c == window class
t == window title (set translucency by specific window title. For example, try t':'About the GNOME Desktop':'80
and navigate to "System">"About GNOME")
p == window by owning program set translucency by program name as it appears in $PATH).
brightness Set window brightness according to type, class, or owning process
opacity Set window opacity according to type, class, or owning process
saturation Set window saturation according to type, class, or owning process
viewport Set initial viewport for windows according to type, class, or owning process
widget (A Hack) Set to 2 to set widget state, 1 to clear.


The 'switcher' plugin allows easy switching between applications or sets of windows on your desktop.

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:90%; background:#DEE3E7; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> Key pair <:> Description <:> Values <:> Default
all_desktops Include all windows from all desktops in the switcher <:> boolean <:> false
brightness Brightness of the desktop behind the switcher bezel <:> 0 to 100 <:> 67
bring_to_front Bring the selected window to the front <:> boolean <:> true
icon Show application icon on the selected window <:> boolean <:> true
icon_placement Placement of the application icon on the selected window <:> 0=Bottom'Right, 1=Bottom'Left, 2=Top'Right, 3=Top'Left, 4=Center <:> 0
initiate Key binding for switching between windows on the current workspace. <:> <:> Alt + Tab
initiate_all Key binding for switching between windows from all workspaces/'viewports' (not just the current one). <:> <:> Control + Alt + Tab
max_icon_size Maximum icon size for use with non-minimized windows <:> 4 to 128 <:> 64
minimized Show minimzed windows in switcher <:> boolean <:> true
mipmap Generate mipmaps when possible for better scaling <:> boolean <:> true
next_window Key binding to move to the next window in the switcher
opacity Opacity of the windows in the switcher bezel <:> 0 to 100 <:> 60
prev_window Key binding for 'going backwards' in the switcher bezel. <:> <:> <Shift>
reverse_initiate Reverse the order in which the windows are being switched
saturation Saturation of the windows in the bezel <:> 0 to 100 <:> 100
speed Controlling the switcher speed <:> 0.1 to 50.0 <:> 1.5
timestep Switcher delay <:> 0.1 to 50.0 <:> approx. 1.2
window_types Define the window types to include in switcher mode <:> Desktop, Dock, Toolbar, Menu, Utility, Splash, Dialog, Modal'Dialog, Normal, Fullscreen, Unknown <:> Toolbar, Utility, Dialog, Fullscreen, Normal
zoom Distance to zoom away from the workspace while switching <:> 0.0 to 50.0 (0=none) <:> 0

Opaquefocus (deprecated)

(!) Note: The 'opaquefocus' plugin is deprecated as of version 0.0.7-0ubuntu10 (and, in fact, is not contained in any later releases). It should not be used as it causes some bugs with window drawing. You can emulate its behaviour with the trailfocus 'trailfocus' plugin.

(!) To make 'trailfocus' behave like 'opaquefocus', set maximum_trail_count to 2 and adjust the values for the maximum_* and minimum_* keys to your liking. The currently focused window will have the maximum_* values, all other windows will have the minimum_* values.

(./) To remove 'opaquefocus' keys from previous installations from your gconf database, run the following command from a terminal

  gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz/plugins/opaquefocus



The 'trailfocus' plugin adss a 'visual trail' to window focus (It changes brightness, saturation and opacity of your windows depending on how long you have not used them).

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:90%; background:#DEE3E7; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> Key pair <:> Description <:> Values <:> Default
exclude WM_CLASSES which will not be affected by 'trailfocus'. See xprop WM_CLASSES. <:> <:>
maximum_trail_count Number of recently used windows to keep track of. <:> 1 to 64 <:> 6
maximum_window_brightness_level Brightness of the most recently focused window <:> 0 to 100 <:> 100
maximum_window_opacity_level Opacity level of the most recently focused window <:> 25 to 100 <:> 100
maximum_window_saturation_level Saturation of the most recently focused window <:> 0 to 100 <:> 100
minimum_window_brightness_level Brightness of the least recently focused window. <:> 0 to 100 <:> 50
minimum_window_opacity_level Opacity level of the least recently focused window <:> 25 to 100 <:> 100
minimum_window_saturation_level Saturation of the least recently focused window <:> 0 to 100 <:> 90


This plugin adds water effects to differen desktop actions.

(!) This plugin is currently quite unstable. Reports say it uses intense CPU resources, and crashes X.

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:90%; background:#DEE3E7; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> Key pair <:> Description <:> Values <:> Default
initiate Key binding to initiate the water effect <:> <:> <Control><Super>
offset_scale Water offset scale <:> 0.0 to 10.0 <:> 1
rain_delay Delay (in milliseconds) between rain drops <:> 0 to 3600000 <:> 250
toggle_rain Key binding to toggle the rain effect <:> <:> <Shift>F9
visual_bell Water effect on system bell <:> boolean <:> false


Enables a special layer for 'widget' windows.

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:90%; background:#DEE3E7; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> Key pair <:> Description <:> Values <:> Default
speed Widget speed <:> 0.1 to 50.0 <:> 1.5
timestep Widget delay <:> 0.1 to 50.0 <:> approx. 1.2
toggle_widget_display Show/Hide widgets <:> <:> F9


The 'wobbly' plugin makes windows or menus wobble while they are being moved or resized.

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:90%; background:#DEE3E7; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> Key pair <:> Description <:> Values <:> Default
default_snap Enable window snapping by default. See the snap key below. <:> boolean <:> false
edge_distance Edge snapping distance <:> 1 to 50 <:> 25
edge_velocity Edge snapping velocity <:> 1 to 50 <:> 13
focus_effect Makes windows wobble when they receive focus. <:> None, Shiver <:> None
focus_friction Defines the window's 'resistance' to the wobble effect described with focus_effect <:> 0.1 to 10.0 <:> 3
focus_spring_k Spring constant for focus_effect <:> 0.1 to 10.0 <:> 8
focus_window_types Window types that should wobble when focused. <:> Desktop, Dock, Toolbar, Menu, Utility, Splash, Dialog, Modal'Dialog, Normal, Fullscreen, Unknown <:>
grab_friction 'Resistance' to grab_effect <:> 0.1 to 10.0 <:> 3
grab_spring_k Spring constant for grab_effect <:> 0.1 to 10.0 <:> 8
grab_window_types Window types affected by grab_effect. <:> Desktop, Dock, Toolbar, Menu, Utility, Splash, Dialog, Modal'Dialog, Normal, Fullscreen, Unknown <:>
grid_resolution The resolution of the grid which is wobbled <:> 1 to 64 <:> 24
map_effect Makes windows wobble when they first appear.
(!) Note: The zoom_created_windows key in the minimize 'minimize' plugin will take priority over this key.
<:> None, Shiver <:> None
map_friction 'Resistance' to the map_effect <:> 0.1 to 10.0 <:> approx. 0.8
map_spring_k Spring constant for map_effect <:> 0.1 to 10.0 <:> approx. 0.3
map_window_types Window types that should wobble when they first appear. <:> Desktop, Dock, Toolbar, Menu, Utility, Splash, Dialog, Modal'Dialog, Normal, Fullscreen, Unknown <:> Splash
maximize_effect Makes windows wobble when maximized or de-maximized <:> boolean <:> true
maximize_friction 'Resistance' to the maximize_effect <:> 0.1 to 10.0 <:> approx. 0.8
maximize_spring_k Spring constant for maximize_effect <:> 0.1 to 10.0 <:> approx. 0.3
min_grid_size The minimum size of the grid which is wobbled <:> 4 to 128 <:> 8
move_friction 'Resistance' to the move_effect <:> 0.1 to 10.0 <:> 3
move_spring_k Spring constant move effect <:> 0.1 to 10.0 <:> 8
move_window_types Window types which should wobble when moved. <:> Desktop, Dock, Toolbar, Menu, Utility, Splash, Dialog, Modal'Dialog, Normal, Fullscreen, Unknown <:> Toolbar, Menu, Utility, Dialog, Modal'Dialog, Normal
release_effect Enable settings for windows release <:> boolean <:> true
release_friction 'Resistance' to the release effect <:> 0.1 to 10.0 <:> 3
release_spring_k Spring constant for release effect <:> 0.1 to 10.0 <:> 8
snap Key binding to toggle window snapping <:> <:> <Shift>
urgent_effect Make urgent windows wobble <:> boolean <:> false
urgent_effect_in Make urgent windows wobble inward <:> boolean <:> false
urgent_effect_uniform Make urgent windows wobble uniformly <:> boolean <:> true
urgent_friction 'Resistance' to the urgent wobble effect <:> 0.1 to 10.0 <:> 3
urgent_spring_k Spring constant for urgent wobble effect <:> 0.1 to 10.0 <:> 8
urgent_velocity Velocity of urgent wobble effect <:> 0.1 to 10.0 <:> 1
visual bell Urgent effect on system bell <:> boolean <:> true
visual_bell_friction 'Resistance' to urgent effect on system bell <:> 0.1 to 10.0 <:> 3
visual_bell_spring_k Spring constant of the urgent effect on system bell <:> 0.1 to 10.0 <:> 8

Anchor(wobbly_menus) (!) Tip: To make menus wobble, set the map_effect key to Shiver. Also ensure that Unknown is included in the map_window_types key.

(!) If zooming_menus zooming menus is currently enabled, it will take priority over this option.


The 'zoom' plugin allows you to zoom in on any part of the workspace/viewport.

<tablestyle="font-size: 0.9em; width:90%; background:#DEE3E7; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding:0.5em;"> Key pair <:> Description <:> Values <:> Default
filter_linear Use linear filter when zomming in <:> boolean <:> false
initiate Key binding to initiate zooming <:> <:> <Super>Button3
invert_y Invert mouse pointer y-axis while zooming <:> boolean <:> true
max How much you can zoom out. A value greater than 1 means you will be able to zoom out "outside" the cube <:> 0.90 to 100.00 <:> 0.90
min How much you can zoom in. A value between 0 and 1 where 1 is no zoom at all <:> 0 to 1 <:> 0.05
sensitivity Sensitivity of mouse pointer when zoomed <:> 0.01 to 100.0 <:> 1
speed Speed at which zooming occurs <:> 0.1 to 50.0 <:> 1.5
step Step at which zooming occurs <:> 1.00 to 5.00 <:> 1.76
timestep Delay <:> 0.1 to 50.0 <:> 1.2
zoom_in Key binding for zooming in <:> <:> <Super>Button4
zoom_out Key binding for zooming out <:> <:> <Super>Button5

General Help

Remove black border when minimizing

Gnome (or gnome-panel, to be precise) has its own animation effects for use with the metacity window manager. When minimizing windows to the panel, Gnome draws a series of black borders around them. Most of the time, this looks out of place when using compiz. To disable these effects, open gconf-editor and uncheck enable_animations under /apps/panel/global:


Stick a window to all workspaces

Right-click on the window's titlebar and select "On All Workspaces".


Find the name of an application

Some plugins ("Trailfocus: exclude", "Transset", etc.) require you to fill in the names (to be more precise the WM_CLASS) of the applications which it will affect. To find out the name to fill in, enter this into a terminal and click on the application's window:

xprop | grep WM_CLASS | cut -d \" -f 4


Window Types

The window_types key pair allows to limit the effect of compiz plugins to certain types of windows. Window types are as follows:

Dock, Toolbar, Menu, Utility, Splash, Normal, Dialog, ModalDialog, Fullscreen, Unknown

Q. Are there any more window types? And what windows are part of each type?


(!) I've got it working, but I don't know how to change a setting - where can I ask questions?

(./) Current discussion with a lot of people who can help you takes place in this thread. Please use the "Search this Thread" function before asking questions.

 There is also a forum for compiz discussions at http://compiz.ed3n.com/ and also a compiz blog detailing news on new plugins and updates. 

(!) I don't like the theme of Compiz, how can I change it?

(./) At present, compiz relies on 'gnome-window-decorator' to draw its window borders. It cannot use metacity's window themes but the colors used by gnome-window-decorator are those specified by your GTK-theme. Change it, and the color of your titlebar, tooltips, etc. will change, too.

(!) The shadows Compiz draws are so small and are not cast the way I want them to. Is there a way to change that?

(./) Not at the moment. The shadows are currently hardcoded and use pixmaps, but this might change in the future.

(!) My SDL apps are transparent and look strange, how can I fix this?

(./) Set the environment variable XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS to 1 and then run your SDL program. For instance, from a terminal, do this:


(!) Is there anything I can do if the water plugin freezes my desktop?

(./) It has generally been noticed that it does not lock up the system, so it can often be corrected by restarting compiz. Use <control><alt>F2 to open a terminal, and type

killall compiz.real

. You should now be able to come back into your desktop <control><alt>F6 and restart compiz:

compiz --replace gconf
