


Wikibot讨论 | 贡献2007年11月22日 (四) 12:46的版本 (新页面: {{From|https://help.ubuntu.com/community/forum/talk}} {{Languages|UbuntuHelp:forum/talk}} Discussion of UbuntuHelp:forum: '''KBs Thoughts''' The flow of data from the forums to exte...)

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Discussion of UbuntuHelp:forum:

KBs Thoughts

The flow of data from the forums to external resources proves to be a monumental task. We on the UDSF project have seen this already. It takes more than just a handful to properly migrate the data. I propose

1. Location of Data

Locating such pertinent data on the forums can be a bit of a mess. The how/to and customization sections arent the only pertinent areas of finding such related data. The other areas of the forums contain it as well. It would be primary for the UDSF team to capture such data.

2. Migration of Data

The Migration of such data, to the wiki, to the UDSF, to whereever it should live is also a concern. I firmly believe that location of said data can live quite happily on the UDSF project, and its migration can be dually worked on , in both the direction of the wiki and the UDSF itself. It would be as simple for wiki data collectors and Doc workers to work off the same premise that we do. [WWW] http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Threads_to_doc. This page is an example of our Forum combing efforts. From this page , we stage Docs into the UDSF itself for integration purpose. It would be as simple to do the same for the official Wiki itself.

3. Symbiosis

Ultimately the move of such data to both sources clearly benefits the other. Thus a form of symbosis is garnered. The wiki doc workers can happily move the data in which ever direction they most happily choose. The sharing of this forum combing knowledge will cause the positive growth.

Ubuntu forum How-to sorted by views. This should be a good indication of what should be imported first.

I was thinking that the forum should eventually be completely migrated here and eventually forum how-to's should be edited to only contain a link to the corresponding wiki how-to. -- PeterVanderKlippe DateTime(2006-08-16T14:47:17Z)