
Wjunjiemail留言 | 贡献2007年11月16日 (五) 19:21的版本

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成员 Gmail MSN(即时消息) 翻译 校对 二校 勘误 排版 翻译周期
JimHu jimhuyiwei jimhu_22(at)msn.com O O O X O 14天
Stickto stickto stickto(at)msn.com
Lyper lyp069 同Gmail O X X O X 7天
Gwok hiugong.gwok X O X X X 7天
Mike Huang maike618 maike618 O O X X X 5天
Shanghai1980 shanghai1980 evan_1980(at)gmail.com O X X X X 3天
Sctronlinux sctronlinux sctronlinux O X X X X 7天
Andrewpsy panshuyu panshuyu O O X X X 3天







Switch from Windows to Ubuntu


I could give you a full and complete guide to doing so—but it would be a novelette, and not very practical for the new user. The best thing to have when converting is a good attitude and a willingness to learn. This is a bare-bones guide—for a more complete one, search the forums.



First thing you'll need to know is how to get the software you want on your computer. Believe it or not, it's easier to do this in Linux than it was in Windows. Simply click Add/Remove in the Applications menu, and then search for the kind of program you're looking for. Click the check box next to the program, click 'Okay', and you should be good to go. If you want the exact name of a program, a Google search of the type of software you want with "Ubuntu" or "Linux" included in the search terms is usually more than enough.


If you can't find a program in add/remove, try adding a repository with it (a repository is an online database of software — Add/Remove generates its list from repositories)



Second — dealing with application hangs and freezing. In Windows, it was Ctrl-Alt-Delete for all your freezing needs. In Ubuntu, you have a bit more available to you. You can restart your session by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Backspace — which is highly effective in every case I've encountered. However, if you don't feel like dropping everything your doing just because one application froze, you may just want to right click on one of your panels, and add two programs there — System Monitor and Force Quit. Force Quit will kill whatever application window you click on, and System Monitor will give you a list of processes.

其次,对应用程序的挂起和冻结操作。在Windows中,操作所有的冻结程序只能是快捷键Ctrl-Alt-Delete。在 Ubuntu中,你就多种选择,你可以通过Ctrl-Alt-Backspace重启你的通用进程-在我遇到的任何情况那是非常有用的,如果你不愿因为一个程序的冻结而放弃所有你所做的工作,你仅需要右击你的一个面板,并要那里添加两个程序-系统监视和强迫退出。强迫退出会杀死任何你点击的程序,系统监视会给你一个进程列表。

其次,对应用程序的挂起和冻结操作。在Windows中,操作所有的冻结程序只能是快捷键Ctrl-Alt-Delete。在 Ubuntu中,你就多种选择,你可以通过Ctrl-Alt-Backspace来重启你当前的会话(session)-这招在任何情况都是非常有用的,如果你不愿因为一个程序的冻结而放弃所有你所做的工作,你仅需要右击你的一个面板,并要那里添加两个程序-系统监视和强迫退出。强迫退出会杀死任何你点击的程序,系统监视会提供给你一个进程列表。

Of course, you have to be mindful of compatibility if an application keeps hanging. Software made for Edgy won't work very well in Gutsy. You can check your system version in system monitor (far left tab), and you can usually check the version of the software before you download, or under the "Help" menu on the "About" option.

当然,你务必要在意一个挂起程序的兼容性。Edgy 的程序有可能在Gutsy中不能很好的运行。你可以在系统监视中检查你的系统版本(far left tab),并且你可以时常在你下载程序之前或者在目录“帮助”下的关于选项检查你的程序版本。

There are some things that are just plain different, that you'll need to get used to. The most notable of these are workspaces. Linux gives you four desktops in one — just to help keep things organized. You can switch between them by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Right arrow (left arrow also works), or by clicking on the gray boxes in the bottom right.


If organization is your thing you might also want to consider a "home partition." This is an area of space that you set aside on your hard drive that both Windows and Ubuntu can read (you can format this partition in FAT32, NTFS or ext2, but with NTFS, you may need a configuration tool for Linux, and with ext2, you'll need a plugin for Windows). If you want to be able to view certain files from both operating systems (like pictures, movies, etc.), this is a wonderful idea to implement when you install Ubuntu.

如果做事有条理是你的个性,那你可以考虑建立一个“home”分区。这是一个在硬盘上Windows和Ubuntu都可以访问的共享分区,(此分区可以使用 FAT32, NTFS or ext2等多种文件系统,但是如果采用你用NTFS文件系统,你需要为Linux配置一个访问工具,如果采用ext2格式,你也需要为Windows安装一个访问工具)。如果你想要从两个操作系统中查看某类文件(比如图片,电影等),那么在安装Ubuntu时建立这样一个共享的“home”分区是一个不错的主意。

To make it more accessible in Linux, you may want to change your ~/home folder to point to that drive. You can do this by clicking on System->Administration-> Users and Groups. Find your profile, click properties, click the advanced tab, and change the location of your home directory.

为了使Linux更加实用,你需要改变~/home 文件夹指向那个共享的分区。你可以在“系统”(System)-“系统管理”(Administration)-“用户和组”(Users and Groups)中通过修改配置文件来实现。在“用户和组”(Users and Groups)中找到你的用户名,点击属性,点击高级标签,然后就可以修改你home分区目录的位置了。

Now, you're probably used to directories named "Windows" and "Program Files." In Linux, these are all over. Configuration files are usually under /etc. More important executables are under /bin, while the less important are under /usr/bin. /lib contains a bunch of libraries (similar to .dll files in Windows, but they work in a fundamentally different way), and /media will give you a list of all the drives you can access. There's more, but that should give you a good idea.

目前,你或许习惯于名为"Windows"和"Program Files"的目录。在Linux中,这些到处都是。配置文件常常在/etc下面。重要的可执行文件在/bin下面。而不太重要的在/usr/bin下面。/lib包含了一些库文件(与Windows下面的.dll文件相似,但是它们底层的工作方式不同。)/media提供一个你所能访问的所有驱动器的一个清单。这更多,但是它给你一个很好的主意。

Ubuntu will keep all these organized very neatly if you stick with repositories and Add/Remove. In general though, you're going to want to keep all movies, pictures, and other media in your home directory, and just make additional directories to help organize them.


Last off — to help keep things nice and neat you're going to want shortcuts. For a program, it's called a launcher and you just have to know the exact name of the program to make one (example, the Terminal program is actually called gnome-terminal in some distributions, Alt-F2 can really help here).

还有,使用快捷方式是一个保持系统整洁的不错的方法。对于程序本身来说,快捷方式叫作启动器,如果你需要制作一个起动器的话,你就必须知道程序的确切名字。(比如在某些发行版Gnome终端程序准确的名字是gnome- terminal,Alt-F2在这方面会很有帮助。)

To make a link to a directory, run the terminal (Applications->Accessories->Terminal) and type in ln -s filename linkname. This means: make a symbolic link (ln -s) of this file in this location. An example of this would be:

ln -s /home/user /home/user/Desktop

and that would make a shortcut to your home directory on your desktop. You might also need to make symbolic links (symlinks) to get certain programs to access some libraries—but the program will often tell you if that's the case.

为给一个目录添加一个链接,运行终端(程序(Applications)-附件(Accessories)-终端(Terminal))然后键入“ln -s 文件名 链接名”。这意味着:做一个这个文件的符号链接。它的一个实例如下: ln -s /home/user /home/user/Desktop 那会在你的桌面上为你的home目录创建一个快捷方式。你或许也需要为某个程序创建访问某些库的符号链-不过在这种情况下,程序常常告诉你怎么做。

wjunjiemail wjunjiemsn O X X X X 7天
Qquchn qquchn qquchn O O X O X 2天
Liuzhiyong liuzhiyong O O O O X 7天
Threefcata threefcata threef.cata O X X X X 4天
Aerowolf aerowolf1978 X O X X X 2天
Ivan yeshengqiao 同Gmail O O X O O 5天
Zay liangkazhe liangkazhe(at)gmail.com O X X X X 1天
DerekWu wudehui dehuiwu O X X X X 4天
Thinkfree thinkfree2008 xinbao125 X X O X X 7天
Minlawoo minlawoo
Heiz heiz.yuan bing.yuan O O O O X 2天
Enna jianghongxutju software.prince O O X O X 5天
Chandler handler.zhang.cq zhang_cq(at)163.com O O O O X 10天
lovvvve lovvvve lovvvve(at)gmail.com X X X X X 先学习,暂时不参加翻译
chenzhouc chenzhouc chengxiaofeng316 O X X X X 7天





Issue #7 | Start

文章 页码 翻译 状态 校对 状态 二次校对 状态 录入杂志
News Shanghai1980 Assigned
Flavor of the Month chenzhouc Assigend
How-to Scribus JimHu Working
HowTo-Convert from Windows* wjunjiemail Done Ivan Working
HowTo-Simple SSH Installation* Zay Done Qquchn Done
HowTo-Terminal on Desktop* DerekWu Done Liuzhiyong Done
Interview QQUCHN Done Aerowolf Assigned
Review Sctronlinux Assigned
My Story Heiz Done Gwok Assigned
Ubuntu Youth Enna Assigned
Q&A Chandler Assigned
Website of The Month(未定稿)
My Desktop 1/2 QQUCHN Done Heiz Assigned
Top 5 Mike Huang Done Andrewpsy Done
Sound Bites Andrewpsy Done Gwok Assigned


其他(低优先级) | Working

文章 页码 翻译 状态 校对 状态 二次校对 状态 来源

Issue #6 | Complete

文章 页码 翻译 状态 校对 状态 二次校对 状态 录入杂志
Cover 1 JimHu Done No Need No Need Done
Contents 2 JimHu Done No Need No Need Done
Editorial&Thanks 3 Zay Done Andrewpsy Done Thinkfree Done Done
News 4-5 Lyper Done MikeHuang Done Thinkfree Done Done
Flavour of the Month 6-7 Andrewpsy Done Liuzhiyong Done Thinkfree Done Done
How-to Gimp and PSPI 8-10 Threefcata Done Gwok Done Thinkfree Done Done
How-to SAMBA 11-13 JimHu Done Gwok Done Thinkfree Done Done
How-to Learning Scribus 14-18 JimHu Done Mike Huang Done Thinkfree Done Done
Interview 19-21 Shanghai1980 Done qquchn Done Thinkfree Done Done
My Opinion(Poll) 22 qquchn,Ivan Done Gwok Done Thinkfree Done Done
My Story-Feeling Secure 23 DerekWu Done Liuzhiyong Done Thinkfree Done Done
Ubuntu Youth 24 Liuzhiyong Done Gwok Done Thinkfree Done Done
Letters 25-26 王俊杰 Done QQUCHN Done Thinkfree Done Done
Q&A 27 QQUCHN Done Mike Huang Done Thinkfree Done Done
Website of the Month 28 DerekWu Done Andrewpsy Done Thinkfree Done Done
My Desktop 29 QQUCHN Done JimHu Done Thinkfree Done Done
My Desktop 2 29 Sctronlinux Done QQUCHN Done Thinkfree Done Done
Top 5 Racing Games 30-31 QQUCHN Done Andrewpsy Done Thinkfree Done Done
How to Contribute 32 JimHu Done No Need No Need Done
  • Minlawoo参与版式修订工作.

Issue #5 | Complete

文章 页码 翻译 状态 校对 状态 录入杂志
Cover 1 JimHu OK OK
Contents 2 JimHu OK No Need OK
Editorial&Thanks 3 Wjunjiemail OK Gwok OK OK
News 4-5 Shanghai1980 OK Gwok OK OK
Flavour of the Month 6-7 Shanghai1980 OK Gwok OK OK
HowTo--Reporting bugs using Launchpad... 8-10 JimHu OK Andrewpsy OK OK
HowTo--Edubuntu Glows, Interest Grows 11-14 Stickto OK QQUCHN OK OK
HowTo--Switching from VMware to VirtualBoxHow 15-19 JimHu OK Andrewpsy OK OK
HowTo--Learning Scribus-Part 5 20-22 JimHu OK Liuzhiyong OK OK
Gutsy Gibbon - 7.10 PREVIEW 23-26 Lyper OK Qquchn OK OK
Review -- Bridge Construction Kit 27-29 Ivan OK Gwok OK OK
My Opinion 30 qquchn OK Liuzhiyong OK OK
My Story 31 Andrewpsy OK Liuzhiyong OK OK
Ubuntu Youth 32 Shanghai1980 OK QQUCHN OK OK
Letters 33-34 Andrewpsy OK Gwok OK OK
Q&A 35 Mike Huang OK Gwok OK OK
WebSite of This Month 36 Wjunjiemail OK QQUCHN OK OK
My Desktop&My PC 37 Liuzhiyong OK Gwok OK OK
Top 5 38-39 Shanghai1980 OK Gwok OK OK
How to Contribute 40 JimHu OK No Need OK