
Oneleaf留言 | 贡献2007年5月30日 (三) 18:53的版本 (新页面: == 使用 apt-move 创建软件库光盘 == 原文出处:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptMoveHowto 原文作者:周正(ZhouZheng) 授权许可: * [http://creativecommons.or...)
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使用 apt-move 创建软件库光盘







适用版本:Ubuntu 6.06 文章状态:等待校正

For breezy (Ubuntu 5.10) see: AptMoveHowto/breezy

如果您使用的是breezy (Ubuntu 5.10)请参见: AptMoveHowto/breezy

This page will describe how to make a cd which contains packages you have downloaded on one machine using apt or synaptic. The cd will be a repository that you can easily use on another machine using synaptic or apt-cdrom.


For example, I will show how to make a cd which contains all the security updates that has been downloaded.


Except for adding new apt PGP keys, the user of the cd will not need to use the command-line to use it.

除了添加新的apt PGP keys以外,这张CD光盘的使用者将无需做任何的命令行操作。

Step 1: Install the apt-move package(安装apt-move软件包)

Apt-move is a tool for creating a debian package repository file structure out of packages that have been downloaded to /var/cache/apt/archives. Installed packages are downloded there by apt for installation. Apt-move will create this local repository in /mirrors/debian, by default.

Apt-move是一个专为已下载到/var/cache/apt/archives的软件包生成debian软件包仓库文件结构的工具。 为了便于安装,apt会将已安装的软件包下载到本地。 Apt-move将默认在/mirrors/debian中生成这个本地仓库。

sudo aptitude install apt-move

(Or just use synaptic) You need to enable the universe repository. See AddingRepositoriesHowto

(或者使用synaptic) 你需要激活universe仓库。参见AddingRepositoriesHowto

I change the setting in /etc/apt-move.conf from



to 变为


So that apt-move doesn't delete file from your /var/cache/apt/archives/.


Step 2: Select the packages you want to put on the cd(选择您要刻录到CD上的软件包)

In this example, we only want to put freshly downloaded packages. We don't want to put old packages or packages that exist in Ubuntu CD.

在这个实例中,我们仅希望刻录下载的最新的软件包。我们不想刻录旧的或Ubuntu CD上已存在的软件包。

First, we clean up the /var/cache/apt/archives from old packages.

首先,我们清除/var/cache/apt/archives 中旧的软件包。

sudo aptitude autoclean

Step 3: Run apt move to create the archive structure(运行apt move创建文档结构)

Make sure you have enough disk space first.


Because /mirrors/debian is root owned we must become root to make the steps easier.


sudo -s

All the following command run as root.


First we clean-up previous mirrors (if exists) then we run apt-move.


rm -rf /mirrors/debian
apt-move -d dapper update

Because ubuntu repository structure, not all packages are inserted into the Packages.gz file by apt-move. We must remake Packages.gz with the help of apt-ftparchive.


cd /mirrors/debian
apt-ftparchive packages pool/main/ \
| gzip -9c > dists/dapper/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz
apt-ftparchive packages pool/restricted/ \
| gzip -9c > dists/dapper/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz

We must also remake Release file, to do this we must make an apt configuration file named ~/myapt.conf it contents is like this

我们还必须重新制作Release文件。为了做到这一点,我们必须制作一个名为 ~/myapt.conf的apt配置文件。它的内容如下:

APT::FTPArchive::Release {
Origin "APT-Move";
Label "APT-Move";
Suite "dapper";
Codename "dapper";
Architectures "i386";
Components "main restricted";
Description "Ubuntu Updates CD";

Next, run the following commands:


rm dists/dapper/Release
apt-ftparchive -c ~/myapt.conf release dists/dapper/ > Release
mv Release dists/dapper/

Then we need to make Release.gpg, to make it you must already have your GPGKey set and ready to sign.

现在,我们必要制作Release.gpg,为了做到这一点,你必须已经激活你的 GPGKey ,并已经开始签名。

gpg -bao dists/dapper/Release.gpg dists/dapper/Release

Next, we delete unwanted .apt-move directory


rm -rf .apt-move

You can identify the cd by making a .disk directory and making an info file in it.


mkdir .disk
echo Ubuntu-Updates `date +%Y-%m-%d` > .disk/info

Then we need to put our public keys in it.


gpg --export -a "Your Name" > public.key

Offcourse change Your Name with the name that you use in your PGP.

当然,要把"Your Name"换成你在自己的PGP中使用的名字。

Thats' all



Step 4: Burn the cd(刻录 CD 光盘)

Copy the contents of what is contained in /mirrors/debian to a cd.


For example you could make an iso by following command:


mkisofs -r -A "Ubuntu Updates `date +%Y%m%d`" -o ubuntu-updates.iso \

Before you could use the CD, you need to add our GPG key to apt GPG keys. Put the CD on CD-ROM Drive, mount it (if it not automatically mounted) then run the following:

在你使用这张CD前,你需要将我们的GPG key添加到apt GPG keys中去。将这张CD放入CD-ROM驱动器,挂载它(如果它不能自动挂载的话) ,然后运行如下命令:

apt-key add /cdrom/public.key

Then you could use the CD like any other Ubuntu CD.

此时,你就可以像其它的Ubuntu CD那样使用这张CD了。

On a non-networked ubuntu machine, you can run synaptic, insert the cd and go into Synaptic -> Edit -> Add Cdrom and it will add the contents of the cd to your repositories.

在一台未联网的ubuntu机器上,我可以运行synaptic,插入CD,并进入Synaptic -> 编辑 -> 添加Cdrom。它会将这张CD的内容添加到你的仓库中。

You can also do it from the command-line with


sudo apt-cdrom add