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Many Buttons Mouse Howto



授权许可:创作共用协议 GNU自由文档许可证







This page gives useful informations to configure one of those mice with tons of buttons, wheels and other controls.If you have installed the GNOME environment you ALREADY have the software needed to get the "4th" and "5th" mice buttons working (forward/backward on most mice)!

In /etc/X11/xorg.conf or /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 change Option "Buttons" "5" to Option "Buttons" "7" (see "The X11 configuration file" section for an example). You may also have to change the ZAxisMapping option from "4 5" to "6 7" but you'll have to experiment to see what your set-up needs.



在 /etc/X11/xorg.conf 或者 /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 配置文件中进行修改,将Option "Buttons" "5" 修改成 Option "Buttons" "7"(请参考下文“The X11 configuration file[X11配置文件]”),同时还需要修改“ZAxisMapping”选项,将其值从"4 5" 改成 "6 7"。当然设置时你必须进行验证自己到底需要什么样的设置。

How to do it 如何设置

The key to being able to program your mouse buttons is to install imwheel. Download and install it using Synaptic or apt-get.

Then, you will modify your /etc/X11/xorg.conf (or XF86Config-4) file to register that your mouse is more than the "standard" five (5) button mouse.

Note: A "standard" 2 (left, right click) + 1 (middle click/scroll) button mouse is actually a five button mouse from X11's perspective! The scroll wheel's up and down action counts as mouse buttons 4 and 5. This means that any mouse with one scroll wheel has two more buttons than you'd expect.

Then, you need to modify your /etc/X11/imwheel/imwheelrc or ~/.imwheelrc files to tell imwheel what to do with a mouse click when it happens in a particular application (see the wikis referenced below for details on what you can do with your imwheelrc or .imwheelrc file).

Note: If you modify ~/.imwheelrc this means that you can customise the imwheel behaviour for each user on the system.

Then, if desired, you have to tell X11 to run imwheel whenever X11 is started (modifying /etc/X11/Xsession.d/60imwheel_start-imwheel _and_ changing IMWHEEL_START=0 to =1 in /etc/X11/imwheel/startup.conf). Alternatly, you can start imwheel manually.

PS See IntellimouseMousemanBackForwardButtons for an outstanding explanation of how to set up imwheel properly.


第二步:通过修改配置文件 /etc/X11/xorg.conf (或者是XF86Config-4文件) 来注册鼠标,使其能支持“标准”五键鼠标以外的更多特性。


第三步:修改配置文件 /etc/X11/imwheel/imwheelrc 或者是 ~/.imwheelrc 告诉 imwheel 在鼠标单击一个特定的应用程序时如何响应(具体如何配置这两个文件,你可以参考后文列举的网页链接)。

注意:如果你修改的配置文件是 ~/.imwheelrc ,这意味着对系统中的其他用户,也可以单独分别对 imwheel 程序进行定制。

第四步:如果需要的话,你可以设置让X11在每次启动时候运行 imwheel 。修改 /etc/X11/Xsession.d/60imwheel_start-imwheel 文件[译者注:此处原文没有说如何修改],同时在 /etc/X11/imwheel/startup.conf 文件中将 IMWHEEL_START=0 改成 1,使其每次启动时加载 imwheel。当然,你也可以每次手动启动 imwheel 程序。

建议:参考IntellimouseMousemanBackForwardButtons,你可以获得关于如何对 imwheel 程序进行设置的更多详细解释。

The X11 configuration file X11配置文件

This is what the relevant portion of my xorg.conf file looks like:

下面是在 xorg.conf文件关于鼠标设定部分的大致情况:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier      "Configured Mouse"
Driver          "mouse"
Option          "CorePointer"
Option          "Device"                "/dev/input/mice"
Option          "Protocol"              "ExplorerPS/2"
Option          "Emulate3Buttons"       "false"
Option          "Buttons"               "7"
Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "6 7"

The .imwheelrc configuration file 配置文件.imwhellrc

And my .imwheelrc looks like:

我的[作者]的 .imwheelrc配置文件是这样的:

# Flip between browser tabs
None, Left, Control_L|Page_Up
None, Right, Control_L|Page_Down

(obviously you'd add more applications to this file if you'd like to customise the mouse button behaviour in those apps)


Useful links 有用的链接

Credits 贡献者

Most of the contents have been posted in the ubuntu-users list by Eric Dunbar, and have been (graciously) copied to the wiki by EnricoZini.

本文大部分内容 已由 Eric Dunbar 发布在 Ubuntu 用户列表中,由 EnricoZini 拷贝到Ubuntu wiki中。

  • 文章来源:官方WIKI