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Orinoco Wireless Driver Updating and Kismet Installation, Configuration, and Use

NOTE: This instructional page was created utilizing Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy) fully updated with the 2.6.12-10-386 kernel and Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper) LTS. These are the minimum version requirements in order to utilize these instructions properly. Use this information at your own risk, as the writers, editors, and owners of this page and site are not responsible for any damages due to your actions.


The Orinoco Wireless Driver Update applies to Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy) only. The only steps involved for Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper) LTS are the Kismet Install and Configuration steps. DO NOT perform the Orinoco Wireless Driver Update to Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper) LTS

Orinoco Wireless Driver Update

This will actually be painless, rather than patch and recompile the kernel's Orinoco driver, there is an easier method. This method replaces the current kernel version with version 0.15rc4 from the Orinoco driver website. So, this job will consist of downloading the drivers, installing kernel headers and developing them, and then performing a make and then replacing the older drivers with the new.

Preparing to build a kernel module

You will need the appropriate headers for your kernel, and a development environment that can compile the linux kernel. You can find your current kernel version with:

# uname -r

Install the kernel headers with:

# sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

Once that is complete, then you will install the development environment with:

# sudo apt-get build-dep linux-headers-$(uname -r)

Downloading and installing the Orinoco drivers

The following commands will download, unpack, and edit the Orinoco drivers. Once a command has completed, move on to the next command, and follow them in the order you see.

# cd /usr/src
# sudo wget http://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/orinoco/orinoco-0.15rc4.tar.gz
# sudo tar -xvf orinoco-0.15rc4.tar.gz
# cd orinoco-0.15rc4
# sudo vi orinoco.c

From here, locate the line in orinoco.c that says static int force_monitor; /* == 0 */ and change it to say static int force_monitor == 1;, then type in :wq to close vi.

Now proceed to compile, delete, and replace the Orinoco drivers with the following commands.

# sudo make
# sudo cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless
# sudo rm orinoco*.ko hermes.ko
# sudo cp /usr/src/orinoco-0.15rc4/orinoco*.ko .
# sudo cp /usr/src/orinoco-0.15rc4/hermes.ko .


Kismet Install and Configuration

These directions are the same for both Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy) and Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper) LTS

This is the easiest and quickest part of the entire process. First you need to find out what port you wireless card is working on.

# ifconfig

Locate the line that shows your IP address for your internet connection. On my setup it is eth0. Now it is time to install Kismet, configure it, and then run it.

# sudo apt-get install kismet
# gksudo gedit /etc/kismet/kismet.conf

Now, once you are in the kismet.conf file, scroll down to the line, the 22nd (twenty-second) line to be exact, and locate and replace the following:

source=none,none,addme  <- replace this with
source=orinoco,eth0,orinocosource <- this..replace eth0 with your actual port.

Now save the kismet.conf file. Once that is saved and closed, issue the following command and enjoy:

# sudo kismet


NOTE: With Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy), whenever you install a new kernel, you will have to recompile and copy over the modules as performed in the '''Orinoco Wireless Driver Update''' section.

This wiki page as been recreated by the WikiTeam. However, there are 2 (two) people that were involved in the process you just completed, they are:

  • J. Shein - Author
  • Beakmyn - Modifications