mod_ssl模块为Apache2服务器添加了一个重要的功能 - 加密通信的能力。由此,当你的浏览器通信使用SSL时,https:// 前缀被使用于统一资源定位符(URL)前。
mod_ssl模块存放于apache2-common包中。在终端提示符下执行以下命令以允许mod_ssl模块:sudo a2enmod ssl
配置Apache2 HTTPS请输入下面指令:sudo a2ensite default-ssl
- The directories /etc/ssl/certs and /etc/ssl/private are the default locations. If you install the certificate and key in another directory make sure to change SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile appropriately.
With Apache2 now configured for HTTPS, restart the service to enable the new settings: sudo service apache2 restart
- Depending on how you obtained your certificate you may need to enter a passphrase when Apache2 starts.
You can access the secure server pages by typing https://your_hostname/url/ in your browser address bar.