Blender2.5x-2.6完全教程 3.2.5
第 3.2.5 节 其它特殊选取 (others)
Side of Active 活动物体边侧
Selects all data on the mesh in a single axis
Interior Faces 内基面
Select faces where all edges have more than 2 faces.
Linked Flat Faces 连接的平直基面 Ctrl ShiftAltF)
Select connected faces based on a threshold of the angle between them. This is useful for selecting faces that are planar.
Sharp Edges 尖锐棱线
This option will select all edges that are between two faces forming an angle less than a given value, which is asked you via a small pop-up dialog. The lower is this angle limit, the sharper will be the selected edges. At 180°, all “manifold” (see below) edges will be selected.
Every N Number of Verts 顶点N个
Selects vertices that are not completely bound by geometry, including border edges, floating edges, and orphan vertices. Only available in Vertex mode.