模板:Moodle installation
Moodle is a free open source platform for hosting online learning courses. It can be integrated with webinar software. A LAMP server installation is required (sudo tasksel install lamp-server). Also find free Moodle themes here. Install:
sudo apt-get moodle
- Database server software for Moodle: mysql-server -> follow remainder of instructions. Assuming the database is hosted on the same computer as the one Moodle is being installed upon, accept localhost for the options when prompted.
- Edit Moodle configuration options (if needed):
sudo gedit /etc/moodle/config.php
- Edit Moodle apache2 configuration file (if needed):
sudo gedit /etc/moodle/apache.conf
- Finish installation through the browser. (I recommend the "unattended" installation.)
- http://localhost/moodle/admin