


Wikibot讨论 | 贡献2010年5月19日 (三) 23:06的版本

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Last.fm is a music-based social network. Their AudioScrobbler product learns what music you listen to, and from that can suggest new music for you to listen to. These suggestions can then be streamed online to several players, such as the Last.fm player, Noatun, Rhythmbox, XMMS, etc. These customized radio stations are free from advertisements, talking and use original work, so no stations sound alike. The quality of the music is also good using 128Kb streaming.

Last.fm Client


The Last.fm Player is available in the Universe repository. Install the lastfm package


Last.fm should now be under Applications/Sound & Video. You can add to the panel from here if you choose.


See the Last.fm plugins page


Using firefox you can create your own radio stations. [1] search for bands you like. This will then create a radio station that plays these bands, and similar tunes. Firefox can also launch the player when it encounters lastfm: links. Modified from the Last.fm FAQ [2]:

  • type in about:config in the location bar
  • right click on the main page
  • select New --> String
  • name of string should be: network.protocol-handler.app.lastfm
  • value should be /usr/bin/last.fm.