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Highpoint RocketRaid Driver Mini-HowTo


This is wiki page is in its infancy. Please feel free to modify or offer suggestions if possible. Currently a lot of this was done from memory and notes, and should therefore be tested again.


This mini-howto is intended to help others avoid the frustration I went through when updating kernels and having my root partition on a RocketRaid mirrored drive. While not complete, this mini-howto should get most users the ability to have the driver automatically compile and install on a kernel update.


Ubuntu 9.04 / 9.10 RocketRaid 26xx RAID Card Kernel Tools and Headers DKMS Internet Access Root/sudo Permission


First, install the build tools:

sudo apt-get install build-essential

"Note: Need to make sure kernel headers are installed" Download the driver source from Highpoint: "I recommend verifying this link is the most recent before downloading"

lwp-download http://www.support-highpoint-tech.com/Main/rr26xx/264x/Linux/opensrc/rr2640-linux-src-v1.2-090925-0932.tar.gz

Extract the tar:

tar zxvf rr2640-linux-src-v1.2-090925-0932.tar.gz
cd rr2640-linux-src-v1.2

Make sure DKMS is installed:

sudo aptitude install dkms

Create the DKMS configuration file:

cat >dkms.conf

Cut and Paste the following text:

POST_BUILD="do_Module.symvers rr26xx save $dkms_tree/$module/$module_version/build/Module.symvers"

Hit "Control-D" (as in Dog) to close the file. Copy the Makefile and Config files up to the top directory:

cp product/rr2640/linux/* .
mv Makefile Makefile_orig

Modify the HPT_ROOT in the Makefile:

sed 's/HPT_ROOT := ..\/..\/../HPT_ROOT := \/var\/lib\/dkms\/rr26xx\/1.2\/build/' Makefile_orig >Makefile

Move the source into /usr/src for DKMS:

cd ..
mv rr2640-linux-src-v1.2 /usr/src/rr26xx-1.2

"Todo: Should probably verify permissions here..." "Note: For some reason dkms will not copy object files (.o) when doing builds, so we need to fool it below." Trick dkms into looking in the /usr/src directory for the precompiled RocketRaid object code:

mv /usr/src/rr26xx-1.2/lib /usr/src/rr26xx-1.2/real_lib
ln -s /usr/src/rr26xx-1.2/real_lib /usr/src/rr26xx-1.2/lib

"Note: Above symbolic link must be complete (absolute) path!" Add the source to DKMS:

sudo dkms add -m rr26xx -v 1.2

Build the module:

sudo dkms build -k 2.6.31-14-generic -m rr26xx -v 1.2

This should hopefully compile correctly. If not send an email to "rocketraid at mark.org" with the output from the file "/var/lib/dkms/rr26xx/1.2/build/make.log" Next install the module:

sudo dkms install -k 2.6.31-14-generic -m rr26xx -v 1.2

Finally, create the boot image:

sudo mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-14-generic 2.6.31-14-generic

This should install it into the named kernel listed above (2.6.31-14 in this example). It will also use DKMS to compile the module for future kernel update automatically. Please see note below.

Running mkinitramfs

The directions above seem to automatically recompile and install the module whenever a new kernel update comes out (at least for 9.04 and 9.10). However, so far it does not automatically add it to the boot image. If after a kernel upgrade you reboot and it can't find the rr26xx module, then reboot in an old working kernel and run this:

sudo mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-14-generic 2.6.31-14-generic

Obviously, replace "2.6.31-14-generic" with the kernel that was just updated. I'm looking for a way to do this post DKMS (maybe POST_BUILD???). If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!