


Wikibot讨论 | 贡献2009年5月12日 (二) 19:14的版本

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This is a stab at explaining Ubuntu (muekow) LTSP, as opposed to the traditional LTSP tarball you would find at LTSP.org as specified at https://launchpad.net/products/ltsp/+spec/ubuntu-ltsp-tour


Traditional LTSP systems were implemented by distributing the entire LTSP chroot environment in a tarball. This has been costly in terms of disc space, since many packages needed to be shipped twice (for example, dhclient, xserver-xorg). Meukow changes this, it allows you to use your distribution's native packages. This also allows you to chroot into your LTSP environment and simply install a local package by using apt-get, instead of using a specialised build-environment. More information on muekow at http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/MueKow

Technical differences

Purpose Ubuntu LTSP.org tarball
GUI Export ssh -X XDMCP
Remote login LDM KDM/GDM
Distribution method APT Tar ball
Authentication ssh passwd file on XDMCP server

Why SSH and not XDMCP?

SSH provides better security (encryption) and built-in compression.

Why LDM and not KDM/GDM?

KDM and GDM doesn't provide us with an effective method of logging on to a remote SSH session. LDM is a python application that logs us into a remote desktop session over SSH.

Why use APT instead of the LTSP tarball

This method saves us space on the installation media, or bandwidth if you're installing over a network. It also means that you can install local applications much easier, and customise your LTSP chroot. Upgrades are also easier, especially if you have made modifications to your system. Using APT combined with Ubuntu packages also results in better maintainability. The high quality of Ubuntu packages, combined with APT, means that upgrades are easy and reliable.