
Wikibot留言 | 贡献2009年5月12日 (二) 19:11的版本

{{#ifexist: :UbuntuLTSP/ClientTroubleshooting/zh | | {{#ifexist: UbuntuLTSP/ClientTroubleshooting/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:UbuntuLTSP/ClientTroubleshooting|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:UbuntuLTSP/ClientTroubleshooting|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

This page is specific to Ubuntu versions 7.10, 8.04

If you find this information applicable to additional versions/releases, please edit this page and modify this header to reflect that. Please also include any necessary modifications for this information to apply to the additional versions.

Sometimes you need to troubleshoot the thin-client boot process. This is fairly easy if you understand the concepts behind LTSP and the boot process of a thin-client.

Troubleshooting at the client itself

  • First, let's temporarily disable the Ubuntu bootsplash for the chroot environment, so we can see bootup messages scroll by:
sudo vim /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default

Remove the quiet stanza, and change splash to nosplash. Save and exit, and reboot the thin-client. You should now see all bootup messages instead of the Ubuntu graphical bootsplash.

  • In the case of X not launching, and nothing valuable in dmesg, you want to be able to log into the chroot environment to examine the logs contained in /var/log (you can't do this on the server as /var/log on the client is stored in RAM). Let's activate|the root account in the chroot.
  • ...and now we reboot the thin client, log into the chroot to examine the logs:

~-(On the thin-client)-~

  • CTRL+ALT+F1 will get you to a TTY to log in, even if X is giving you a blank screen.
  • Log in with your newly unlocked root account, navigate to /var/log, and check out Xorg.6.log (amongst others that might pertain to your situation).

Troubleshooting via SSH

Shamelessly ripped off from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToSetupLTSPDevelEnvironment It's really useful to be able to start a shell on a thin-client when debugging or development. Let's install openssh-server into the chroot,

  • SSH needs /dev/random and proc interface, so mount them:
sudo mount --bind /dev /opt/ltsp/i386/dev
sudo mount -t proc none /opt/ltsp/i386/proc
  • Now, install the SSH server in the chroot, telling the server not to handle the start/stop of the daemon (since we're working in the client filesystem):
sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 apt-get install ssh
  • If you haven't already, unlock the root account and set a password:
sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 passwd -u root
sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 passwd
  • Lastly, rebuild the client image:
sudo ltsp-update-image

Reboot your thin clients, and you should have a functioning client-side SSH server!

Using remote syslog facilities