
Wikibot留言 | 贡献2008年4月23日 (三) 10:28的版本

{{#ifexist: :BinaryDriverHowto/zh | | {{#ifexist: BinaryDriverHowto/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:BinaryDriverHowto|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:BinaryDriverHowto|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

Some graphics hardware (aka video cards) may need non-free drivers, even though these drivers are not part of the open source community and cannot be fixed by open source software developers. If you encounter bugs with these closed-source drivers, developers will not be able or even willing to assist you in resolving your issues. Use at your own risk.

7.04 and later

The easiest way to install binary drivers is to use the built in Restricted Driver Manager from 'System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager in Ubuntu .

6.10 and earlier

Earlier versions of Ubuntu require more complicated ways to install BinaryDrivers. The instructions for video cards are below.

Video Cards

ATI (fglrx) Driver
  • `lspci` reveals a card with "Radeon" in it, or you know you own a Radeon card
  • The model number for your Radeon card is a 9500 pro or above (this includes model numbers that start with an X, like X300, X1600, etc., and it also includes the Xpress 200)
  • `glxinfo |grep direct` outputs `direct rendering: No`, or it outputs `direct rendering: Yes`, but performance in 3D applications such as games is unacceptable

See BinaryDriverHowto/ATI for installation instructions.

NVIDIA (nvidia) Driver
  • You know you own a "Ge``Force", "Quadro", "TNT" or "Vanta" graphics card.
  • `lspci | grep -i nvidia` reveals a card with "NVIDIA" in it

See BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia for installation instructions.

Matrox (mtx) driver
  • You know you own a Matrox Parhelia-based (P650, P750 or Parhelia-512) graphics card.
  • When you first turn the computer on you see a flashing logo with Matrox.
  • `lspci | grep -i matrox` reveals a card "MGA XXX" where XXX is P650, P750 or Parhelia.

See BinaryDriverHowto/MatroxParhelia for installation instructions. See also pages of Unofficial Matrox Technical Support Forum: http://forum.tuxx-home.at/