
Lyp069留言 | 贡献2008年3月5日 (三) 19:08的版本

{{#ifexist: :InternetHowto/zh/zh | | {{#ifexist: InternetHowto/zh/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:InternetHowto/zh|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:InternetHowto/zh|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

这份指南指导你如何在Ubuntu LTS 6.06 (Dapper Drake)下设置Internet连接。这份指南里大多数内容对Ubuntu7.10是可用的。




如果你有一个ADSL或者外置Modem,这里有一些可能要依赖Modem的类型。 If you have an ADSL or cable modem there are several possibilities, depending on the type of modem.

以太网 Modem (pppoe)

如果你的Modem用网线连接到你的电脑上,你可能安装了一个ppoe连接。但是,今天许多Modem内置路由,假如是这样的,你应通读厂商的说明书,可能要在下面的本地局域网章节寻找额外的帮助(如果你使用一个WEB界面配置来设备,它可能集成一个路由器)。 要安装PPPoE连接,请参阅ADSL PPOE设置

USB Modem

This is probably the the most demanding type of modem to set up, USB is far from the ideal medium for network access. If you can get your hands on an ethernet modem you may save yourself some trouble. If you have a modem that can connect both via USB and ethernet you should use the ethernet connection.

If you have a usb modem, you should refer to theUbuntuHelp:UsbAdslModem


If you have a dialup connection, a 56 kbit/s or slower modem, you should refer to the UbuntuHelp:DialupModemHowto.

本地局域网 - 无线网络、以太网或者其它

If you connect to the Internet via a Local Area Network, the configuration depends entirely on your network.

Configuration information should be provided by your network administrator.

If you connect via a router on a home network, you should read the router's documentation, the default Ubuntu configuration may work without further configuration.

You may have to configure the interface through which you connect to use DHCP (dynamic configuration, usually the default) or specify an IP address, default gateway or DNS server.

You must have your ethernet or Wifi card working before starting to configure Internet access, you may find information on hardware here :UbuntuHelp:NetworkDevices


If you wish to connect to the Internet with the modem integrated into a modern mobile phone, you may find helpful information in BluetoothDialup, about configuring PPP dialup through a Bluetooth-compatible mobile phone, or in CableDialup for connecting with a mobile phone via a USB cable.


To connect with iBurst wireless Internet access, see MobileWirelessBroadband.

IPwireless 移动宽带上网卡

To connect with sentech mywireless internet access, see IpwirelessPcmcia.