
Oneleaf留言 | 贡献2007年5月13日 (日) 12:33的版本

{{#ifexist: :ApacheTomcat5/zh | | {{#ifexist: ApacheTomcat5/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:ApacheTomcat5|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:ApacheTomcat5|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

This is to help people setup and install Apache Tomcat 5.

Apache Tomcat 5

Jakarta Tomcat, a Java servlet container is now part of the Apache family under the name of Apache Tomcat. It can be installed in Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake) following the steps below.

Needed before installing Apache Tomcat

Java virtual machine Follow this link paying attention to download the JDK and not the JRE.

Enable the universe and multiverse repositories

In Ubuntu 6.06, do:

sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk

Set Java environment variables

$ export JAVA_HOME="path of your java home"
$ export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin

In Ubuntu 6.06,do:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-

You may have to change the numbers for updated versions.

Installing Apache Tomcat 5

$ sudo aptitude install tomcat5 tomcat5-admin tomcat5-webapps

Run, Stop, And Restart Apache Tomcat

Use the following command to run Apache Tomcat:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat5 start

To stop it, use :

$ sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat5 stop

Finally, to restart it, run :

$ sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat5 restart

Using Tomcat5

You can find tomcat up and running (if you have followed the previous steps) at the following ip:

Administering Tomcat5

If you have installed also the admin package as listed before you will be able to enter in the administation window only if you edit the file

$ /usr/share/tomcat5/conf/tomcat-users.xml

and add the following lines for creating new users with admin and manager privilegies as described in Tomcat's main page

  <role rolename="manager"/>
  <role rolename="admin"/>
<user username="YOUR USERNAME " password="YOUR PASSWORD" roles="admin,manager"/>

Obviously if you want only one kind of role you've to delete the one you are not interested in. Example only admin

   <role rolename="admin"/>
<user username="YOUR USERNAME " password="YOUR PASSWORD" roles="admin"/>

Installing new servlet or jsp pages in Tomcat5

Using the Tomcat manager included in the installed packages you'll be able to to control your servlet/jsp properly.

1.Enter in your server (by default

2.Enter in the Tomcat manager page (you find the link on the left) typing username and password chosen in the previous step.

3.Search the section Deploy and in the field WAR or Directory URL type:


Usually servlet/jsp pages are located in the directory /usr/share/tomcat5/webapps.