


Wikibot讨论 | 贡献2007年11月22日 (四) 12:40的版本 (新页面: {{From|https://help.ubuntu.com/community/forum/customization}} {{Languages|UbuntuHelp:forum/customization}} A page for posting information from the forums that deals with CUSTOMISING your...)

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A page for posting information from the forums that deals with CUSTOMISING your Ubuntu. Examples might be setting up new programs, not included by default with the Ubuntu system, or tweaking existing programs.

http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2780 <-- lm-sensors guide Howto Install and Configure lm-sensors

http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32220 <-- Howto have a menu which shows all installed applications on your system


1. Install lm-sensors using apt-get or the Synaptic GUI.

sudo apt-get install lm-sensors

2. Run the mkdev.sh script in the lm-sensors source. It is extacted below:

a. Copy the script file below to a text editor and save it to a file named mkdev.sh.

# Here you can set several defaults.
# The number of devices to create (max: 256)
# The owner and group of the devices
# The mode of the devices

# This script doesn't need to be run if devfs is used
if [ -r /proc/mounts ] ; then
if grep -q "/dev devfs" /proc/mounts ; then
echo "You do not need to run this script as your system uses devfs."


while [ $i -lt $NUMBER ] ; do
echo /dev/i2c-$i
mknod -m $MODE /dev/i2c-$i c 89 $i || exit
chown "$OUSER:$OGROUP" /dev/i2c-$i || exit
i=$[$i + 1]
#end of file

b. Make the file executable:

chmod 755 mkdev.sh

c. Run mkdev.sh from the current directory

sudo ./mkdev.sh

3. Now run sensors-detect and answer YES to all YES/no questions. I generally use the ISA bus rather than the SMBus bus, your choice to this question!. At the end of the detection phase, a list of modules that needs to be loaded will displayed. You will need to write these down or print the list for the next steps.

sudo sensors-detect

Below is an example of results from sensors-detect:

                                                                                                    • *****************************

To make the sensors modules behave correctly, add these lines to /etc/modules:

#----cut here----
# I2C adapter drivers
# I2C chip drivers
#----cut here----

Then, run /etc/init.d/module-init-tools

To make the sensors modules behave correctly, add these lines to /etc/modprobe.d/local and run update-modules:

#----cut here----
# I2C module options
alias char-major-89 i2c-dev
#----cut here----

4. In this example, we add the modules in reverse order (order is critical!) in "/etc/modules".

# /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.
# This file should contain the names of kernel modules that are
# to be loaded at boot time, one per line. Comments begin with
# a "#", and everything on the line after them are ignored.


#For lm-sensors, i2c modules

#end of file!

4. I found that there was no "/etc/modprobe.d/local" and that "alias char-major-89 i2c-dev" was already listed in "/etc/modprobe.d/aliases". So, nothing to do here.

5.Now load the modules manually using modprobe and update the dependencies.

sudo modprobe i2c-sensor
sudo modprobe i2c-viapro
sudo modprobe i2c-isa
sudo modprobe it87

sudo depmod -a <may not be needed!>
sudo update-modules <may not be needed!>

6. Now test the sensor output using the lm-sensors utility "sensors".


************************************************** *****************
Adapter: ISA adapter
VCore 1: +1.57 V (min == +1.42 V, max == +1.57 V) ALARM
VCore 2: +2.66 V (min == +2.40 V, max == +2.61 V) ALARM
+3.3V: +6.59 V (min == +3.14 V, max == +3.46 V) ALARM
+5V: +5.11 V (min == +4.76 V, max == +5.24 V)
+12V: +11.78 V (min == +11.39 V, max == +12.61 V)
-12V: -19.14 V (min == -12.63 V, max == -11.41 V) ALARM
-5V: +0.77 V (min == -5.26 V, max == -4.77 V) ALARM
Stdby: +5.00 V (min == +4.76 V, max == +5.24 V)
VBat: +3.12 V
fan1: 3668 RPM (min == 0 RPM, div == 
fan2: 0 RPM (min == 664 RPM, div ==  ALARM
fan3: 0 RPM (min == 2657 RPM, div == 2) ALARM
M/B Temp: +39°C (low == +15°C, high == +40°C) sensor = thermistor
CPU Temp: +36°C (low == +15°C, high == +45°C) sensor = thermistor
Temp3: +96°C (low == +15°C, high == +45°C) sensor = diode
************************************************** ********************

7. Reboot Ubuntu and the sensors should now be detected during the boot process properly!

8. The sensor output may be tweaked by editing the "/etc/sensors.conf" file. It is possible to correct inacurate scaling too. For details check "man sensors.conf.