
Oneleaf留言 | 贡献2007年5月14日 (一) 11:44的版本

{{#ifexist: :BinaryDriverHowto/zh | | {{#ifexist: BinaryDriverHowto/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:BinaryDriverHowto|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:BinaryDriverHowto|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

Some graphics hardware (aka video cards) may need non-free drivers, even though these drivers are not part of the open source community and cannot be fixed by open source software developers. If you encounter bugs with these closed-source drivers, developers will not be able or even willing to assist you in resolving your issues. Use at your own risk.

Identifying your card

ATI (fglrx) Driver

  • `lspci` reveals a card with "Radeon" in it, or you know you own a Radeon card
  • The model number for your Radeon card is a 9500 pro or above (this includes model numbers that start with an X, like X300, X1600, etc., and it also includes the Xpress 200)
  • `glxinfo |grep direct` outputs `direct rendering: No`, or it outputs `direct rendering: Yes`, but performance in 3D applications such as games is unacceptable

See UbuntuHelp:BinaryDriverHowto/ATI for installation instructions.

NVIDIA (nvidia) Driver

  • You know you own a "Ge``Force", "Quadro", "TNT" or "Vanta" graphics card.
  • `lspci | grep -i nvidia` reveals a card with "NVIDIA" in it

See UbuntuHelp:BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia for installation instructions.

Matrox driver

  • You know you own a Matrox Parhelia-based (P650, P750 or Parhelia-512) graphics card.
  • When you first turn the computer on you see a flashing logo with Matrox.
  • `lspci | grep -i matrox` reveals a card "MGA XXX" where XXX is G650, G750 or Parhelia.

See UbuntuHelp:BinaryDriverHowto/MatroxParhelia for installation instructions.