
Fideas留言 | 贡献2007年5月18日 (五) 20:42的版本 →‎简述

{{#ifexist: :TestingStorageMedia/zh/zh | | {{#ifexist: TestingStorageMedia/zh/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:TestingStorageMedia/zh|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:TestingStorageMedia/zh|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}







On occasion, errors may occur in the data stored on a disk. This may be due for example to power failures, system crashes or impetuous removal of media. When this happens, files may become lost or corrupt - you will need to check your data for validity.

The tools used to check your data depend on your filesystem, please refer to the approriate section.

ext2 and ext3

In a terminal run :

man e2fsck

to consult the documentation related to testing there partitions.


To check and repair MS-DOS type filesystem, we will use the dosfsck tool. In a terminal, type the fooling to know the name of the partition you want to check :

sudo fdisk -l

No we will run the check with the following command (assuming your partition is /dev/hda1) :

dosfsck -a -v /dev/sda1
  • The a option is use to automatically repair the file system.
  • The v option is use to get some more information about the check.

You may have a look at :

man dosfsck

to get some information about the others options available.


Their is no equivalent yet to chkdsk/scandisk for NTFS in linux.

The linux-ntfs team project to make one.

Check http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfsck for the current status of the project.

In the meanwhile, you'll have to use windows to check your NTFS partition.

Checking for Physical defects

In a terminal run :

man badblocks

to consult the documentation related to testing disks.


TestDisk is a tool for recovering lost data, click on the previous link to visit their website.

You may also find this in the Universe repository here.


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