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翻译人员:PoemCode hy48 MillenniumDark

校对人员:hy48 MillenniumDark


适用版本: 文章状态:完成

= The Ubuntu Linux Background Guide: what do you need to know before you start?

Ubuntu Linux 背景指南:在开始之前需要知道哪些东西?



Ubuntu is a new GNU/Linux derived operating system targetting the more user oriented, desktop application domain. As a such Ubuntu is aiming at being no hassle to install, heavily relying on autoconfiguration and detection of hardware as well as supporting many software and hardware out of the box, assuming the least allowed from its users. Although such a system greatly reduces the amount of knowledge and specific know how by a user, there is still a need to elaborate on its background and makeup, as well as discussing general linux terms and terminologies that apply directly to such a system. This guide aims at satisfying this need.



Welcome. I know you might be a seasoned Windows user by now, but you've heard about GNU/Linux wide spread , and I'm sure you are curious to explore what Ubuntu can give you as a such. If you've reached this page I assume you either heard the news about it and want to install and get it up and running although being not sure how to go about it. This guide aims to give you the very basics in theory you need to know, for later understand the hands on guides and some of the technical mumbo jumbo.



If you're coming from Windows based operating systems, you would need to understand several concepts, philosophies and terminology which are quite different compared to where you just came from. However there is also quite a deal that these days is similar, so you've already got yourself a head start...


Plus, bear in mind that these days the same standards that drive linux are also the same ones upon which windows is currently based, so you already probably know more then you'd expect.


Let me know if you'd like more things explained or have any suggestion how to improve this. Please let me know through the wiki, or mail the list at ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com with [doc] prefixing the subject line. You can also add those and to LinuxIntroWishes. for more urgent reponse, you might want to email me at sivang@gmail.com .

如果你希望更多东西得到解释,或者,你有任何改善这篇文章的建议,请告诉我。请通过维基(wiki)告知,或者发邮件到 [ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com] ——在主题里加上[doc]前缀。你也可以把这些加到LinuxIntroWishes。如果你急着得到回应,你或许想把邮件发到 [sivang@gmail.com]。(译者注:关于中文翻译的建议也可通过维基(wiki)告知, 或者发邮件给MillenniumDark MailTo(weakish AT gmail DOT com)

This is not going to be a "hands-on" guide. I will try my best discussing important ideas I think are neccesary for one to understand before starting up with Ubuntu. Even the installation process assumes you are already familiar with some terms. This tutorial aims at introducing you to them.


Thinking in Linux


It figures that before showing you how things are going to change for you in working with Ubuntu, you might benefit from learning where things are similar. Things like groups, users, ports and devices might sound familiar if you've used Windows NT through XP to some extent. If you havn't - don't worry, these would be explained more than just relying on you knowing them in advance.

有理由认为,在向你展示使用Ubuntu会如何改变状况之前,你也许能从了解相似之处中获益。如果你通过Wnidows XP在某种程度上用过Windows NT,那么像群组、用户、端口、设备之类的东西,你也许会觉得很耳熟。如果你没用过,也不用担心,对这些将作出的解释会比在只是假定你已经预先了解它们的基础上作出的解释详细。

Linux and Windows are multi-user operating systems


Having a multi-user operating system means that an arbitrary number (given enough memory and disk space) of users can log onto it, work and interact on a given system concurrently. Think of a timeshare unit you might have leased in the Alps, every week different person or group of people use the flat. Your computer system acts as the timeshare unit in our analogy, however the time periods are so much smaller, that none of the users are aware that other users are using the system. This is also an advantage over the timeshare unit, as you cannot (theoratically) share the same flat with another leaser of it. (they wouldn't agree to it, in most cases).

拥有一个多用户操作系统意味着任意数量(假定有足够的内存和磁盘空间)的用户可以同时在一个给定的系统上登录、使用以及交互。想象一下,你在阿尔卑斯山脉地区租赁一套分时单元房(timeshare unit),每个礼拜,不同的人使用这套单元房。类似的,你的电脑系统起着和分时单元房同样的作用,然而时间周期是如此短暂,以至于没有一个用户会意识到还有其他的用户正在使用这个系统。这是比分时单元房优越的地方,因为你不可能(理论上)和另一个承租人分享同一套单元房。(在大多数情况下,他们可不会同意的。)