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{{#ifexist: :DazukoTroubleshooting/zh | | {{#ifexist: DazukoTroubleshooting/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:DazukoTroubleshooting|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:DazukoTroubleshooting|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

Getting Started

What is Dazuko? A common interface across all platforms is needed for 3rd party file access control. With such an interface, focus could be redirected from OS hacking to solving real problems. The interface is here. It is called Dazuko. http://www.dazuko.com

Dazuko Installation

Old Method

 $ sudo apt-get install build-essential module-assistant 
 $ sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/dazuko

Copy and paste the following lines to the document. Then save and exit.

 install dazuko modprobe -r apparmor; \
 modprobe -i dazuko; \
 modprobe -i apparmor; 

Deb Method Now, we will first attempt to install dazuko via the .deb package. (This file was downloaded to my desktop.) Download the package ->http://www.dazuko.org/files/dazuko-source_2.3.3-1_all.deb Open Terminal.

 $ sudo dpkg -i ./Desktop/dazuko-source_2.3.3-1_all.deb
 $ sudo module-assistant prepare
 $ sudo m-a a-i dazuko

For some reasons, this step may not work. Most of the time this is due to the capability module. To go around this move on to the next method. Tar.gz Method If the first method did not work, try the .tar.gz method. (This file was downloaded to my desktop.) Download the following file ->http://www.dazuko.org/files/dazuko-2.3.4.tar.gz Type or copy/paste the following lines into Terminal.

 $ tar -xvf ./Desktop/dazuko-2.3.4.tar.gz
 $ cd dazuko-2.3.4
 $ sudo -s
 # ./configure
 # make
 # sudo make test

If you receive any errors from this step, try this.

 # rmmod capability
 # insmod /dazuko.ko
 # modprobe capability
 # sudo make test

You should receive that the module is already installed.

 # cat /proc/modules

You should find dazuko listed.

 # cat /proc/devices

You should find dazuko listed with a number beside it.

 # mknod -m 600 /dev/dazuko c [the number] 0
 # chown root:root /dev/dazuko
 # make install

Dazuko should now be installed.

DazukoFS Method

To install DazukoFS you will need linux kernel 2.6.31.x from http://www.kernel.org. This is currently the only known version that DazukoFS will work with although there may be others. Open Terminal.

 $ uname -r

Remember the output given. You will need to replace [insert] each time you see it with this output.

 $ sudo -s
 # apt-get install build-essential bin86 kernel-package libqt3-headers libqt3-mt-dev wget libncurses5 libncurses5-dev fakeroot
 # cp ~/Desktop/linux*.tar.bz2 /usr/src
 # cd /usr/src
 # tar xvjf linux*.tar.bz2
 # cd linux*
 # cp /boot/config-[insert] .config 
 # make menuconfig

Scroll down with the arrow keys and select Load an Alternate Configuration using Enter. Scroll back up to General Options and hit select it. Scroll down to select Kernel .config support. Press space twice to get the '*' option. Also select the next option. Press space once here to get the '*' option. Press <Esc><Esc> to go back until its asks you to save. Select Yes with Enter.

 # make-kpkg clean
 # fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-dazuko-kernel kernel-image kernel-headers

This step will take approximately 1 - 3 hours to complete depending on computer configuration.

 # cd ..
 # sudo dpkg -i linux-headers*.deb
 # sudo dpkg -i linux-image*.deb

Restart your computer selecting the new kernel named dazuko-kernel.

 # shutdown now -r

Download DazukoFS from http://dazuko.dnsalias.org/files/dazukofs-3.1.1.tar.gz and navigate to the download directory.

 $ tar -xvf dazuko*
 $ cd dazuko*
 $ make
 $ sudo -s
 # /sbin/insmod dazukofs.ko
 # cat /proc/filesystems | grep dazukofs

If you see dazukofs listed, everything worked.

 # make dazukofs_install

That's it. DazukoFS is now installed.