
Wikibot留言 | 贡献2008年5月9日 (五) 19:19的版本

{{#ifexist: :SCIM/Kubuntu/zh | | {{#ifexist: SCIM/Kubuntu/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:SCIM/Kubuntu|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:SCIM/Kubuntu|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

This guide is for people who want to install SKIM for Chinese/Japanese/Korean input on Kubuntu.

For users wanting to set up Chinese/Japanese/Korean on Ubuntu using SCIM, click HERE The guide below was created with a view to enabling Chinese input. Substitute any selection for the Chinese language for a language of your choice to enable input for said language. Provided it's supported by SCIM of course.

Installation and Setup for 6.06

  1. Select KMenu -> System -> Language Support (in Kubuntu 7.10 and 8.04 it is KMenu -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Add language)


  1. Select Chinese from the language list, click 'Apply', and allow the package manager Adept to finish downloading the language pack
  2. Close the Adept window when the download is complete
  3. Right click the SKIM icon in your taskbar and select Configuration -> General SCIM -> "Other" Tab

Under the 'Panel Program' dropdown, select 'scim-panel-kde' Under the 'Config Module' dropdown, select 'kconfig' Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=SKIM_PanelConfig.png

  1. If your default language coincides with your new input language (e.g. Installed Chinese input for a Chinese desktop), Go onto to step 6.

For users utilizing different default and input languages (e.g. Chinese input for an English Desktop). Open up Konsole and type:

mkdir ~/.xinput.d
cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/scim-pinyin ~/.xinput.d/default
  1. Restart KDE (Ctrl + Alt + Backspace).
  2. Once you are logged in, you should be able to activate SKIM with CTRL-Space or SHIFT-Space within any application that allows keyboard inputs.


  1. Start Kate
  2. Press CTRL-Space. A SKIM toolbar would have poped up.
  3. Choose Chinese input -> Smart PinYin on the SKIM toolbar
  4. You can now input Chinese in Kate

Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=SKIM_UpAndRunning.png To switch back to the default language of your desktop, press the shortcut key in (ii), which is used to toggle between the desktop default language and the input method set up in (iii). If you encountered any problems during the installation, check the ProblemsSection Problems Section for possible solutions.

For 6.10, 7.04 and 8.04 users:

You have to tell the system you want to use SCIM as the input method for your locale.

  1. To find out which locale you are using open up Konsole and type:
locale | grep LANG= 

you will get something like

  1. Now open up Konsole and type:
im-switch -z de_DE.UTF-8 -s scim 

Replace "de_DE.UTF-8" with what you got from your first command. With Kubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron you should use scim-bridge instead of scim:

im-switch -z de_DE.UTF-8 -s scim-bridge 

Don't forget to change "de_DE.UTF-8" with what you've got from "locale | grep LANG=". Anchor(ProblemsSection)

Problems Section


Some of the Chinese characters that I'm entering show up as big black dots! Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Problem_BlackDotChar.png SOLUTION Chances are whatever application you are using isn't set to a font which can handle the full set of Chinese characters. Kate for example defaults to the 'DejaVu Sans', which though can handle a large number of Chinese characters, doesn't actually support the full set. Switch to something like 'AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni' which by default comes with Kubuntu (to do this go: Settings Menu -> Configure Kate -> Fonts & Colors -> Fonts tab). Also, the entire KDE desktop font can be changed from: KMenu -> System Settings -> Appearance -> Fonts However, different applications have different ways of setting the fonts, so don't hesitate to do some exploring if you encounter this problem in a new application.


I get a Could not read network connection list. /home/<username>/DCOPserver_mini-desktop_ _0 error everytime KDE starts up (where <username> is the name you login with). NB: There aren't actually any spaces between the underscores. SOLUTION See if the problem is fixed by reboots, if not you can try delaying the sequence that im-switch loads in:

cd /etc/X11/Xsession.d/
sudo mv 90im-switch 98im-switch