
Wikibot留言 | 贡献2008年10月19日 (日) 04:21的版本

{{#ifexist: :Beginners/Development/zh | | {{#ifexist: Beginners/Development/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Beginners/Development|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Beginners/Development|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

SolvingGnomeThumbnailsTrouble|#title Beginners Team Development Page This page will soon be deprecated and moved to the team wiki. This page is used by the Beginners Team to communicate ideas and use for wiki editing organization.

Documentation Reservation Area

Here is where you can "lay claim" to wiki pages that you want to update or rewrite. Claimed pages will not be touched by other BT members unless the owner gives permission (say, in IRC). The whole team will be working on Beginners/FAQ which is where many of the following ideas come from.

Still Available

Pages that have been marked for updating (also see though it is now deprecated in favor of the Tag system):

Page Interested Users Comments
insert page link here if you are interested but do not want to claim yet, place your name here ideas on what needs to be done
SolvingGnomeThumbnailsTrouble Update for Hardy change focus from totem to generic issues/thummbnail cache size, reformat for wiki
Wine cleanup
Fluxbox needs cleanup and expansion
QuickTips cleanup/expand or otherwise figure out what to do with it
VirtualMachines Het Irv cleanup, expansion


Pages that have been claimed by a user:

Page Editor Comments
insert page link here editor's name here ideas on what needs to be done
Sudoers tinivole Fix errors, cleanse outdated text, beautify it for new users.
WindowsDualBoot Old_Soldier cleanup
AppleRemoteDesktop indigo196 needs revision and removal of inaccuracies


Pages that have been completed (or mostly completed). Please only include pages that required heavy work to complete. Also please list them in chronological order. Anybody can add to these pages now:

Page Editor Date Finished (Year-Month-Day)
insert page link here editor's name here completion date here

All completed pages from the Summer of Documentation have been moved to the team UbuntuWiki: Ubuntu:BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Wiki/SoD2008

Things To Remember

  • use HelpOnEditing
  • WikiToDo for pages that need some help
  • don't forget and
  • see help.ubuntu.com/community/<[[category:CategoryType>]]
  • WikiGuide and all of its subpages.
  • do not duplicate effort - link to other pages!
  • minimize CLI
  • documentation reflects latest and supported releases of Ubuntu
  • use screenshots, see WikiGuide/Screenshots for guidelines
  • don't use jargon and technical terms, link to and use terms from the Glossary

Other Resources

From Beginners/Team/FocusGroups/Wiki


  • WikiGuide
  • HelpOnFormatting
  • HelpOnEditing - here are some of the most useful:
  • HelpOnHeadlines
  • HelpOnLinking
  • HelpOnLists
  • HelpOnTables
  • IconsPage
  • HelpOnSmileys
  • Documentation Team Links for members interested in reviewing system documentation
  • Ubuntu:DocumentationTeam/Repository
  • [in five minutes] - a nice quick start quide
  • Ubuntu:DocumentationTeam/ReviewingDocumentation
  • Ubuntu:DocumentationTeam/TechReview
  • Ubuntu:DocumentationTeam/TechReviewExample - example of review process, see Ubuntu:DocumentationTeam/Repository for patching and submission process

Wiki Tips