
Lyp069留言 | 贡献2008年2月28日 (四) 16:56的版本

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Ubuntu力求让所有的满足Ubuntu License Policy 条款的软件可用。但是专利和权利给开源操作系统分发支持私有格式软件造成困难。Ubuntu的只能承诺所默认包含所有自由软件这意味着私有媒体格式配置并不能“即开即用”。通过下面的指南Ubuntu可以播放流行的非自由媒体格式,包括DVD, MP3、Quicktime、 Windows Media等等。也许这是多余的工作,要记住Ubuntu的分发是基于自由软件的,有证椐表明这些软件包在一些国家是受到专利和版权的影响的。避开使用由DRM(Digital Rights Management, or Digital Restrictions Management)压制的格式,因为它们通常是不能播放的。浏览Ubuntu的Free Software Philosophy自由文件格式页面来综合讨论这些问题。 法律事项 专利和版权法处理依赖于你所在的国家。如果你不确定应用这些媒体格式是否如你所愿在你的国家使用,请获取司法建议。


Anchor(short) Follow these steps to play most common multimedia formats, including MP3, DVD, Flash, Quicktime, WMA and WMV, including both standalone files and content embedded in web pages.

Ubuntu 7.10

  • Go to ApplicationsAdd/Remove...
  • Set Show: to All available applications
  • Search for ubuntu-restricted-extras and install it. Note that there is also xubuntu-restricted-extras and kubuntu-restricted-extras.

Or open the Terminal, and execute the following command:

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

Ubuntu 7.04

  • Click Applications → Add/Remove. In the top right, change the setting to All available applications. Then select Other in the left panel and then select the Ubuntu restricted extras package. Click OK.
  • To play most DVDs you'll need the libdvdcss2 package. This package is available using UbuntuHelp:Medibuntu. This is a third party package, and not supported by Canonical.

Note: If DVD playback fails, and you've never played any DVD before on your system, you may need the regionset package to initially set the drive's region.

  • Some external codecs may be needed in order to play certain proprietary formats such as Apple Quicktime or Real``Video. These external codecs are available in the third-party repository of UbuntuHelp:Medibuntu.

Ubuntu 6.06 and 6.10

Install the following packages to play most proprietary formats using the Totem and Rhythmbox applications, both of which are included in Ubuntu by default. Since the version of Totem that comes with Ubuntu does not yet play DVDs, the list below also includes packages for the GXine and Ogle players, which do.

  • Ensure the relevant repositories are enabled. Click System → Administration → Synaptic Package Manager → Settings → Repositories and then click Add. Check the Community maintained (Universe) and Non-free (Multiverse) boxes, click Add. Close the Software Repository window, and click Reload in Synaptic Package Manager.
  • Install the packages. While you could install packages individually using Synaptic, here is one case where any Ubuntu user can save a lot of time by using the command line. Quit out of Synaptic, then click Application → Accessories → Terminal and paste the following command:
sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-pitfdll gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gxine libxine-main1 libxine-extracodecs ogle ogle-gui
  • To play most DVDs you'll need the libdvdcss2 package. This package is available using UbuntuHelp:Medibuntu. This is a third party package, and not supported by Canonical.

Note: If DVD playback fails, and you've never played any DVD before on your system, you may need the regionset package to initially set the drives region.

  • Some external codecs may be needed in order to play certain proprietary formats such as Apple Quicktime or Real``Video. These external codecs are available in the third-party repository of UbuntuHelp:Medibuntu.
  • Users of x86 systems may also install Adobe Flash Player.





  • Playing Flash
  • Adobe Shockwave works using wine + the windows version of firefox.

1) install wine 2) Download the Windows version of Firefox, Open the .exe using wine. 3) Visit the Adobe site to download the shockwave plugin. You need to launch the windows version of firefox whenever you want to view shockwave content.




Ubuntu 和 Kubuntu 的媒体播放器

  • Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) comes with Totem (a movie player) and Rhythmbox (a music player)
  • Kubuntu 6.06 LTS and Kubuntu 6.10 include Kaffeine (a multimedia player) and AmaroK (a music player)

These media players support free formats (Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Theora, and similar formats) 'out of the box'. However, they can also play most non-free media formats if you install the additional gstreamer (for Ubuntu only) or libxine1 (for Kubuntu only) packages listed above. IconsPage?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=eyes.png See Multimedia Applications for an overview of the most popular media players for Ubuntu and Kubuntu.


Warning: EasyUbuntu and Automatix are third-party utilities for installing the most commonly requested applications in some Debian-based distributions. They are not supported or recommended by Ubuntu. While they work well for many users, they have also been known to corrupt systems and leave them in a state where they cannot be upgraded to a later Ubuntu release.

