
Oneleaf留言 | 贡献2007年5月24日 (四) 12:03的版本

{{#ifexist: :KolabMailServer/zh | | {{#ifexist: KolabMailServer/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:KolabMailServer|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:KolabMailServer|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}


This page will describe how to setup an excellent complete Mail Server solution with Kolab as the base. This is kolab 2.0.4 which is the latest stable. You could also use kolab2.1 beta3 which has better support for multiple domains.

About this Wiki

Please feel free to add to this Kolab installation and Wiki. It would be awesome if everyone contributed and added things(like mailman/fetchmail etc).

About Kolab

Kolab(www.kolab.org) is a groupware mail server. It is a stable Mail server which doesn't get enough attention so I am creating this wiki so many people in the Ubuntu world catch on and start using Kolab. It is a great alternative to Microsoft Exchange. It supports POP/SMTP/POP3Secure/SSMTP/IMAP/IMAPSecure/Shared LDAP Address Books/Shared Calenders, out of office notifications etc.

Quick Pros & Cons

This should help people decide yes/no and limitations to Kolab.


  • Administrating Web Interace! - This is awesome because you can do all the basic&some advanced things via a simple web interface!
  • SSMTP which means can send mail off the mailserver from the internet securely.
  • Shared Calenders like Exchange
  • Shared Address Books
  • Full Groupware
  • EXCELLENT Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus builtin (needs slight configuring as per below)
  • 100% GPL Open Source
  • Works perfect with KDE Kontact(Evolution?)


  • No Web Interface for users to view mail etc. However because of ssmtp you should be able to receive&send mail from anywhere. They are working on web interface. You can intergrate squirrelmail(mail only) or the testing software horde(calendar&mail) web interfaces into kolab
  • To get the FULL groupware out of Kolab for MS Outlook (such as calendar, out of office, I think) you need a proprietary connector which you must pay for because not made by Kolab.
  • However you can still use it for pop/imap/address book etc.
  • Kolab 2.0 doesn't support muliple domains fully. 2.1 does but is better/ . Kolab 2.0 can be configured for multiple domains but not full support(i don't understand the differnce).

Installation & add on intergrated packages

This has been tested and working on Kubuntu 6.10 Desktop installation(with apt-get install linux-server as default kernel, not needed). I will use Kubuntu 6.06 for this setup as well soon so it should work.

Kolab Base Install

NOTE: You can read through 1st.README file you downloaded if you need more info.

1. Download all files from http://ftp.belnet.be/packages/kolab/server/release/kolab-server-2.0.4/ix86-debian3.1/ I suggest using Konqueror with kget(apt-get install kget) and select list links(from within kget), select all&download. Thats the quick way(above) but you could simply go to www.kolab.org and go the long way but the website is not very friendly.

2. Open a konsole and type "sudo ./obmtool kolab" from the directory where you downloaded the files.

3. When thats finished, type "sudo /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap -b". Go through the instructions on the screen.

4. Run "/kolab/bin/openpkg rc kolabd restart" to restart kolab after installation.

5. Go to https://youripaddress/admin and login as "manager" and with the password you chose!

Installing SmartSieve

This is so you can manage auto-forwards, vacations and do fancy rules, custom things for a persons mailbox. (Eg, autoforward to more than one mailbox).

1.Download SmartSieve from http://smartsieve.sourceforge.net/ use latest source tar build. I used version 0.5.2 .

2.Copy it to server at /kolab/var/kolab/www/smartsieve/ (create that directory and copt it there).

3.Restart kolab system and then go to https://yourserverip/smartsieve/ and login as the user whom you would like to customize/configure.

kolabadmin application

NOTE: This step is not needed.

About Kolab Admin: KolabAdmin is a native client application to configure the Kolab groupware server. It is written in C++/Qt4, which makes it portable to all platforms (*nix, MacOSX, Windows) and allows a clean and easy installation.

If you would like to install kolabadmin tool(http://wgess16.dyndns.org/~tobias/qt/kolabadmin/) simply do the following.

1. sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev g++ g++-4.1 libstdc++6-4.1-dev libldap2-dev libssl-dev

2. tar -xjf kolabadmin.tar.bz2

3. cd kolabadmin

4. qmake

5. make

6. sudo make install

I think Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn has a kolabadmin package(?), if not I hope someone makes it.

Configuring Multiple Domains

Kolab2.1 beta3(latest) has better multiple domain supoprt however you can get simple multiple domains running on Kolab 2.0.4 stable.

Note: As per http://wiki.kolab.org/index.php/Multiple_Domains

1. Edit /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/main.cf.template and find line mydestination and ensure it looks as example below:

mydestination = @@@postfix-mydestination|join @@@ anotherdomain1.com @@@ anotherdomain2.com

2.Run /kolab/sbin/kolabconf

3.Modify user details and add an alias such as [email protected]

That will work.

Configuring Anti-Spam&Anti-Virus

1. 1.Setup everything(or what you like) as per this link including a virusbox as well


2. After doing above, add script to auto learn spam&ham in the hambox/spambox.

a. Run crontab -e as root and add 0 0 "* * * sudo -u kolab-r /usr/local/scripts/spam-learn.sh" to line in crontab file.

b. Create script in /usr/local/scripts/spam-learn.sh with below contents in file and also make it executable (chmod 700 /usr/local/scripts/spam-learn.sh)

export HOME=/kolab/var/amavisd
/kolab/bin/sa-learn --spam /kolab/var/imapd/spool/domain/*/shared^spam/[1-9]*
/kolab/bin/sa-learn --ham /kolab/var/imapd/spool/domain/*/shared^ham/[1-9]*

3. Disable Virus notifications – edit /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/amavisd.conf search for below section and ensure its uncommented as per below:

# Notify virus (or banned files) RECIPIENT?

#  (not very useful, but some policies demand it)

#$warnvirusrecip = 0;	# (defaults to false (undef))

#$warnbannedrecip = 0;	# (defaults to false (undef))

4. Change detected spam email (in file /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/amavisd.conf) to not come through as simply flagged but rather be discarded(which will be quarantined if setup correctly as per link above) – Ensure below options are set as per example below:

$final_spam_destiny       = D_DISCARD;  # (defaults to D_REJECT)

$final_bad_header_destiny = D_DISCARD;  # (defaults to D_PASS), D_BOUNCE suggested

5. Run /kolab/sbin/kolabconf

6. Monitor peoples mailboxes over week or so (with leave mail on host) for spam and move/copy(not forward!) the spam to the spambox you created earlier. Your script you added to cron will auto learn the spam in spambox so in future will be quarintined.

Intergrating MailMan

MailMan is great if you would to control who can email and can't email certain email lists and control it tightly. It can be intergrated quite easily.


Intergrating HylaFax

This could be cool.


Administrating Kolab

Managing Users

How to create/delete/modify user accounts.

Distribution lists

How to create/delete/modify distribution lists.

Address book

How to add a all email clients to use the LDAP Address book.

NOTE: By default Kolab will add all users(if they normal account) to the address book.

Configuring Forwards

1. Go to kolab web admin interface and login as the user. Click on vacation/forward/out of office etc.

If you need something that can forward to more than one account and have custom rules for a persons mailbox then you need to install smartsieve.

Using SmartSieve

1.If you need to setup multiple forward or something more fancy then go to the smartsieve website at https://yourserverip/smartsieve/

2.Login as the user and make the changes. If you create a new rule and want to forward to multiple ensure to check the box that says “Check message against next rule also”.

Very simple.


Community Support&Feedback

Please join the community! Join the mailing list(&other things), read, ask questions and help others, its essential! If you have any problems or anything just mail the mailing list!


Join #kolab channel on irc.freenode.net

Professional Support

You might need professional support and backing. In such, below is a few contacts and details.(Feel free to add more!)

Kolab Konsortium (Germany)


[email protected]

Univention (Germany)
