
Wikibot留言 | 贡献2007年12月6日 (四) 14:39的版本

{{#ifexist: :Applications/zh | | {{#ifexist: Applications/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Applications|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Applications|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

  1. title Applications Guide

Include(Applications/NavigationMenu) Please help to improve this page. There is a task list and comments space at the bottom. Here are guides to some of the software applications available with Ubuntu. The structure of this list follows Ubuntu's menu structure. You may also be interested in the alphabetical list of software available, both lists link to the same software guides.

  • Accessories - A quick look at the variety of software accessories in Ubuntu.
  • Games - GNU/Linux games and links on how to run Windows games in Ubuntu.
  • Graphics - An overview of the graphics software available.
  • Internet - Ubuntu's internet applications and information on networking.
  • Office - A quick tour of the default office programs, and some useful extras.
  • Other - Software that doesn't fit well in the other categories.
  • Programming - Programming text editors and some development environments.
  • Sound and Video - Aplications for music, video, ripping and burning.
  • System Tools - Programs that deal with your hardware and software system.

Windows to Ubuntu

Wondering whether or not your Windows applications are available for Ubuntu? See the Windows Applications Equivalents page for a detailed list of applications and their equivalents.


  • UbuntuHelp:Preferences - Taking a look at some of the key preferences applications.
  • UbuntuHelp:Administration - A list of some of the applications under the 'Administration' menu.
  • Help - Sources, offline and online, for help and support.

Best of the Rest

List of additional software that you might not know about, recommended by users and available in the official repositories.


Agave Allows you to generate a variety of colorschemes from a single starting color. Available in the Universe repository. feh Image viewer and background setter, handy for people who use Window Managers instead of Desktop Environments Not available in the repositories. Gcolor2 Simple colour selector and picker. Available in the Universe repository. Mirage A fast and simple image viewer and editor, great for older machines. Available in the Universe Repository. Xara Xtreme Heavy-weight vector-based illustration program, similar to Inkscape and Adobe Illustrator. Available in Multiverse repository. xcompmgr This composition manager implements shadows, fading, proper translucency, and more. Available in the Universe repository.


Deluge Simple bittorrent client. Coming in Ubuntu 7.04 The Feisty Fawn in the Universe Repository. Kazehakase Light-weight web-browser, similar to Firefox. Available in Universe repository. Links2 A graphics and text mode WWW browser. Available in Universe repository. rTorrent Light-weight Ncurses based command-line torrent client, ideal for use within a screen. Available in Universe repository.


ePDFView Light-weight PDF viewer. Available in the Universe repository. GNU TeXmacs A scientific text editor, which was both inspired by TeX and GNU Emacs. Available in the Universe repository. Kdissert A mindmapping tool for supporting the creation of complex documents. Available in the Universe repository. Leafpad Simple GTK+ text editor that emphasizes simplicity. Available in the Universe repository.

Sound & Video

Hydrogen A very easy to use sample based drum machine. Available in the Universe repository. youtube-dl Small command-line program which lets you download video's from YouTube.com Available in the Universe Repository.


Geany A small and lightweight integrated development environment. Available in the Universe repository. SciTe Lightweight GTK-based programming editor with syntax highlighting support for many languages. Available in the Universe repository.


Filelight Creates an interactive map of concentric segmented-rings that helps visualise disk usage on your computer. Beta-release available in the Universe repository. Firestarter Tighten or loosen your Internet security. Available in the Universe repository. GdMap A tool which allows to visualize disk space. Available in the Universe repository. htop An alternative to the command-line process viewer 'top', htop lets you scroll horizontally and vertically. Available in the Universe repository. Revelation A password manager. Available in the Universe repository. Seahorse Gnome front end for GnuPG - the Gnu Privacy Guard program. Available in the Universe repository.

Further Reading on Software

Sites that help in assessing software, though some of the listed applications are not available in the repositories, meaning that they cannot be installed with applications like Synaptic Package Manager.

  • GnomeFiles - Categorizes, rates and lists GNOME-based software.
  • KDE-APPS.org - Categorizes, rates, reviews and lists KDE-based software.
  • osalt.com - Lists 'open-source' alternatives to proprietary software.

Task list

  • Move the software on this page to the subpages.
  • Write spec for whole applications wiki tree. DuncanLithgow


Getting there!

Page maintainers
