
Oneleaf留言 | 贡献2007年11月21日 (三) 17:33的版本

{{#ifexist: :WifiDocs/Device/NetgearWG511andNdiswrapper/zh | | {{#ifexist: WifiDocs/Device/NetgearWG511andNdiswrapper/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:WifiDocs/Device/NetgearWG511andNdiswrapper|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:WifiDocs/Device/NetgearWG511andNdiswrapper|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}


This document sepecifies installation instructions to make the Netgear WG511 network card work with Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake). I have spent a great deal of time on this miss-adventure. So I hope you can save some by following my instructions.

Firstly, there are two types of cards that Netgear sells as WG511 one is "Made in Taiwan" the other is "Made in China" I have used both, the Taiwan card works out of the box with Prism54 driver and if you have one "Made in Taiwan" you won't be reading this. The "Made in China" card can be made to work using ndiswrapper and the driver provided in the Netgear CD, just use the Windows 2000 driver OR use the correct Marvell driver.


First lets make sure you have the right card, just do a

0000:02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88w8335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g Wireless (rev 03)

You will need the same version of the kernel and kernel-headers,

apt-get install build-essential fakeroot linux-headers-$(uname -r)

if the headers for kernel you are running is not avaliable in the universe, I will suggest you get a kernel which is in the Universe. I used,

apt-get install linux-image-2.6.11-1-k7 linux-headers-2.6.11-1-k7

The Driver

Do not install the Windows XP driver, Use the Windows 2000 driver provided with the Netgear CD. Follow the instructions at [SetupNdiswrapperHowto] and use the Windows 2000 driver when asked to.

The above [SetupNdiswrapperHowto] is not working now. Please use 
for further instructions.
  • Also, stepping through the instructions on the page I got following error during one of the steps "timestamp too far in the future". Just change the system date and time to workaround this. After the setup you can revert to the correct date and time.
  • Make sure before the "make" step that gcc and related packages are installed. To do this put the Ubuntu 7.04 LiveCD in the ROM drive and use the following commnad from the terminal
sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential
  • By the way, the step "As root, run make install" for an newbie like me was a tough one, so for others like me, it means use the following command
sudo make install
  • In the "Install Window driver" step, you'll need to copy the mentioned files in a single folder. You'll need to change into this folder to run the command "ndiswrapper -i filename.inf" listed on the page. eg if you put all the driver files in folder xyz under the ndiswrapper-version folder, use
cd xyx
ndiswrapper -i filename.inf
  • Do not forget the "Load Module" step listed there.
  • You can use the System->Administration->Network instead of the last step "Configure interface".

WARNING: This card does not seem to work ndiswrapper 1.16 and above - the card refuses to connect - you need to use ndiswrapper 1.15 until the problem is fixed.

NOTE: If you have the Netgear WG511v2 card, you can use ndiswrapper 1.8. I also have to use the 686 kernel because ndiswrapper would not work with the 386 kernel. This is being used with a Dell C810 laptop with Dapper Drake.

For better performance, you can use the mrv8335 drivers, which are the drivers for the chipset of the wireless card. They can be found here: http://people.freebsd.org/~wpaul/marvell/

I've tested both of these drivers, and the mrv8335 drivers make the card work *much* faster than the drivers on the Netgear CD.