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==== Disk Space Requirements ====
Disk space on an absolutely minimal installation can be reduced to as little as 500Mb. A fresh and clean server installation of Ubuntu 7.04 generally takes only 300Mb, although there will be minor variations on account of hardware differences.

2007年11月27日 (二) 00:06的版本


Installing Ubuntu on any system requires at least 32Mb of memory: The text-based installer included with the alternate (install) CDs needs that much space to run reliably. Smaller memory configurations run into problems, and while not impossible, it can be very difficult to complete an installation with less than the minimum RAM requirement.

在任何系统上安装Ubuntu至少需要32Mb内存:包含在alternate (install) CDs的基于字符的安装程序需要这些空间来可靠运行。更小的内存配置可能会遇到问题,虽然不是不可能,但如果内存小于最低的需求,要完成安装十分困难。

Depending on the hardware requirements, you can expect a sparse Ubuntu system to boot to a graphical desktop on anywhere from 19Mb to 54Mb. That requirement will fluctuate with the system demands, and increase while the system is active. Swap space is crucial to low-memory machines, so don't be stingy when setting up your system.



There is no practical speed requirement, although a slower processor will take more time to finish installing. Some Pentium machines will take hours to complete, simply because the CPU takes longer to finish. As a general benchmark, a 75Mhz machine finishes a command-line installation of Ubuntu 7.04 in about four hours, and a 120Mhz machine finishes in perhaps an hour less than that. 200Mhz and faster machines will see a still stronger improvement.

对处理器的速度没有什么实际的需求,虽然低速度的处理器将要花更多的时间来完成安装。仅仅是因为CPU花了太多的时间,一些Pentium机将要花费几个小时来完成安装。根据通常的基准测试,一台75Mhz的机器要4个小时来完成基于命令行的Ubuntu 7.04的安装,一台120Mhz的要比它少用一个小时。200Mhz或是更快的机器将会有更强的提升。

If you do decide to install Ubuntu on a legacy machine, be patient. There will come times when you think the machine has stopped or is hung, when in fact it's still moving, albeit at a very slow rate.


Disk Space Requirements

Disk space on an absolutely minimal installation can be reduced to as little as 500Mb. A fresh and clean server installation of Ubuntu 7.04 generally takes only 300Mb, although there will be minor variations on account of hardware differences.