
Oneleaf留言 | 贡献
新页面: {{From|https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EchoMia}} {{Languages|UbuntuHelp:EchoMia}} == Purpose of this Guide == This guide is specifically aimed at helping you to get your Echo Mia soundc...
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第10行: 第10行:
==== The Installation ====
==== The Installation ====

You need the linux-headers package to compile the ALSA drivers:
You need the ''linux-headers'' package for your current kernel to compile the ALSA drivers If you don't know what your current kernel is type this in the terminal

sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
uname -r

You also need to download the ALSA source files from [http://www.alsa-project.org alsa-project.org], I recommend alsa-libs, alsa-driver, alsa-firmware, and alsa-utils, versions 1.0.12rc1 or newer.
You also need to download the ALSA source files from [http://www.alsa-project.org alsa-project.org], I recommend alsa-libs, alsa-driver, alsa-firmware, and alsa-utils, versions 1.0.12rc1 or newer.
第85行: 第87行:
Edit the following file with your favorite editor:
Edit the following file with your favorite editor:
sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base

第91行: 第93行:

# http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449
options snd_intel8x0 index=0
options snd_intel8x0 index=0
options snd_mia index=1
options snd_mia index=1
第142行: 第143行:
Hopefully this will be useful to someone in the future, since it would seem there is nobody currently on the list using this card/distribution.
Hopefully this will be useful to someone in the future, since it would seem there is nobody currently on the list using this card/distribution.
[[category:CategoryHardware]] [[category:CategoryCleanup]]


2007年11月22日 (四) 12:26的版本

{{#ifexist: :EchoMia/zh | | {{#ifexist: EchoMia/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:EchoMia|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:EchoMia|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

Purpose of this Guide

This guide is specifically aimed at helping you to get your Echo Mia soundcard working with Ubuntu (5.10 or 6.06), however, it may also be of use to anyone trying to set-up ALSA sound drivers on any version of Ubuntu. If you would like to help me maintain this page, improve it, expand it, or simply provide feedback on what did/didn't work out for you, I'm glad to hear from you! Contact Details

ALSA for Ubuntu 6.06 with two sound devices: Echo Mia card plus on-board sound

In my example, I'm using the sound device built into my motherboard (Intel chipset) for output, but using my Echo Digital Audio Corporation 'Mia' soundcard for input. Do not simply cut-and-paste the commands here, try to scrutinize them and see where your system may require something a little different... If you're having trouble understanding what's being done, you can try the Ubuntu IRC, the forums, the Wiki, the documentation on ALSA, etc... Please let me know what you learn from these other sources, however, so that I may have a chance to elucidate this guide more effectively! Contact Details

The Installation

You need the linux-headers package for your current kernel to compile the ALSA drivers If you don't know what your current kernel is type this in the terminal

uname -r

You also need to download the ALSA source files from alsa-project.org, I recommend alsa-libs, alsa-driver, alsa-firmware, and alsa-utils, versions 1.0.12rc1 or newer.

Extract the source, i.e:

gunzip alsa-*.gz
tar xvf alsa-*.tar

begin configuring and compiling the code:

cd alsa-driver-1.0.12rc1
make clean
make mrproper
./configure --with-cards=intel8x0,mia --with-oss=yes --with-sequencer=yes
sudo make install

NOTE: where I did: ./configure --with-cards=intel8x0,mia --with-oss=yes --with-sequencer=yes You'd want to specify the card(s) that you will be using. Furthermore, if you have only just downloaded the source you do not need to do the steps: make clean; make mrproper... This I did because I'd previously compiled this source for a prior kernel, and these steps clean-up the old config and binaries for a fresh start.

If you get errors at any stage, you may need to try the ubuntu IRC or forums -- please send me feedback so that I may make this page more useful! Contact Details (or edit it yourself, if you like.) This request applies to the following steps as well:

If all went well, then lets move on to the libs, firmware, and utils:

cd ../alsa-lib-1.0.12rc1
make clean
sudo make install

cd ../alsa-firmware-1.0.12rc1
make clean
sudo make install

cd ../alsa-utils-1.0.12rc1
make clean
sudo make install

You will now need to copy the content of /lib/firmware/ea into /lib/firmware/<your kernel version> i.e:

sudo cp /lib/firmware/ea/* /lib/firmware/2.6.15-26-686/

Almost finished! Now, reboot your system, then run the alsa mixer to unmute and set your levels:

alsamixer -c0 -Vall
alsamixer -c1 -Vall

NOTE: -c# tells the alsamixer which device you want to configure, so in my case -c0 is the on-board sound, and -c1 is the Mia.

A final Caveat

On my install (not sure if others have this issue) I'm trying to use both my motherboard sound device, as well as the Echo Mia... on-board sound for output, Mia for input. Well, sometimes one card is the "first" device, other times it's swapped. This has led to a lack of output because the System... Preferences... Sound control panel seems to only consider card "0" to be the default, even if you change it.

So, to make a long story short, you can ensure that one of your sound-devices is always "0" with this small modification:

Edit the following file with your favorite editor:


and append this to the bottom of the file, making adjustments as required for your setup:

options snd_intel8x0 index=0
options snd_mia index=1

And there you have it, the best, most complete info I have right now regarding the Echo Mia on Dapper Drake... Apparently it's also useful for certain other cards too... If this doc helped you get an other card working, let me know about it and I'll compile a list!

All info below this line, are regarding the setup with Ubuntu 5.10....

I am using a run-of-the-mill desktop PC, to which I desired to add-in my ol' Echo Digital Audio Corporation "Mia" card for the purpose of making recordings for librivox.org

It was a bit of a trial (took 2 weeks to find someone to hold my hand) but eventually, I did get it working using the ALSA driver. Below, I have pasted the responce that I wrote to the ALSA-users mailing list, which hopefully has enough detail to help you get the Mia working yourself if you are looking for help!

Best of luck!

For anyone following along, this issue is now resolved, thanks to the #ubuntu irc network and the most helpful 'crimsun'... here, in summary, are (to the best of my reconstructive abilities) the steps I took to get ALSA working with my Echo Mia card:

NOTE: for the record, this is under Ubuntu 5.10, fully patched (a Debian variant)

export CC=gcc-3.4
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

NOTE: I had thought installing the 'build-essentials' package was sufficient, but adding the header files package resolved some issues too.

cd alsa-driver-1.0.11rc3
make clean
make mrproper
./configure --with-cards=intel8x0,mia --with-oss=yes --with-sequencer=yes
sudo make install
depmod -e
sudo invoke-rc.d alsa force-unload
sudo modprobe -r snd-seq-device snd-rawmidi snd-mpu401-uart snd-mpu401
sudo modprobe snd-mia

NOTE: despite getting errors at this point, I decided to reboot, thinking that an active "nobody" session was using snd-seq-device, and while booting the Ubuntu splash screen showed:

alsa setting up card 0
alsa setting up card 1
alsa starting

After some tweaking levels and settings with alsamixer, everything seems to be in proper working order now!

Hopefully this will be useful to someone in the future, since it would seem there is nobody currently on the list using this card/distribution.