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Command Line Partitioning
第64行: 第64行:
6) 最后点击"应用"或是从菜单"编辑"->"应该",系统会将你做出的分区操作一条一条执行至完,并格式化好新建的分区.
6) 最后点击"应用"或是从菜单"编辑"->"应该",系统会将你做出的分区操作一条一条执行至完,并格式化好新建的分区.
=== Command Line Partitioning ===
=== 通过命令进行分区操作 ===
You'll be using "fdisk" to accomplish this. Refer back to the logical name you noted from earlier. For illustration, I'll use /dev/hdd, and assume that you want a single partition on the disk, occupying all the free space.
这里将在介绍使用"fdisk"来完成分区操作.同样以前面所得到的"logical name"为例.我在这里将使用相对应的"/dev/hdd"进行示例.并假设你要将所有的空间划分为一个分区.
If the number of cylinders in the disk is larger than 1024 (and large hard drives always have more), it could, in certain setups, cause problems with:
#### software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)
#### 在系统启动过程中运行的程序,比如版本较低的LILO引导程序
#### booting and partitioning software from other OSs (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)
#### 其他一些系统的引导程序和分区管理程序,比如DOS和OS/2系统下的FDISK
Otherwise, this will not negatively affect you. 
1) Initiate fdisk with the following command:
   sudo fdisk /dev/hdd  
   sudo fdisk /dev/hdd  
2) Fdisk will display the following menu:
   Command (m for help): m <enter>
   Command (m for help): m <enter>
第102行: 第102行:
3) We want to add a new partition.  Type "n" and press enter.
   Command action
   Command action
第109行: 第109行:
4) We want a primary partition.  Enter "p" and enter.
   Partition number (1-4):
   Partition number (1-4):
5) Since this will be the only partition on the drive, number 1.  Enter "1" and enter.  
   Command (m for help):
   Command (m for help):
6) Now that the partition is entered, choose option "w" to write the partition table to the disk.  Type "w" and enter.
   The partition table has been altered!
   The partition table has been altered!
7) If all went well, you now have a properly partitioned hard drive that's ready to be formatted.
==== Format the Partition via Command Line ====
==== 通过命令格式化分区 ====
To format the disk as ext3 filesystem (best for use under Ubuntu):
   sudo mke2fs -j /dev/hdd1
   sudo mke2fs -j /dev/hdd1
Substitute "/dev/hdd1" with your own drive's path.
== Modify reserved space (optional) ==
== Modify reserved space (optional) ==

2007年5月18日 (五) 16:07的版本



  • 该硬盘是否只会在Ubuntu下使用?
  • 该硬盘是否要被Ubuntu和windows两类系统使用?
  • 你打算如何分区,是全部空间作一个个分区还是分成数个小分区?






sudo lshw -C disk

IconsPage?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=IconExample48.png 系统应该会输出类似下面的这段信息:

       description: ATA Disk
       product: IC25N040ATCS04-0
       vendor: Hitachi
       physical id: 0
       bus info: ide@0.0
       logical name: /dev/hdd
       version: CA4OA71A
       serial: CSH405DCLSHK6B
       size: 37GB
       capacity: 37GB

记录下"logical name"那段的信息,我们在后面的操作中将会用到它.



  • 通过终端命令操作完成硬盘的格式化,或安装gparted图形分区软件完成对硬盘的分区和格式化
  • 制定好分区方案,比如是一个分区还是多个分区


如果你的菜单系统 > 管理 >'中不存在 GNOME Partition Editor这项, 说明你尚未安装GParted.你可以通过"添加/删除程序" 或是 "新力得"安装它,安装完成之后请启动它继续下面的操作

你可以从程序窗体右上角的下拉列表中选择对哪个硬盘进行分区或格式化操作,从中选择我们在前面所记录下的"logical name"相吻合的那个硬盘.系统在数秒内将会重新刷新并显示当前选择硬盘的分区列表信息.假设你的硬盘是一块全新的硬盘,里面尚无任何分区信息,那此时在程序窗体中应该可以看到一块白色的长条形,下面的操作将会把整个硬盘划分为一个分区...

1) 右击白长的长条,在弹出的菜单中选择"新建"

2) 在"新分区大小"系统自动填入了最大的可利用空间,接受系统的默认值即将所有空间划分为一个分区

3) 选择"建立主分区"

4) 接下去就是选择要建立的文件系统类别了,仅在Ubuntu环境下使用的硬盘可以考虑划分成EXT3文件系统.若要在Ubuntu和Windows两种环境下使用则应格式化成FAT32文件系统.如果你对文件系统知之甚少,就去WIKI或论坛上搜索相关资料.

5) 点击"添加",系统将自动刷新新的分区结构.

6) 最后点击"应用"或是从菜单"编辑"->"应该",系统会将你做出的分区操作一条一条执行至完,并格式化好新建的分区.


这里将在介绍使用"fdisk"来完成分区操作.同样以前面所得到的"logical name"为例.我在这里将使用相对应的"/dev/hdd"进行示例.并假设你要将所有的空间划分为一个分区.


        1. 在系统启动过程中运行的程序,比如版本较低的LILO引导程序
        2. 其他一些系统的引导程序和分区管理程序,比如DOS和OS/2系统下的FDISK



  sudo fdisk /dev/hdd 


  Command (m for help): m <enter>
  Command action
   a   toggle a bootable flag
   b   edit bsd disklabel
   c   toggle the dos compatibility flag
   d   delete a partition
   l   list known partition types
   m   print this menu
   n   add a new partition
   o   create a new empty DOS partition table
   p   print the partition table
   q   quit without saving changes
   s   create a new empty Sun disklabel
   t   change a partition's system id
   u   change display/entry units
   v   verify the partition table
   w   write table to disk and exit
   x   extra functionality (experts only)

  Command (m for help):


  Command action
   e   extended
   p   primary partition (1-4)


  Partition number (1-4):


  Command (m for help):


  The partition table has been altered!




  sudo mke2fs -j /dev/hdd1


Modify reserved space (optional)

When formatting the drive, 5% of the drive's total space is reserved for the super-user (Root) so that the operating system can still write to the disk even if it is full. However, for disks that only contain data, this is not necessary.

You can ajust the percentage of reserved space with the "tune2fs" command, like this:

 sudo tune2fs -m 1 /dev/hdd1

This example reserves 1% of space - change this number if you wish.

 {i} Using this command does not change any existing data on the drive. You can use it on a drive which already contains data.

Create a Mount Point

Now that the drive is partitioned and formatted, you need to choose a mount point. This will be the location from which you will access the drive in the future. I would recommend using a mount point with "/media." For this example, we'll use the path "/media/mynewdrive"

  sudo mkdir /media/mynewdrive

Now we can mount the drive to the mount point.

  sudo mount /dev/hdd1 /media/mynewdrive

If all goes well, you should be able to use your drive at the mount point you chose.

Mount the Drive

You can choose to have the drive mounted automatically each time you boot the computer, or manually only when you need to use it.

Automatic Mount at Boot

You'll need to edit /etc/fstab:

  gksudo gedit /etc/fstab

Add this line to the end:

  /dev/hdd1    /media/mynewdrive   ext3    defaults     0	 2
 The "2" at the end instructs your system to run a quick file system check on the hard drive at every boot. Changing it to "0" will skip this. Run 'man fstab' for more info here.

You can now run "sudo mount -a" (or reboot the computer) to have the changes take effect.

If you want to allow a normal user to create files on this drive, you can either give this user ownership of the top directory of the drive filesystem: (replace USERNAME with the username)

  sudo chown -R USERNAME:USERNAME /media/mynewdrive

or in a more flexible way, practical if you have several users, allow for instance the users in the plugdev group (usually those who are meant to be able to mount removable disks, desktop users) to create files and sub-directories on the disk:

  sudo chgrp plugdev /media/mynewdrive
  sudo chmod g+w /media/mynewdrive
  sudo chmod +t /media/mynewdrive

The last "chmod +t" adds the sticky bit, so that people can only delete their own files and sub-directories in a directory, even if they have write permissions to it (see man chmod).

Manually Mount

Alternatively, you may want to manually mount the drive every time you need it.

For manual mounting, use the following command:

sudo mount /dev/hdd1 /media/mynewdrive 

When you are finished with the drive, you can unmount it using:

sudo umount /media/mynewdrive

That's it :)

Need Additional Help?


 If you run into problems or need more help, search the wiki or forums at http://ubuntuforums.org.  If you cannot find what you are looking for, simply ask for help.