Blender操作速查手册 UserPreferences Addons:修订间差异

Yq-ysy留言 | 贡献
Yq-ysy留言 | 贡献
第121行: 第121行:
|- style="vertical-align: top;" bgcolor=#FFDDAA
|- style="vertical-align: top;" bgcolor=#FFDDAA
*  3D-Coat Applink
*  Acclaim Motion Capture Files (.asf, .amc)
*  Atomic Blender - PDB
*  Autodesk 3DS format
*  Autodesk FBX format
*  BioVision Motion Capture (BVH) format
*  C3D Graphics Lab Motion Capture file (.c3d)
*  DirectX X Format
*  Export Autocad DXF Format (.dxf)
*  Export Camera Animation
*  Export Pointcache Format (.pc2)
*  Export Unreal Engine Format(.psk/.psa)
*  Export Adobe After Effects (.jsx)
*  Import Autocad DXF Format (.dxf)
*  Import EDL
*  Import GIMP Image to Scene (.xcf, .xjt)
*  Import Images as Planes
*  Import LightWave Objects
*  Import Unreal Skeleton Mesh (.psk)/Animation Set (psa)
*  Import MakeHuman (.mhx)
*  MilkShape3D MS3D format (.ms3d)
*  NewTek MDD format
*  Nuke Animation Format (.chan)
*  Raw mesh format (.raw)
*  STL format
*  Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 format
*  Sketchfab Exporter
*  Stanford PLY format
*  UV Layout
*  VRML2 (Virtual Reality Modeling Language)
*  Wavefront OBJ format
*  Web3D X3D/VRML2 format

2014年8月16日 (六) 18:04的版本

User Preferences / Addons 插件

  • Search Text Box 搜索文本框 @
  • Supported Level 支持级别
    • Official 官方
    • Community 通用
    • Testing 测试
  • Install from File... 从文件安装,会放置到 scripts/addons/ 目录下。
  • Refresh 刷新
Categories 类别(截止 2.71 版)
All 全部 User 用户
Enabled 已启用 Disabled 已禁用
3D View 三维视图 Add Curve 添加曲线
  • 3D Navigation
  • Copy Attributes Menu
  • Dynamic Spacebar Menu
  • Math Vis (Console)
  • Measure Panel
  • Screencast Keys
  • Extra Objects
  • IvyGen
  • Sapling
  • Simplify Curves
Add Mesh 添加网格 Animation 动画
  • AnimAll
  • Corrective shape keys
  • Motion Capture Tools
Development 开发 Game Engine游戏引擎
  • API Navigator
  • Icons
  • Save As Game Engine Runtime
Material材质 Mesh 网格
  • Material Utils
  • 3D Print Toolbox
  • Bsurfaces GPL Edition
  • F2
  • Inset Polygon
  • LoopTools
  • Relax
Node 节点 Object 物体
  • Node Wrangler (aka Nodes Efficiency Tools)
  • Add Chain
  • Animated Render Baker
  • Cell Fracture
  • Cloud Generator
  • Edit Linked Library
  • Fracture Tools
  • Grease Scatter Objects
Paint 描绘 Render 渲染
  • Paint Palettes
  • Texture Paint Layer Manager
Rigging 装配 System 系统
  • Rigify
  • Demo Mode
  • Manage UI translations
  • Property Chart
  • Scene Information
UV 经纬贴图
  • Bake UV-Texture Vertex Colors
  • Texture Atlas
Import-Export 导入导出 (Unofficial 非官方插件)
  • 3D-Coat Applink
  • Acclaim Motion Capture Files (.asf, .amc)
  • Atomic Blender - PDB
  • Autodesk 3DS format
  • Autodesk FBX format
  • BioVision Motion Capture (BVH) format
  • C3D Graphics Lab Motion Capture file (.c3d)
  • DirectX X Format
  • Export Autocad DXF Format (.dxf)
  • Export Camera Animation
  • Export Pointcache Format (.pc2)
  • Export Unreal Engine Format(.psk/.psa)
  • Export Adobe After Effects (.jsx)
  • Import Autocad DXF Format (.dxf)
  • Import EDL
  • Import GIMP Image to Scene (.xcf, .xjt)
  • Import Images as Planes
  • Import LightWave Objects
  • Import Unreal Skeleton Mesh (.psk)/Animation Set (psa)
  • Import MakeHuman (.mhx)
  • MilkShape3D MS3D format (.ms3d)
  • NewTek MDD format
  • Nuke Animation Format (.chan)
  • Raw mesh format (.raw)
  • STL format
  • Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 format
  • Sketchfab Exporter
  • Stanford PLY format
  • UV Layout
  • VRML2 (Virtual Reality Modeling Language)
  • Wavefront OBJ format
  • Web3D X3D/VRML2 format
