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新页面: {{From|https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HttpReplicator}} {{Languages|UbuntuHelp:HttpReplicator}} == Guide for setting up http-replicator, a download cache (proxy) for Ubuntu packages == ...
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== Guide for setting up http-replicator, a download cache (proxy) for Ubuntu packages ==
== Guide for setting up http-replicator, a download cache (proxy) for Ubuntu packages ==

http-replicator is a powerful Python-based proxy or download cache built for Ubuntu and Debian like systems that is meant to cache .deb files (though it can cache others) and if you're using (like most people) http to get packages from your ubuntu repository. It's best when used for a network of Ubuntu machines, saving bandwidth and increasing the speed with which updates are obtained by all machines.
http-replicator is a powerful Python-based proxy or download cache capable of caching any traffic over http. It's best when used for a network of Ubuntu machines, saving bandwidth and increasing the speed with which updates are obtained by all machines.  
''Misc note:
<br>When I say "vi", feel free to use any other editor instead (such as emacs or nano). For a GUI editor, run `gksu gedit` or `kdesu kate`.''
To do this we need to download and install a deb, as http-replicator is not available in any of the standard Ubuntu or Debian repositories (Let me know if this is changed).

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If, when you download and install this, dpkg attempts to start http-replicator and then complains of not being able to find the command source, it's because /bin/sh in Edgy Eft does not default to bash (As far as I can see). You will need to edit /etc/init.d/http-replicator by doing  
If, when you download and install this, dpkg attempts to start http-replicator and then complains of not being able to find the command source, it's because /bin/sh in Edgy Eft and later releases does not default to bash (As far as I can see). You will need to edit /etc/init.d/http-replicator by doing  

sudo vi /etc/init.d/http-replicator
sudo sensible-editor /etc/init.d/http-replicator

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sudo vi /etc/default/http-replicator
sudo sensible-editor /etc/default/http-replicator

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Its probably worth noting that ? and * are wildcards supported by http-replicator. You can make it accept connections from one host (or multiple hosts if you use --ip= more then once) or an entire subnet (as above).
Its probably worth noting that ? and * are wildcards supported by http-replicator. You can make it accept connections from one host (or multiple hosts if you use --ip= more then once) or an entire subnet (as above).
The other change you might like to do is change the port to 80. What this will do is make http-replicator cache all web trafic, without requiring you to reconfigure any client settings at all.
Your resultant line will look something like:
DAEMON_OPTS="$GENERAL_OPTS --port 80 --log /var/log/http-replicator.log --user proxy --ip=192.168.0.*"

Then remove the line that says
Then remove the line that says
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And you're finished with the proxy!
And you're finished with the proxy!

Now, all you have to do is get the clients ready. (The example given below is for proxying packages downloaded by APT).
Now, all you have to do is get the clients ready. Note that if you changed the port http-replicator runs on to port 80, the following is unneeded. (The example given below is for proxying packages downloaded by APT).

On the local computer you want to use http-replicator with, add this line to /etc/apt/apt.conf
On the local computer you want to use http-replicator with, add this line to /etc/apt/apt.conf

2007年11月22日 (四) 13:06的版本

{{#ifexist: :HttpReplicator/zh | | {{#ifexist: HttpReplicator/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:HttpReplicator|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:HttpReplicator|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

Guide for setting up http-replicator, a download cache (proxy) for Ubuntu packages

http-replicator is a powerful Python-based proxy or download cache capable of caching any traffic over http. It's best when used for a network of Ubuntu machines, saving bandwidth and increasing the speed with which updates are obtained by all machines.

NOTE: The deb available from the freshmeat page for this package is older then the one here, so please use the one given below.

wget http://gertjan.freezope.org/replicator/http-replicator_3.0_i386.deb
sudo dpkg -i http-replicator_3.0_i386.deb

If, when you download and install this, dpkg attempts to start http-replicator and then complains of not being able to find the command source, it's because /bin/sh in Edgy Eft and later releases does not default to bash (As far as I can see). You will need to edit /etc/init.d/http-replicator by doing

sudo sensible-editor /etc/init.d/http-replicator


#! /bin/sh

in the first line to

#! /bin/bash

Unfortunately, this .deb doesn't create and do everything it needs to by default, so we need to create the cache for the files and give ownership of the cache to the http-replicator daemon.

sudo mkdir /var/cache/http-replicator
sudo chown proxy.root /var/cache/http-replicator

Now, to configure the proxy, open up the config file with

sudo sensible-editor /etc/default/http-replicator

Look at the line

DAEMON_OPTS="$GENERAL_OPTS --port 8080 --log /var/log/http-replicator.log --user proxy"

And change it to

DAEMON_OPTS="$GENERAL_OPTS --port 8080 --log /var/log/http-replicator.log --user proxy --ip=192.168.0.*"

`--ip=192.168.0.*`is whatever network address space your using.

Its probably worth noting that ? and * are wildcards supported by http-replicator. You can make it accept connections from one host (or multiple hosts if you use --ip= more then once) or an entire subnet (as above).

The other change you might like to do is change the port to 80. What this will do is make http-replicator cache all web trafic, without requiring you to reconfigure any client settings at all. Your resultant line will look something like:

DAEMON_OPTS="$GENERAL_OPTS --port 80 --log /var/log/http-replicator.log --user proxy --ip=192.168.0.*"

Then remove the line that says


Save the file and exit.

Restart the daemon (or start for the first time)

sudo /etc/init.d/http-replicator restart

And you're finished with the proxy!

Now, all you have to do is get the clients ready. Note that if you changed the port http-replicator runs on to port 80, the following is unneeded. (The example given below is for proxying packages downloaded by APT).

On the local computer you want to use http-replicator with, add this line to /etc/apt/apt.conf

Acquire::http::Proxy "";

Replace with the IP of the server http-replicator is running on.

More info:

man 1 http-replicator
man 1 http-replicator_maintenance

For the record, the following files are installed by the .deb
