
Wikibot留言 | 贡献
Wikibot留言 | 贡献
第37行: 第37行:
'''[http://gdmap.sourceforge.net/ GdMap]''' - A disk space visualiser.
'''[http://gdmap.sourceforge.net/ GdMap]''' - A disk space visualiser.
'''[http://htop.sourceforge.net/ htop]''' - An alternative to the command-line process viewer 'top', htop lets you scroll horizontally and vertically.
'''[http://htop.sourceforge.net/ htop]''' - An alternative to the command-line process viewer 'top', htop lets you scroll horizontally and vertically.
== Your feedback ==
2008-07-23, Duncan Lithgow said: I've created a project page to use for discussion on improving pages like this one: [[UbuntuHelp:Applications/ProjectHome|Application Documentation Project]]


2009年11月17日 (二) 20:27的最新版本

{{#ifexist: :RecommendedApplications/zh | | {{#ifexist: RecommendedApplications/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:RecommendedApplications|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:RecommendedApplications|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

This page is a list of software recommendations made other Ubuntu users. It is a place where you can find out about really great applications that aren't as well known. If you want to find information on more typical Ubuntu applications, you should look at the guides that can be found on the Applications page. This page started life as a section of the Applications page which was moved here. Please add to it and make it great! This forum thread contains many excellent application recommendations. It would be great if someone wanted to copy some of that information across to this page!


Qalculate - The ultimate desktop calculator. Revelation - A password manager. Specto - Configurable event notifier.


Agave - A colour scheme designer feh - Image viewer and background setter, handy for people who use Window Managers instead of Desktop Environments Gcolor2 - Simple colour selector and picker. Mirage - A fast and simple image viewer and editor, great for older machines. Xara Xtreme - Heavy-weight vector-based illustration program, similar to Inkscape and Adobe Illustrator. xcompmgr - This composition manager implements shadows, fading, proper translucency, and more.


Deluge - Simple bittorrent client. Kazehakase - Light-weight web-browser, similar to Firefox. Links2 - A graphics and text mode WWW browser. rTorrent - Light-weight Ncurses based command-line torrent client, ideal for use within a screen.


ePDFView - Light-weight PDF viewer. GNU TeXmacs - A scientific text editor, which was both inspired by TeX and GNU Emacs. Kdissert - A mindmapping tool for supporting the creation of complex documents. Leafpad - Simple GTK+ text editor that emphasizes simplicity. Notecase - Hierarchical note manager. Zim - Desktop wiki.

Sound & Video

Hydrogen - A very easy to use sample based drum machine. youtube-dl - Small command-line program which lets you download video's from YouTube.com


Geany - A small and lightweight integrated development environment. SciTe - Lightweight GTK-based programming editor with syntax highlighting support for many languages.


Firestarter - Tighten or loosen your Internet security. GdMap - A disk space visualiser. htop - An alternative to the command-line process viewer 'top', htop lets you scroll horizontally and vertically.