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#title Beginners FAQ
The intention of the page is to gather well-written answers to frequent questions from the Absolute Beginners Forum in an orderly fashion.
The intention of the page is to gather well-written answers to frequent questions from the Absolute Beginners Forum in an orderly fashion.
Suggestions are welcomed at [http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=379658 Feature Requests ]
Suggestions are welcomed at [http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=379658 Feature Requests ]
== How to Install Ubuntu ==
The Ubuntu Documentation Team has also looked into creating a FAQ section, you can see their initial list of Common Questions on [http://philbull.googlepages.com/CommonQuestions-UbuntuForums.pdf this pdf document].
Installing an Operating System (OS) is a delicate and unfamiliar task for most computer users. Before you start you should back up your data at a minimum. As you embark you will be confronted with partitioning your hard drive to make room for a new OS. You will also be installing a boot loader to boot your various OSs.
Also see [[UbuntuHelp:CommonQuestions|CommonQuestions]].
Fortunately, installing Ubuntu is relatively easy. You will burn a CD, then start up your computer from that CD, which will allow you to preview the Ubuntu operating system. From the CD, you can also install Ubuntu onto your computer through a simple graphical interface. See [[UbuntuHelp:GraphicalInstall|GraphicalInstall]] for help on installing Ubuntu using the graphical installer.
== Forums FAQ ==
Occasionally the Desktop, or Live CD, will fail. It can then be helpful to consider the Alternate CD. The Alternate CD uses a command-line installer and is designed for more advanced users. If you are not comfortable using the Alternate CD, seek help from a more experienced Ubuntu user and they will help guide you through the process. The IRC channel #ubuntu on irc.freenode.net is a great place to get help.
=== Installing Ubuntu ===
Overview: [http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/ Installing from the Alternate CD]
* [http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu Where to get Ubuntu ?].
Graphical guide: [http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p3.htm Windows (NTFS) + Ubuntu]
* [http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors download mirrors].
=== Additional information ===
* [[UbuntuHelp:Installation/MinimalCD|Minimal|installation]].
Where to download Ubuntu: [[UbuntuHelp:GettingUbuntu|GettingUbuntu]]
* [[UbuntuHelp:Installation/MinimalCD|Minimal|installation ISO]].
How to burn the CD image (ISO) to CD: [[UbuntuHelp:BurningIsoHowto|BurningIsoHowto]]
* Which version of Ubuntu should I use ?
Booting from the CD: [[UbuntuHelp:BootFromCD|BootFromCD]]
* Versions of Ubuntu are released every 6 months named by year.month and a "code name".
Partitioning basics: [http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=282018 Basic Partitioning]
* [[UbuntuWiki:Releases|Releases]]
GRUB: [[UbuntuHelp:GrubHowto|GrubHowto]]
* What does LTS mean?
[http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm Hermanzone: How to Grub]
* [[UbuntuWiki:LTS|Length|of Support]]
== Desktop customization ==
* First you should know your architecture or (type of CPU).
=== Assistive Technologies (formerly Accessibility options) ===
* [[UbuntuHelp:SupportedArchitectures|Architectures]].
Once Ubuntu is installed, select '''System -> Preferences -> Assistive Technologies''' from the main menu (at the upper left-hand corner of the screen by default) of an Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) system, the latest version. Select Keyboard accessibility and enable sticky keys and other accessibility features.
* Next select a window manager.
On an older system this option is located under '''System -> Preferences -> Keyboard'''.
* Ubuntu = [http://www.gnome.org/ Gnome].
On a Kubuntu system this option is accessed under '''System Settings -> Accessibility'''.
* Kubuntu = [http://www.kde.org/ KDE].
See the [[UbuntuHelp:Accessibility|Accessibility]] documentation for more information.
* Xubuntu = [http://www.xfce.org/ XFCE].
=== General customization ===
* You may add additional window managers after installation.
[[UbuntuWiki:Beginners/Guide/DesktopCustomization|Desktop Customization]]
* Will Ubuntu run on my computer ?
== Installing software ==
* [[UbuntuWiki:HardwareSupport|Hardware|compatibility list]].
=== Repositories ===
* [[UbuntuHelp:Installation/SystemRequirements|System|requirements]].
In general it is best (and easiest) to install from the Ubuntu repositories. Ubuntu is a Debian-based distribution and as such uses Synaptic, apt-get, and aptitude (as well as dpkg). dpkg, apt-get, and aptitude are all command line tools. Synaptic is a GUI front end for apt-get. Applications (programs) are packaged into .deb files :
* [http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=368607 Should I use 64 bit ?]
''' note: you will need to enable all repositories by removing "#" from the front of any line that looks like a web address, save the file and reload sources'''
* What is the difference between the Desktop / Server / and alternate CD's ?
Ubuntu or Gnome
* The "Desktop" CD is a "live CD" and boots Ubuntu without changing your hard drive. Use the desktop CD to test your hardware. To install Ubuntu click on the "install" icon on the desktop.
* The "Alternate" CD is a install CD (no "live" desktop) and is used if the Desktop fails. In addition the Alternate CD allows "advanced" features such as a minimal install, LVM, RAID, and encryption.
gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
* The "Server" CD is also a installation CD and will set up LAMP. The server installation comes with no GUI (Graphical Interface).
* *Most* dedicated Linux servers are managed either by editing configuration files (which are in plain text) or via Web based graphical interfaces (thus a GUI is not needed).
Kubuntu or KDE
* You may install server software (apache, ssh, ftp, etc) on a Desktop or add a graphical interface to a server after installation.
* The "Minimal" CD is a minimal command line installation. It installs the base operating system and package manager with no GUI. This CD is not recommended for users with slow internet connections.
kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list
* [[UbuntuHelp:BurningIsoHowto|How|To Burn an ISO]]
* [[UbuntuHelp:LiveCD|How|to boot the live CD]]
Xubuntu or Xfce
* Simply place the Ubuntu CD into your DVD/CDROM and reboot.
* You may need to set your BIOS to boot from DVD/CDROM (this varies by BIOS, hit Ecs, F2, F8, etc during the initial boot process).
gksudo mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list
[[UbuntuHelp:BootFromCD|Trouble|booting from CD ?]].
* [[UbuntuHelp:Installation|How|To Install Ubuntu]]
Server users
* [[UbuntuHelp:HowToRemoveWindows|HowToRemoveWindows]]
* How to remove Ubuntu.
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
* [http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=508927 Remove Ubuntu / restore Windows].
* [[UbuntuWiki:WubiGuide#head-7cd5a1eda23f1e9960c28ef3a2f4e8645c5ea87d|Remove|Wubi]].
Alternatively you can use the graphical tool provided by selecting from the menu '''System -> Administration -> Software Sources'''.
=== Configuration ===
Packages are named in the following way:
* [[UbuntuHelp:Accessibility| Accessibility Features aka Assistive Technologies]]
Example foo-xvz.deb
* [[UbuntuHelp:RootSudo| Root / Sudo]]
*foo  = application (program) name
* How do I get xyz to start at boot ?
*-xyz = version
* To run simple commands at boot add them to /etc/rc.local
dpkg will install a .deb file you may have downloaded, dpkg will install the .deb, but not handle dependencies.
* To add a service you will need to write a script (needs expansion / link)
apt-get, aptitude, and synaptic will download and install your application and dependencies.
* How do I get xyz to start at login ?
For further information : [[UbuntuHelp:InstallingSoftware|InstallingSoftware]]
* Go to System > Preferences > Sessions
=== Installing from source code ===
* Defragmentation
You can install programs by ''compiling'' their ''source code''. Source code is what a programmer writes in order to create a program. Compiling is the process of converting this code into a form that the computer can understand, so that the program can be run. All of the programs available in Ubuntu software repositories are in a ready-to-run (compiled) state. In general you will only ever need to compile an application if it is not available from the repositories.
* [https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/connect.html Connecting to the Internet]
The compilation of source code can be a tricky process, as there are many things that could go wrong during the process. Compilation is recommended for advanced users only.
* X fails (at first boot)
To compile a program from source code, first install the '''build-essential''' and '''checkinstall''' packages. ''build-essential'' installs all of the basic tools required to compile source code. ''checkinstall'' will convert your newly compiled application into an Ubuntu/Debian package (.deb) and then install it. The advantage of this is that you may now use ''apt-get'' or ''aptitude'' to install and uninstall the program.
* [[UbuntuHelp:Video|Monitor|Resolution]]
For further information on ''checkinstall'', see [[UbuntuHelp:CheckInstall|CheckInstall]].
* [[UbuntuHelp:GrubHowto| Grub]]
The general steps are:
* [[UbuntuHelp:GrubHowto#Windows|Windows|and Ubuntu]]
<ol><li>Download the source code.
* [[UbuntuHelp:AutomaticallyMountPartitions|Mounting|Partions]]
</li><li>Extract the source code. Source code is generally distributed in a .tar or archive format similar to a .zip file.</li></ol>
* [[UbuntuHelp:FilePermissions|File|Permissions]]
* [[UbuntuHelp:SettingUpSamba| Setting Up Samba]]
'''Note:''' Not all .tar files contain source code. Some may be install scripts and others may be pre-compiled binaries.
* [[UbuntuHelp:DataRecovery|Recovering|Data]]
1.#3 Read the README file for further information and instructions.
* [https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/hardware/C/disks.html Formatting Partitions]
<ol><li>Open a Terminal ('''Applications''' -> '''Accessories''' -> '''Terminal''')
* [[UbuntuHelp:Wine|Wine]]
</li><li>Type <code><nowiki>./configure --help</nowiki></code> in the Terminal to list all of the options.
=== Multimedia ===
</li><li>Type <code><nowiki>./configure</nowiki></code> to prepare the source code for compilation.
* [[UbuntuHelp:Multimedia|Multimedia]]
</li><li>Type <code><nowiki>make</nowiki></code> to compile the source code.
* [[UbuntuHelp:MultimediaApplications|MultimediaApplications]]
</li><li>Type <code><nowiki>sudo checkinstall</nowiki></code> to create an Ubuntu/Debian package.</li></ol>
* [[UbuntuHelp:RestrictedFormats|RestrictedFormats]]
* [[UbuntuHelp:Medibuntu|Medibuntu]]
For further information : http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/
=== Gnome vs KDE ===
== Hardware ==
* Which one do I use ?
Many people experience problems with some item of hardware. This section covers ways to tackle some common problems.
* Use whichever you like. You can switch desktop environments easily in Ubuntu.
=== Identifying your hardware ===
* If I use Ubuntu, can I use KDE/Xfce programs?
The model name on your hardware may be meaningless in Linux - what is important is the chipset. Also be aware that the same branded model may either have chipset revision or even different chipset.
* Yes you may need to install additional libraries and dependencies, but you can use a KDE/Xce in ubuntu. The package manager will install these dependencies and libraries automatically.
==== PCI devices ====
* How can I try an alternate ?
* To identify a PCI device, we can query the hardware by typing <code><nowiki>lspci</nowiki></code> into a Terminal.
* Install Gnome by installing the "ubuntu-desktop" package
* To identify a graphics card, we can narrow the query by searching for the term 'VGA' in the output of the <code><nowiki>lspci</nowiki></code> command:
* Install Kde by installing the "kubuntu-desktop" package
<pre><nowiki>lspci | grep VGA
* Install Xfce by installing the "xubuntu-desktop" package
* Install other window managers or desktop environments by installing the appropriate meta package or packages as recommended by the developer.
'''Example output:''' <code><nowiki>0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX 440 ] (rev a3)</nowiki></code>
=== Security ===
==== USB devices ====
* [[UbuntuHelp:Antivirus|Antivirus]]
* To identify a USB device, we can query USB devices by typing <code><nowiki>lsusb</nowiki></code> into the Terminal
* [[UbuntuHelp:Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw|Firewall]]
'''Example output:''' <code><nowiki>Bus 004 Device 002: ID 152e:2507 LG (HLDS)</nowiki></code>
=== Install additional software ===
* Above, we see the output ''Bus 004 Device 002''. This is handy if we need to point a program/driver to the "location" of the hardware.
''Any and all info that you might need on Installing Additional software unto Ubuntu can be found on this page.
* The ''ID'' allows us to search for the make and model of the device. From ''152e:2507'', we can find out that the manufacturer is LG (basic USB information)
* [[UbuntuHelp:InstallingSoftware|Installing|Software in Ubuntu]]
* For more detailed information on USB devices and their capabilities, run <code><nowiki>lsusb -v</nowiki></code> in a Terminal.
* [[UbuntuHelp:CheckInstall|Checking|Software Installation]]
* To see recent events involving USB devices which the kernel has recognized (for example, plugging and unplugging), type <code><nowiki>dmesg | tail</nowiki></code> in a Terminal
=== Server ===
* To monitor other events involving USB devices, type <code><nowiki>sudo udevmonitor</nowiki></code> into a Terminal
''Any and all questions you may have can be found here at the following page.''
For more information on troubleshooting certain types of USB device, see [[UbuntuHelp:DebuggingUSBStorage| Debugging USB Storage Devices]] and [[UbuntuHelp:UsbFlashDrives|USB Flash Drives]]
* [[UbuntuHelp:ServerFaq||Server FAQ]]
==== Hard drive info ====
=== Command line skills ===
''' Hard drive and partition information '''
* [[UbuntuHelp:UsingTheTerminal|How|to use the Terminal]]
* [[UbuntuHelp:Beginners/BashScripting|Intro|to Bash Scripting]]
sudo fdisk -l
=== Virtualization ===
* VMWare
You can also use gparted which can be installed by installing the gparted package. [[UbuntuHelp:InstallingSoftware|Installing Software]]
* [[UbuntuHelp:VirtualBox|VirtualBox]]
''' Mount removable devices as normal user '''
* [http://lifehacker.com/367714/run-windows-apps-seamlessly-inside-linux For Hardy - Run Windows Apps Seamlessly Inside Linux]
pmount is a wrapper around the standard mount program which permits normal users to mount removable devices without a matching /etc/fstab entry. This provides a robust basis for automounting frameworks like GNOME's Utopia project and confines the amount of code that runs as root to a minimum.
This package also contains a wrapper "pmount-hal" which reads some information like device labels and mount options from hal and passes them to pmount. Install the package "hal" if you want to use this feature.
If a LUKS capable cryptsetup package is installed, pmount is able to transparently mount encrypted volumes.
'' example ''
pmount /dev/sda
''' For USB storage that do not get recognized you could try: '''
<pre><nowiki> sudo modprobe usb-storage
sudo locate usb_storage
followed by pmount command
==== Query Motherboard bios ====
''' for board type /bios version etc '''
sudo lshw | less
sudo dmidecode
==== Other possible diagnostics ====
''' lsmod ''' — program to show the status of modules in the Linux Kernel
'' so if we wanted to just list USB modules and ignore case ''
sudo lsmod | grep -i usb
or all devices general info
''' To display the SCSI devices currently attached (and recognized) by the SCSI subsystem use '''
cat /proc/scsi/scsi.
The output looks like this:
Attached devices:
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 02 Lun: 00
Vendor: PIONEER  Model: DVD-ROM DVD-303  Rev: 1.10
Type:  CD-ROM              ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
Vendor: IBM      Model: DNES-309170W    Rev: SA30
Type:  Direct-Access      ANSI SCSI revision: 03
After the "Attached devices:" line there are 3 lines for each recognized device. The first of these lines is SCSI address information discussed in Section 3.1. The following 2 lines of data are obtained from a INQUIRY command that was performed on the device when it was attached. See Section 9.4 for the relationship between the ordering of these devices compared with the sg driver's ordering (which most of the time is the same).
Existing devices can be removed using echo "scsi remove-single-device <h> <b> <t> <l>" > /proc/scsi/scsi where the variables are host, bus (channel), target (scsi id) and lun. The success (or otherwise) of this command can be determined by sending a subsequent cat /proc/scsi/scsi command. The removal will fail if the device is busy (e.g. if a file system on the device is mounted).
New devices can be added using echo "scsi add-single-device <h> <b> <t> <l>" > /proc/scsi/scsi where the variables are host, bus (channel), target (scsi id) and lun. The success (or otherwise) of this command can be determined by sending a subsequent cat /proc/scsi/scsi command. [1]
The SCSI subsystem does not support hot-plugging of SCSI devices (there may also be electrical issues on the associated SCSI parallel bus). It is recommended that those who use add+remove-single-device make sure that other devices on that SCSI bus are inactive if re-plugging is going to take place.
To output a list of internal SCSI command blocks use echo "scsi dump <n>" > /proc/scsi/scsi where the numeric value of <n> doesn't matter. This is probably only of interest to people chasing down bugs within the SCSI subsystem.
To start (or stop) logging information being sent to the console/log use echo "scsi log <token> <n>" > /proc/scsi/scsi where <token> is one of: {all, none, error, timeout, scan, mlqueue, mlcomplete, llqueue, llcomplete, hlqueue, hlcomplete, ioctl} and <n> is a number between 0 and 7. The tokens "all" and "none" don't take an <n> argument. Prefix meanings:
hl    upper level drivers [exception: sg uses "timeout"]
ml    mid level
ll    lower level drivers
[adapter drivers often have there own flags]
The value "0" turns off logging while "7" maximizes the volume of output. Logging information will only be output if CONFIG_SCSI_LOGGING was selected in the kernel build.
'''Warning''': "scsi log all" (and several other variants) can cause a logging infinite loop if the log file (typically /var/log/messages ) lies on a SCSI disk. Either turn off the kernel logging daemon or direct its output to a non SCSI device.
The parsing of "add-single-device" and "remove-single-device" is rather inflexible. Hence it is best to stay close to the demonstrated syntax with no extra spaces (and no tabs).
''' Something else to check/try: Add irqpoll to grub '''
gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
# defoptions=quiet splash noapic irqpoll
'sudo update-grub'
=== WiFi ===
Although often Wi''''''Fi will work out of the box, sometimes a particular Wi''''''Fi card will work in either Ubuntu 6.06 LTS or 6.10 but not both. Therefore if you are having problems with your Wi''''''Fi you may want to try a different version of Ubuntu.
See WifiDocs/WirelessNetworking for instructions on how to configure your wireless connection.
If you are still having problems with your Wi''''''Fi you can try to manually configure the interface. In some cases there may be more than one method to get your wireless card to work. Make sure to keep track of which set of instructions you have followed in order to avoid unnecessary repetition.
The first step is to identify which wifi card you have so that you can pick the relevant set of instructions, to do this type the following in the terminal:
The output you are looking for will look similar to this:
00:09.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)
Once you have identified your WiFi card you can proceed to the [[UbuntuHelp:WifiDocs|WifiDocs]] page and pick the relevant instructions (don't let the long list scare you, you only need the relevant entries).
Please note that Ubuntu 6.06 and 6.10 do not natively support WiFi access to WPA encrypted networks. You will be required to install additional packages to access such networks. For further information please read [[UbuntuHelp:WifiDocs/WPAHowTo|WifiDocs/WPAHowTo]]
For further information, see the [[UbuntuHelp:WirelessTroubleShootingGuide|Wireless Troubleshooting Guide]].
=== Winmodem ===
''No information yet.''
=== Printers ===
Both local and network printers can be installed form the main menu.  Select '''System -> Administration -> Printing'''.  Double click the '''New Printer''' icon and follow the on-screen instructions.
Most local network printers will be automatically detected.  If your local printer is not detected, select the port it is attached to (usually LPT1) and proceed to the next step to select your printer model.  For more information on networked printers see [[UbuntuHelp:NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu|NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu]]
== Multimedia ==
People sometimes have problems with certain types of audio and video file, or do not like the default multimedia applications. See below for information on working with multimedia in Ubuntu:
* [[UbuntuHelp:RestrictedFormats|Restricted Formats]] - Information on playing multimedia files which use restricted formats
* [[UbuntuHelp:MultimediaApplications|Multimedia Applications]] - Listings of multimedia software available with Ubuntu
== System Administration ==
Sometimes you may need to perform administrative tasks on your system. This section provides help with some common administrative tasks.
=== Mounting Disk Partitions ===
Sometimes, in order to access a hard drive (or a partition on the hard drive), you must ''mount'' the hard drive. Mounting is when Ubuntu connects a disk to itself, thus making it available for access.
Different disks/partitions can have different ''file system types''. A file system is a way of organizing information on a disk, and much initial configuration depends on the tye of file system the disk has.
==== Windows ====
To mount a Windows disk for both reading and writing:
<ol><li>For ''vfat'' (FAT32) format disks, use <code><nowiki>umask=000</nowiki></code>
</li><li>For ''NTFS'' format disks, use [http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/NTFS-3g ntfs-3g] and an <code><nowiki>/etc/fstab</nowiki></code> entry something like this:</li></ol>
<pre><nowiki>/dev/hda1  /media/windows  ntfs-3g  defaults  0  0
1.#3  An alternate is ntfs-config. ntfs-config uses ntfs-3g to mount windows partitions via a GUI.
See [http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows Mount Windows (Psychocats)] and [http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Ntfs-config ntfs-config (GWOS)] for more information.
==== Linux ====
To set permissions:
<ol><li>Mount the partition
</li><li>Use ''chmod'' on the directory which you mounted the disk to by typing something like <code><nowiki>sudo chmod 755 /mount/point</nowiki></code> into a Terminal</li></ol>
To mount a partition at boot you will need to edit the <code><nowiki>/etc/fstab</nowiki></code> file. For an overview of fstab see [http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Understanding_fstab Understanding fstab (GWOS)].
If you would like to access EXT2 and EXT3 partitions from Windows, take a look at [http://www.fs-driver.org/url FS-Driver].
See [http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountlinux Mount Linux (Psychocats)] for more information.
== Ubuntu Server ==
Server installs typically have no GUI.  Servers may administered remotely via SSH or [[UbuntuHelp:eBox|eBox]]
See [[UbuntuHelp:ServerGUI|ServerGUI]] for more information and other options.


2010年5月19日 (三) 21:41的最新版本

{{#ifexist: :Beginners/FAQ/zh | | {{#ifexist: Beginners/FAQ/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Beginners/FAQ|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Beginners/FAQ|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

  1. title Beginners FAQ

The intention of the page is to gather well-written answers to frequent questions from the Absolute Beginners Forum in an orderly fashion. Suggestions are welcomed at Feature Requests The Ubuntu Documentation Team has also looked into creating a FAQ section, you can see their initial list of Common Questions on this pdf document. Also see CommonQuestions.

Forums FAQ

Installing Ubuntu

  • Where to get Ubuntu ?.
  • download mirrors.
  • Minimal|installation.
  • Minimal|installation ISO.
  • Which version of Ubuntu should I use ?
  • Versions of Ubuntu are released every 6 months named by year.month and a "code name".
  • Releases
  • What does LTS mean?
  • Length|of Support
  • First you should know your architecture or (type of CPU).
  • Architectures.
  • Next select a window manager.
  • Ubuntu = Gnome.
  • Kubuntu = KDE.
  • Xubuntu = XFCE.
  • You may add additional window managers after installation.
  • Will Ubuntu run on my computer ?
  • Hardware|compatibility list.
  • System|requirements.
  • Should I use 64 bit ?
  • What is the difference between the Desktop / Server / and alternate CD's ?
  • The "Desktop" CD is a "live CD" and boots Ubuntu without changing your hard drive. Use the desktop CD to test your hardware. To install Ubuntu click on the "install" icon on the desktop.
  • The "Alternate" CD is a install CD (no "live" desktop) and is used if the Desktop fails. In addition the Alternate CD allows "advanced" features such as a minimal install, LVM, RAID, and encryption.
  • The "Server" CD is also a installation CD and will set up LAMP. The server installation comes with no GUI (Graphical Interface).
  • *Most* dedicated Linux servers are managed either by editing configuration files (which are in plain text) or via Web based graphical interfaces (thus a GUI is not needed).
  • You may install server software (apache, ssh, ftp, etc) on a Desktop or add a graphical interface to a server after installation.
  • The "Minimal" CD is a minimal command line installation. It installs the base operating system and package manager with no GUI. This CD is not recommended for users with slow internet connections.
  • How|To Burn an ISO
  • How|to boot the live CD
  • Simply place the Ubuntu CD into your DVD/CDROM and reboot.
  • You may need to set your BIOS to boot from DVD/CDROM (this varies by BIOS, hit Ecs, F2, F8, etc during the initial boot process).

Trouble|booting from CD ?.



Gnome vs KDE

  • Which one do I use ?
  • Use whichever you like. You can switch desktop environments easily in Ubuntu.
  • If I use Ubuntu, can I use KDE/Xfce programs?
  • Yes you may need to install additional libraries and dependencies, but you can use a KDE/Xce in ubuntu. The package manager will install these dependencies and libraries automatically.
  • How can I try an alternate ?
  • Install Gnome by installing the "ubuntu-desktop" package
  • Install Kde by installing the "kubuntu-desktop" package
  • Install Xfce by installing the "xubuntu-desktop" package
  • Install other window managers or desktop environments by installing the appropriate meta package or packages as recommended by the developer.


Install additional software

Any and all info that you might need on Installing Additional software unto Ubuntu can be found on this page.


Any and all questions you may have can be found here at the following page.

Command line skills
