
Corey留言 | 贡献
Corey留言 | 贡献
正在将页面替换为 '喜欢使用ubuntu和vim,但是都不是很了解,都在慢慢学! 最近写的一个gvim的marks脚本。方便自己方便大家! 链接 http://www.vim.org/scr...'
第1行: 第1行:


链接 http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2194<br>

colors<br>---------<br>corey.vim<br>" Last Change: 2008 March 12<br>" This idea comes from evening scheme.<br>hi CursorLine term=underline cterm=underline gui=underline ctermbg=NONE guibg=NONE<br>hi CuMe ctermbg=darkgrey guibg=darkgrey term=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE
[[Image:Vim marks.PNG|vim marks]]

exe &amp; dll<br>---------<br>ctags.exe<br>gvimext.dll<br>iconv.dll<br>intl2.dll<br>msvcr71.dll<br>libint.dll<br>VisVim.dll


==========util=======================<br>"===============================<br>" corey 2008/03/14<br>"===============================<br>"args **/*.jsp<br>"argdo %s/old/target/c | update
"g/^/exec "s/^/".strpart("000000000000".line("."). " ",len("000000000000".line("."). " ")-len(line("$"))-1 ) <br>"g/^/exec "s/^/".strpart(line(".")." ", 0, len(line("$")) + 1)
" Section: utillity tools {{{1<br>" ===============================================<br>func Search_Word()<br> let w = expand("&lt;cword&gt;")<br> exe "vimgrep " w "**/*.java **/*.jsp **/*.php **/*.c **/*.h **/*.htm" <br> "exe "vimgrep " w "**/*.*" <br> exe 'copen' <br>endfun
func TrimSpaceLine()<br> execute 'g/^\s*$/d'<br>endfun<br>func TrimEndSpace()<br> execute '%s/\s*$//'<br>endfun
func SelectTabpage()<br> execute 'tabn'<br>endfun
func NewTabpage()<br> execute 'tabnew'<br>endfun
func Insert_0_Number()<br> execute 'g/^/exec "s/^/".strpart("000000000000".line("."). " ",len("000000000000".line("."). " ")-len
(line("$"))-1 ) '<br>endfun
func Insert_Number()<br> "execute 'g/^/exec "s/^/".strpart(line(".")." ", 0, len(line("$")) + 1)'<br> execute 'g/^/exec "s/^/".strpart(" ".line("."). " ",len(" ".line("."). " ")-len(line
("$"))-1 ) '<br>endfun
func SaveP()<br> <br> call inputsave()<br> let Pname = input('Save Project name?')<br> call inputrestore()
execute 'mksession! ~\'.Pname.'.vim'<br> execute 'wviminfo! ~\'.Pname.'.viminfo'<br>endfun
func ReloadP()<br> <br> call inputsave()<br> let Pbname = input('Load Project name?')<br> call inputrestore()<br> <br> execute 'source ~\'.Pbname.'.vim'<br> execute 'rviminfo ~\'.Pbname.'.viminfo'<br>endfun
func CancleMarkCL()<br> match none<br>endfun
"func SetHighlightUnderLine()<br> "call CancleMarkCL()<br> ""highlight CurrentLine guibg=darkgrey guifg=white (or whatever colors you want)<br> "hi CurrentLine term=underline cterm=underline gui=underline ctermbg=NONE guibg=NONE<br> "au! Cursorhold * exe 'match CurrentLine /\%' . line('.') . 'l.*/'<br> "au! InsertEnter * match none<br> "set ut=60<br>"endfun
func SetMarkCL()<br> call StorePos()<br> hi CurrentLine ctermbg=darkgrey guibg=darkgrey term=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE<br> exe 'match CuMe /\%' . line('.') . 'l.*/'<br>endfun
func SetSimsun()<br> set guifont=NSimSun:h14:cGB2312<br> set printfont=NSimSun:h13:cGB2312<br>endfun
func SetGothic()<br> set guifont=MS_Gothic:h14:cSHIFTJIS<br> set printfont=MS_Gothic:h13:cSHIFTJIS<br>endfun
func SetUTF8()<br> set encoding=utf-8<br>endfun
func StorePos()<br> execute 'let g:save_cursor = getpos(".")'<br>endfun
func GobackPos()<br> execute 'call setpos(".", g:save_cursor)'<br>endfun
" Section: Comment mapping setup {{{1<br>" =========================================<br>" This is where the mappings calls are made that set up the commenting key<br>" mappings.<br>" set up the mappings to trim space at the line's end<br>execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . ',te' . ' :call TrimEndSpace()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . ',te' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call TrimEndSpace()&lt;cr&gt;'
" set up the mappings to trim space line<br>execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . ',tl' . ' :call TrimSpaceLine()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . ',tl' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call TrimSpaceLine()&lt;cr&gt;'
" set up the mappings to Cancle and set Highlight Current Line<br>execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mn' . ' :call CancleMarkCL()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mn' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call CancleMarkCL()&lt;cr&gt;'
execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mm' . ' :call SetMarkCL()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mm' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call SetMarkCL()&lt;cr&gt;'
execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'm,' . ' :call GobackPos()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'm,' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call GobackPos()&lt;cr&gt;'
"execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mv' . ' :call SetHighlightUnderLine()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>"execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'mv' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call SetHighlightUnderLine()&lt;cr&gt;'
"NewTabpage<br>execute 'nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'tt' . ' :call NewTabpage()&lt;cr&gt;'<br>execute 'vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;' . 'tt' . ' &lt;ESC&gt;:call NewTabpage()&lt;cr&gt;'
" Section: Menu item setup {{{1<br>" =========================================<br>"check if the user wants the menu to be displayed <br>if 1 != 0
let menuRoot = '&amp;Plugin.&amp;util'<br> <br> "execute 'menu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.-Sep- :'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Trim\ Trailing\ Space&lt;TAB&gt;' . escape(',te', '\') . ' :call
TrimEndSpace()&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Trim\ Space\ Line&lt;TAB&gt;' . escape(',tl', '\') . ' :call
execute 'menu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.-Sep2- :'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Cancle\ Mark&lt;TAB&gt;' . escape('mn', '\') . ' :call CancleMarkCL()
&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Mark\ CurrentLine&lt;TAB&gt;' . escape('mm', '\') . ' :call SetMarkCL
()&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Go\ Mark&lt;TAB&gt;' . escape('m,', '\') . ' :call GobackPos()&lt;CR&gt;'<br> "execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Set\ Underline\ CurrentLine&lt;TAB&gt;' . escape('mv', '\') . ' :call
execute 'menu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.-Sep3- :'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.New\ Tabpage&lt;TAB&gt;' . escape('tt', '\') . ' :call NewTabpage()
&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Insert\ Number,\ 0\ Ahead&lt;TAB&gt;' . escape(' ', '\') . ' :call
Insert_0_Number()&lt;CR&gt;'<br> execute 'nmenu &lt;silent&gt; '. menuRoot .'.Insert\ Number,\ No\ 0&lt;TAB&gt;' . escape(' ', '\') . ' :call
amenu 1.51 PopUp.-SEP_COREY- &lt;Nop&gt;<br> amenu &lt;script&gt; &lt;silent&gt; 1.52 PopUp.Trim\ &amp;End\ Space :call TrimEndSpace()&lt;CR&gt;<br> amenu &lt;script&gt; &lt;silent&gt; 1.53 PopUp.Trim\ Space\ Li&amp;ne :call TrimSpaceLine()&lt;CR&gt;<br> amenu &lt;script&gt; &lt;silent&gt; 1.54 PopUp.Insert\ Nu&amp;mber :call Insert_Number()&lt;CR&gt;
amenu &lt;script&gt; &lt;silent&gt; 1.56 PopUp.Font.&amp;Simsun :call SetSimsun()&lt;CR&gt;<br> amenu &lt;script&gt; &lt;silent&gt; 1.57 PopUp.Font.&amp;Gothic :call SetGothic()&lt;CR&gt;<br> amenu &lt;script&gt; &lt;silent&gt; 1.58 PopUp.UTF-&amp;8 :call SetUTF8()&lt;CR&gt;<br> endif<br>" vim: set foldmethod=marker :
"--------encode_corey-----------------<br>elseif &amp;encoding ==? 'cp936'<br>let value = 'ucs-bom,utf-8,cp936,gb18030,big5,euc-jp,euc-kr,latin1'<br>"set encoding=japan<br>"----------gvimrc---------------------<br>"edited by corey<br>"<br>source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim<br>source $VIMRUNTIME/gvimrc_example.vim
set encoding=japan<br>" カラー設定:<br>colorscheme corey<br>set nobk<br>set number<br>set shiftwidth=2<br>set softtabstop=4<br>set tabstop=4<br>autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.vb set ft=vbnet<br>autocmd BufNewFile,Bufread *.csv call CSVSELECT() <br>set nowrap<br>set expandtab<br>set noignorecase<br>set guioptions+=b<br>set tags=tags,./tags<br>set cul<br>au InsertEnter * set nocul<br>au InsertLeave * set cul
"au GUIEnter * simalt ~x "maximum the initial window
map &lt;C-tab&gt; :call SelectTabpage()&lt;CR&gt;<br>map &lt;F6&gt; :call SaveP()&lt;CR&gt;<br>map &lt;F5&gt; :call ReloadP()&lt;CR&gt;<br>map &lt;F3&gt; :call Search_Word()&lt;CR&gt; <br>map &lt;F8&gt; :TlistToggle&lt;CR&gt;<br>map &lt;F9&gt; :call CSV_HighlightPrevCol()&lt;CR&gt; <br>map &lt;F10&gt; :call CSV_HighlightNextCol()&lt;CR&gt; <br>map &lt;F11&gt; :call CSV_goto_field()&lt;CR&gt;<br>map &lt;F12&gt; :call CSV_SE()&lt;CR&gt;
if has("statusline")<br> set statusline=%&lt;%f\ %h%m%r%=%{\"[\".(&amp;fenc==\"\"?&amp;enc:&amp;fenc).\"]\ \"}%k\ %-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P<br>endif
" フォント設定:<br>"<br>if has('win32')<br><br>
====== =========== ======
File ${VIMRT}\gvim.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\install.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\uninstal.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\vimrun.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\xxd.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\diff.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\vimtutor.bat<br> File ${VIMRT}\README.txt<br> File ${VIMRT}\uninstal.txt<br> File ${VIMRT}\*.vim<br> File ${VIMRT}\rgb.txt<br> File ${VIMRT}\ctags.exe<br> File ${VIMRT}\iconv.dll<br> File ${VIMRT}\intl2.dll<br> File ${VIMRT}\msvcr71.dll
SetOutPath $INSTDIR<br> File ${VIMRT}\gvimrc<br><br>

2008年4月14日 (一) 20:52的最新版本



链接 http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2194

vim marks