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#title Ubuntu equivalents to Windows applications
#title Ubuntu equivalents to Windows applications
We here in the Ubuntu community know that switching from Windows to Ubuntu can leave you thinking about whether or not your current applications are available for Ubuntu.  We're sure that you will be glad to know that many of your favorite applications in Windows have equivalents in Ubuntu.  To help you find the applications you need quicker and easier, we have created a table displaying your favorite Microsoft Windows applications, and their equivalents in Ubuntu.  Some are already included in the default install.  There are many more applications available through the easy to use Add/Remove Applications menu item, Synaptic, or other online sources. See also [[UbuntuHelp:SoftwareEquivalents|SoftwareEquivalents]].
Make sure to go to ''Software Sources'' under the '''System -> Administration''' menu and check all of the available repositories, so that you can have the maximum amount of applications. These applications and more will be available through CNR, but we will provide more information on that later when the plugin is available.
In the table below you will find the following columns:
* '''Type''': type of application (e.g. Word Processor, DVD Player)
Duplicate article: [[UbuntuHelp:SoftwareEquivalents|SoftwareEquivalents]]
* '''Windows''': name of the Windows application
== Introduction ==
* '''Ubuntu''': name of the equivalent Ubuntu application
Once you've made the move to Ubuntu GNU/Linux or any other Linux Distribution one of the next tasks many computer users have is finding software like the software they are used to running on another operating system like Windows or Macintosh. Luckily, helping you with this issue is something some people take very seriously.
* '''Location''': location of files to install - Synaptic, Add/Remove Applications, default on install, or external source
=== Guides to finding Linux/Open Source application ===
* '''Alternate''': name of an alternate program; there are many applications available, and only the best are listed
If you know the name of the application you're looking for then often you will be able to find it quickly on one of the top three sites below (they are external links):
''Note: If you see "(prop.)" next to the application name, it means that that particular application is proprietary, not open source.'' 
* [http://www.osalt.com/ Open Source Alternatives] ''"Find open source alternatives to your favourite commercial products. Browse through our software categories and compare pros and cons of both commercial products as well as open source software."'' As the name suggests this site is not just about equivalents to Windows or Macintosh applications. OSAlt.com presents [[UbuntuHelp:Open Source|Open Source]] alternatives to commercial software generally.
{|border="1" cellspacing="0"
* [http://www.linuxalt.com/ The Linux Alternative Project] ''"The goal is to provide an informational and available website for all linux users."''
| '''Type''' || '''Windows''' || '''Ubuntu'''  || '''Location''' || '''Alternate'''
* [http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Linux_software_equivalent_to_Windows_software Linux software equivalent to Windows software] ''"When migrating to Linux from Windows, a common question is "Where can I get a program for Linux that is similar to XYZ program on Windows?" Fear not! Listed below are programs that could be considered roughly equivalent to certain popular Windows applications. "''
If that hasn't helped try typing "linux software equivalents" into your favourite search engine. Here are some of the good results from that type of search (they are external links).
||||||||| '''Networking'''
* [http://www.libervis.com/wiki/index.php?title=Table_of_Equivalent_Software Table of Equivalent Software] ''"Switched to the wonderful world of GNU/Linux or BSD but are not finding the applications that will do everything you did in Windows? Well, this table is for you!"''
* [http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html The table of equivalents / replacements / analogs of Windows software in Linux] ''"This list of Linux equivalents / replacements / analogs of Windows software is based on our own experience and on the information obtained from the visitors of this page (thanks!)."'' (not updated since November 2007)
|Web Browser || Internet Explorer ||  Firefox ||  Default on Install || Opera (Prop.)
== See Also ==
| E-Mail/PIM || Outlook || Evolution ||  Default on Install || Thunderbird
| Chat || Trillian ICQ || [[UbuntuHelp:Pidgin|Pidgin]] || Default on Install || Kopete
| VoIP || Skype || [[UbuntuHelp:Ekiga]] || Default on Install || Skype (Prop.)
| Peer-to-Peer || Bittorent || Bittorent || Add/Remove Applications || Bittornado
| FTP Client || WS_FTP || File''''''Zilla || Synaptic || gFTP
| Fax || Win''''''Fax || G''''''Fax || Add/Remove Applications || [[UbuntuHelp:XSane|XSane]]
| Remote Desktop || RealVNC || Gnome-RDP || Add/Remove Applications || Krdc
| Shared Folders || Network Places || Network Servers (under "Places" menu) || Default on Install || Smb4K
| Windows Network Admin. || Network Places || GSAMBAD || Add/Remove Applications || SMBC
||||||||| '''Office/Business Software'''
| Text Editor || Wordpad || Gedit || Default on Install || Text Editor
| PDF || Adobe Acrobat Reader || Evince || Default on Install || Adobe Acrobat Reader (prop.)
| Office Suite || Microsoft Office || Open''''''Office.org || Default on Install || Gnome Office
| Word Processor || Microsoft Word || Open''''''Office.org Writer || Default on Install || Abiword
| Spreadsheet || Microsoft Excel || Open''''''Office.org Calc || Default on Install || Gnumeric Spreadsheet
| Presentation || Microsoft Powerpoint || Open''''''Office.org Impress || Default on Install || Criawips
| Database || Microsoft Access || Open''''''Office.org Base || Default on Install || Glom
| Diagrams/Flow Charts || Visio || Open''''''Office.org Draw || Add/Remove Applications || Kiveo
| Desktop Publishing || Microsoft Publisher || Scribus || Add/Remove Applications || 
| Finance Manager || Quicken || K''''''My''''''Money || Add/Remove Applications || [[UbuntuHelp:GnuCash|GnuCash]]
| Database Mangement || MySQL || MySQL || Add/Remove Applications || HSQL
||||||||| '''Multimedia (Sound)'''
| Music Player || Windows Media Player || Amarok || Add/Remove Applications || Rhythmbox
| CD Burning || Nero || K3b || Add/Remove Applications || [[UbuntuHelp:GnomeBaker|GnomeBaker]]  
| CD Ripping || Windows Media Player || Sound Juicer || Default on Install || Grip
| Karaoke || Van''''''Basco || KMid || Add/Remove Applications || Pykaraoke
| Audio Editors || Audacity || Audacity || Add/Remove Applications || Jokosher
| Sound Mixer || sndvol32 || Volume Control || Add/Remove Applications || GNOME ALSA Mixer
||||||||| '''Multimedia (Graphics)'''
| Image Viewer || Windows Image Viewer || GThumb Image Viewer || Default on Install || GQview
| Simple Paint Program || Paint || GPaint || Add/Remove Applications || GNU Paint
| Advanced Graphics Program || Adobe Photoshop || Gimp || Default on Install || Xara Xtreme (prop.)
| Vector Graphics || Adobe Illustrator || Inkscape || Add/Remove Applications || Sodipodi
| 3-D Graphics || 3-D Studio || Blender || Add/Remove Applications || Wings3D
||||||||| '''Multimedia (Video)'''
| Video Player || Windows Media Player || Movie Player || Add/Remove Applications || gxine
| DVD Player || WinDVD || Movie Player || Add/Remove Applications || gxine
| DVD Ripper || Gordian Knot || Thoggen DVD Ripper || Add/Remove Applications || Acid''''''Rip (prop.)
| Simple Video Editor || Windows Movie Maker || Avidemux || Add/Remove Applications || Kino
| Professional Video Editor || Adobe Premier || Cine''''''Paint || Add/Remove Applications || Pitivi Video Editor
| Animation || Animation Shop || Cine''''''Paint || Add/Remove Applications || Blender
| TV Tuner || AVerTV || TVtime || Add/Remove Applications || Zapping TV Viewer


2009年11月17日 (二) 21:19的最新版本

{{#ifexist: :WindowsApplicationsEquivalents/zh | | {{#ifexist: WindowsApplicationsEquivalents/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:WindowsApplicationsEquivalents|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:WindowsApplicationsEquivalents|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

  1. title Ubuntu equivalents to Windows applications
  2. master-page:Software
  3. master-date:2008-08-01

<<Include(Tag/Duplicate)>> Duplicate article: SoftwareEquivalents


Once you've made the move to Ubuntu GNU/Linux or any other Linux Distribution one of the next tasks many computer users have is finding software like the software they are used to running on another operating system like Windows or Macintosh. Luckily, helping you with this issue is something some people take very seriously.

Guides to finding Linux/Open Source application

If you know the name of the application you're looking for then often you will be able to find it quickly on one of the top three sites below (they are external links):

  • Open Source Alternatives "Find open source alternatives to your favourite commercial products. Browse through our software categories and compare pros and cons of both commercial products as well as open source software." As the name suggests this site is not just about equivalents to Windows or Macintosh applications. OSAlt.com presents Open Source alternatives to commercial software generally.
  • The Linux Alternative Project "The goal is to provide an informational and available website for all linux users."
  • Linux software equivalent to Windows software "When migrating to Linux from Windows, a common question is "Where can I get a program for Linux that is similar to XYZ program on Windows?" Fear not! Listed below are programs that could be considered roughly equivalent to certain popular Windows applications. "

If that hasn't helped try typing "linux software equivalents" into your favourite search engine. Here are some of the good results from that type of search (they are external links).

See Also