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== Feisty Desktop Edition Install ==
== Desktop Edition Install ==
''This section (and perhaps this page) was correct for Feisty. It does not work for Gutsy.''
The following describes how you can install Ubuntu onto a client machine, using just its network card to boot an Ubuntu installation image which will install Ubuntu.
The following describes how you can boot a machine into the Ubuntu Desktop Edition, using just its network card to "PXE netboot", via a tftp and nfs server. This means you can use the machine to run a LiveCD system, without actually needing any CD drive nor hard disk in the machine. The machine is effectively a diskless workstation at this point. You can then install Ubuntu onto its hard drive just as if you had a CD in its CD drive.
The way this works, in summary is: you set up and configure bootp, tftp, dhcp, and internet gateway services. Your client machine will
The way this works, in summary is: you do some configuring of some servers, so that your client machine will 'netboot' via pxe/bootp, get an ip address, get passed a boot kernel via tftp, will boot into that kernel, and it will display a menu screen to run a 'live-(pseudoCD)-install' on your client machine. You will have defined the menu item(s) for this menu, those being how to boot into a 'Live CD/install'. When you select the menu item, it boots a second kernel which takes you into the 'Live CD'.
<ol><li>'netboot' via its network adapter, using pxe/bootp protocol,
Actually, to be precise, the boot kernel is a linux kernel and it is accompanied by the initial ramdisk image (initrd...). Each is a single file. Inside the initrd is the entire initial ramdisk including an init script. This script does the actual bootup and install. When we refer to a boot kernel on this page we should more precisely refer to the kernel and its partner initrd. They are a set that should be kept together.
</li><li>get passed a kernel and installer via tftp. It will boot into that kernel, which will run an installation of Ubuntu onto your client machine.</li></ol>
The kernel and installer used are actually the same as is on the mini.iso (the 'Minimal Installation" CD), so once started, the installation process is the same as if you had installed off a CD burnt with the mini.iso. Significantly, almost all of the packages installed come from latest versions from the Ubuntu repositories on the internet. Therefore, unlike the Desktop or Server Edition CD installs, where several packages on the CDs will already be out of date, installation using this netboot method (or using a mini.iso CD) gets the latest versions of everything during the initial installation.
=== Set up the servers ===
=== Set up the servers ===
0. Ensure that you have a dhcp server (or a bootp server), a tftp (eg tftp-hpa) server, and an nfs server available on your network. If not, install them onto a machine (or over a set of machines if you want to complicate things).  
Ensure that you have a bootp server, a tftp (eg tftp-hpa) server, and access to your router/gateway.
0. Configure the dhcp server: Set the following options in dhcpd.conf on your DHCP server:
<ol><li>Configure the router and its dhcp server. Get the mac address of the new machine you will be installing ubuntu onto (the 'client machine' ). It is easiest if you decide on a fixed ip address for the client machine and set it into the router, as a fixed ip address, eg Note also the gateway address of the router.
</li><li>Configure a bootp service on a linux host. The same ip address as above needs to be assigned by the bootp service to the client machine.
next-server; # this is your TFTP server
<ol><li>[[UbuntuHelp:InstallingSoftware|Install]] bootp.
filename "pxelinux.0"; # put this in verbatim
</li><li>Edit /etc/bootptab. Here is an example.<pre><nowiki>
</nowiki></pre> or:
0. Configure a bootp server. If your router already provides dhcp, you might install and use a bootp server. The client machine's ip address will be assigned by the router. The ip address you try to assign with your bootp server will be ignored. Either way, your client machine will ask via pxe for an ip address, and will then be passed over to the tftpserver.
0. Install bootpd with Synaptic (package name = bootp)
0. Edit <code><nowiki>/etc/bootptab</nowiki></code>. Here is an example.
td=/var/lib/tftpboot: hd=/: bf=pxelinux.0:\
td=/var/lib/tftpboot: hd=/: bf=pxelinux.0:\
sm=</nowiki></pre> For further help: <code><nowiki>man bootpd; man bootptab</nowiki></code> and also found in the etc/bootptab file itself as comments.
td=/: hd=/: bf=pxelinux.0</nowiki></pre></li></ol>
If you don't know the hardware address, or which ip address dhcp will assign, start bootp and/or dhcp/router, get the hardware address from the client's startup screen and the ip address assigned by the router by browsing into the router after the first startup. Update <code><nowiki>/etc/bootptab</nowiki></code> with these good values, then restart bootpd.
0. Starting bootp: Here is a wrapper to start and stop bootpd from the command line.
* ha = the mac address of the client machine (set this to its value)
* ip = the ip address assigned in the router to the client machine
* gw = the address of the router
* sm = the subnet mask for your lan
* td = the directory on the tfptboot server where the pxe files reside, relative to the tftpboot server's root.
* hd = a further path which ends at either the pxe boot file or a link to it. (this is probably ok as is)
* bf = the pxe boot file (this is probably ok as is)
For further help: <code><nowiki>man bootpd; man bootptab</nowiki></code> and also found in the etc/bootptab file itself as comments.
If you don't know the hardware address, or which ip address the dhcp server of the router will assign, start the client machine. Make sure its bios is set to boot first from its network adapter. You should then be able to get the hardware mac address as it attempts to boot via the network adapter. Update <code><nowiki>/etc/bootptab</nowiki></code> on the bootp server with the client's mac address and the ip address for it as set in the dhcp server (eg in the router), then restart bootpd.
<ol><li>Start bootp: Here is a wrapper to start and stop bootpd from the command line.<pre><nowiki>
Start () {
Start () {
/usr/sbin/$vDaemon -d 4 -c /var/lib/tftpboot >/tmp/$vDaemon.log 2>/tmp/$vDaemon.err &
    echo -n "Starting $vDaemon: default current directory is at $vCd ... :"
    /usr/sbin/$vDaemon -d 4 -c $vCd >/tmp/$vDaemon.log 2>/tmp/$vDaemon.err &
    sleep 1
Stop () {
Stop () {
kill `pidof $vDaemon`
echo "Stopping $vDaemon ..."
    kill `pidof $vDaemon`
Reload () {
    if [ "`pidof $vDaemon`" ] ; then
        echo "Reloading config file for $vDaemon ..."
kill -HUP "`pidof $vDaemon`"
Status () {
Status () {
vPid="`pidof $vDaemon`"
    vPid="`pidof $vDaemon`"
if [ "$vPid" ] ; then
    if [ "$vPid" ] ; then
echo "$vDaemon running, pid=$vPid"
echo "$vDaemon running, pid=$vPid"
echo "$vDaemon not running"
echo "$vDaemon not running"
case "$1" in
case "$1" in
start) Start ;;
    start) Start ;;
stop) Stop ;;
    stop) Stop ;;
restart) Stop ; sleep 2; Start ;;
    reload) Reload ;;
status) Status ;;
    restart) Stop ; sleep 2; Start ;;
""|*) echo `basename $0` parameter: start stop status or restart ;;
    status) Status ;;
    ""|*) echo `basename $0` parameter: start stop status reload or restart ;;
[https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/install-tftp.html Preparing Files for TFTP Net Booting, Section "Setting up BOOTP server"] has more info on bootp, including instructions for starting bootp using the inetd alternative.
0. Configure the nfs server:
0. Download the Ubuntu Desktop .iso.
[https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/installation-guide/i386/install-tftp.html Preparing Files for TFTP Net Booting, Section "Setting up BOOTP server"] has more info on bootp, including instructions for starting bootp using the inetd alternative.
0. Mount the .iso and copy its contents to a directory on your nfs server. Eg if you use <code><nowiki>/home/ftp/...</nowiki></code>, you can also make the distro available via vs-ftpd, set for anonymous ftp. (This could include installing using an ftp server instead: another type of install, not covered here.)
<ol><li>Configure the tftp server:
0. Nfs-export the directory, (or one somewhere above it,) in <code><nowiki>/etc/exports</nowiki></code> so this directory is accessible via nfs.
<ol><li>[[UbuntuHelp:InstallingSoftware|Install]] tftpd-hpa. Its config in /etc/default/tftpd-hpa should be <pre><nowiki>
0. Reload or restart the nfs server.
0. Configure the tftp server:
OPTIONS="-l -s /var/lib/tftpboot</nowiki></pre> The -s parameter is your tftp server file root.
0. Download [http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main/installer-i386/current//images/netboot/386/netboot.tar.gz this tarfile from the Ubuntu Archives], and extract its contents into the tftpboot directory on your tftp server.
</li><li>Download the netboot installer tarfile from the Ubuntu Archives ([http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz karmic], [http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz jaunty]), and extract its contents into the tftpboot server file root as per above.</li></ol>
0. Copy <code><nowiki>vmlinuz</nowiki></code> and <code><nowiki>initrd.gz</nowiki></code> from the <code><nowiki>/casper</nowiki></code> directory of the Ubuntu Desktop .iso to the tftpboot directory. Rename them if you wish, eg <code><nowiki>vmlinuz.fromUbuntu704DesktopCd, initrd.gz.fromUbuntu704DesktopCd</nowiki></code>. This is the kernel and initrd that you will select to load as your 'live CD' session. Eg
(More background info is at [https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/installation-guide/i386/install-tftp.html Preparing Files for TFTP Net Booting]).
cp -a /home/ftp/ubuntu704DesktopCd/casper/vmlinuz /var/lib/ftfpboot/vmlinuz.fromUbuntu704DesktopCd
=== Install Ubuntu onto the client machine ===
cp -a /home/ftp/ubuntu704DesktopCd/casper/initrd.gz /var/lib/ftfpboot/initrd.gz.fromUbuntu704DesktopCd</nowiki></pre> Note the use of -a so you  preserve the timestamp. This helps clarify later which version kernel you are using.
Net-boot your client machine. The tftpboot server passes the client machine the install kernel and initrd, which presents a screen/menu with different installation options. Hit [Enter] to start a standard desktop installation.
0. Edit a menu LABEL entry in pxelinux.cfg/default to point to the kernel and initrd from the previous step. Also edit in options to tell casper to mount to it via NFS, eg as per the following 5 lines:
=== A variation: Booting the "Live CD" image ===
You can also employ a variation of the above to instead boot into the Desktop Edition Live CD image instead of the installer. To do this, here are the key steps:
1 DEFAULT LiveDesktopCD
<ol><li>Download the Desktop CD iso (eg /8.10/ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso from a mirror at http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors). Extract its contents including the hidden .disk directory, or mount the iso file, to the tftp root area. This needs to be reachable via nfs export; eg on the nfs host ( as per the example below). If you 'nfs-export' /, ie the nfs server's entire file system,  you will not have a problem :-) (Alternatively, you could also use an ftp or http server, as further described in the next section.)
</li><li>Add a stanza of the following 3 lines into the ubuntu-installer/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default file <pre><nowiki>
3 LABEL LiveDesktopCD
LABEL live
4 kernel vmlinuz.fromUbuntu704DesktopCd
kernel ubuntu-desktop/casper/vmlinuz
5 append initrd=initrd.gz.fromUbuntu704DesktopCd boot=casper netboot=nfs nfsroot= --</nowiki></pre>
append initrd=ubuntu-desktop/casper/initrd.gz boot=casper netboot=nfs nfsroot= -- </nowiki></pre>
(The 5th line is long and might appear split here. Join them in your pxelinux.cfg/default.)
</li><li>Add a line into the ubuntu-installer/i386/boot-screens/f3.txt menu file to record your selection, so you can remember the extra option ''live''.</li></ol>
nfsroot points to your NFS server and the path to the directory where you copied all the contents of the CD.
0. Its useful to also edit the boot-screens/boot.txt to make the startup menu look different to the standard installation startup, and boot-screens/F3 file to document your use of the casper kernel.
Your client machine can now boot the "Live CD" Ubuntu instead of the alternate CD installer, and you will get the Live Ubuntu desktop. You can then install Ubuntu via the "Install" icon on the desktop if you wish.
(More background info is at [https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/install-tftp.html Preparing Files for TFTP Net Booting]).
* With Gutsy or Hardy, you might find the bootup stops just after this line appears. <code><nowiki>"squashfs: version 3.2-UBUNTU (2007/07/26) Phillip Lougher"</nowiki></code> In this case, try hitting Alt-Enter, and the boot-up should continue, giving you the Ubuntu desktop.
=== Net-boot your client machine. ===
* Up until late July 2008 for Hardy or earlier, if you fail to copy the hidden directory .disk, the install will stop at 82%, filling up the squash filesystem. After then it should abort cleanly. See this [https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/245519 bug report on Launchpad] for details.
0. The tftpboot server passes the client the boot kernel, as described in the intro. The boot kernel presents an installation screen, or menu, which looks similar to the first pre-installation screen of the Desktop live CD. You will be presented with the installation startup menu described above. If you have set up the LABEL lines correctly, simply hit [Enter].
0. The installation kernel does a simple install to RAM and starts Gnome. You get a desktop with an icon to Install to hard disk. If you start this icon, the full hard disk install proceeds. If not, you simply run a 'Live Cd' session in RAM (without the actual CD).
==== Technical Note: About Casper ====
"Casper  is  a hook for initramfs-tools used to generate an initramfs capable to boot live systems as those created by make-live. This includes the Debian-Live isos, netboot tarballs, and usb stick images and Ubuntu live  cds. At boot  time it will look for a (read-only) media containing a "/casper" directory where a root filesystems (often a compressed squashfs) is stored. If found, it will create a writable environment, using unionfs, for debian-like systems to boot from."
<code><nowiki>man casper</nowiki></code> for more information.
== Basic: Hands-On Interactive Network Server Edition Install ==
== Basic: Hands-On Interactive Network Server Edition Install ==
These steps allow you to install an Ubuntu distro from over your network, as if you had booted and installed it from the Ubuntu installation CD. This is almost a rewrite of the above, except its using http via Apache instead of nfs. Moreover, it does not use Casper so it does not result in a live system. Instead the client boots into an installer.)
Another description of installing an Ubuntu distro from over your network, as if you had booted and installed it from the Ubuntu installation CD. This is almost a rewrite of the above, except its using a DHCP server on a Linux machine.  
Services needed, on a server (or servers) :
Services needed, on a server (or servers) :
0. dhcp or bootp: to provide netboot server support,
<ol><li>dhcp or bootp: to provide netboot server support,
0. tftp: to feed the first boot image to the netboot client machine, when requested by the netboot server,
</li><li>tftp: to feed the first boot image to the netboot client machine, when requested by the netboot server,
0. http, ftp or nfs: to supply the Ubuntu distro to the client machine during the installation process.
</li><li>http, ftp or nfs: to supply the Ubuntu distro to the client machine during the installation process.
0. The client machine must be able to boot from its network card, else from a diskette that you built to 'netboot'.
</li><li>The client machine must be able to boot from its network card, else from a diskette that you built to 'netboot'.</li></ol>
This page focusses on the combination of dhcp, tftp, and http. In the examples below 'myserver' is the server for these 3 services. (Each of these can be run on a separate server if desired.)
0.#1 Install and configure the dhcp server. Eg to install:
This page focuses on the combination of dhcp, tftp, and http. In the examples below 'myserver' is the server for these 3 services. (Each of these can be run on a separate server if desired.)
0.#1 Install and configure the dhcp server. Eg to install:<pre><nowiki>
root@myserver:~ # apt-get install dhcp3-server</nowiki></pre>
root@myserver:~ # apt-get install dhcp3-server</nowiki></pre>
Configure the dhcp server to tell the clients what to boot.  I added a default host name, you don't need it but it comes in handy for other things.
Configure the dhcp server to tell the clients what to boot.  I added a default host name, you don't need it but it comes in handy for other things.<pre><nowiki>
root@myserver:~ # cat /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf
root@myserver:~ # cat /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf
subnet  netmask {
subnet  netmask {
# put your DNS IP's here:
# put your DNS IP's here:
option domain-name-servers, ;
option domain-name-servers, ;
root@myserver:~ # /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart
root@myserver:~ # /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart
Stopping DHCP server: dhcpd3.
Stopping DHCP server: dhcpd3.
Starting DHCP server: dhcpd3.</nowiki></pre>  
Starting DHCP server: dhcpd3.</nowiki></pre>  
0.#2 Install and configure the Trivial File Transfer Protocol server. The tftpd-hpa package is recommended. Install it. It is enabled via /etc/default/tftpd-hpa,
<ol><li>Install and configure the Trivial File Transfer Protocol server. The tftpd-hpa package is recommended. Install it. It is enabled via /etc/default/tftpd-hpa.<pre><nowiki>
OPTIONS="-l -s /var/lib/tftpboot"
OPTIONS="-l -s /var/lib/tftpboot"</nowiki></pre> Also note its base directory. The default setting is shown above.</li></ol>
</nowiki></pre> Also note its base directory. The default setting is shown above.
Mount the CD (media or image) under the tftpboot base directory found above,eg  
Mount the CD (media or image) under the tftpboot base directory found above,eg <pre><nowiki>
root@myserver:/var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu/feisty$ mount -o loop feisty-alternate-i386.iso alternate/ </nowiki></pre> or, you can instead copy the contents of the CD into that location, instead of leaving the ISO mounted.
root@myserver:/var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu/feisty$ mount -o loop feisty-alternate-i386.iso alternate/ </nowiki></pre> or, you can instead copy the contents of the CD into that location, instead of leaving the ISO mounted.
See [https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/install-tftp.html Preparing Files for TFTP Net Booting] for detailed information.
See [https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/install-tftp.html Preparing Files for TFTP Net Booting] for detailed information.
0.#3 Install and configure Apache, eg:
<ol><li>Install and configure Apache, eg:<pre><nowiki>
root@myserver:~ # apt-get install apache2</nowiki></pre></li></ol>
root@myserver:~ # apt-get install apache2</nowiki></pre>
Make a symlink from apache's doc Root to the CD
Make a symlink from apache's doc Root to the CD<pre><nowiki>
root@myserver:/var/www # ln -s /var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu/</nowiki></pre> Or copy the /ubuntu directory from the CD into here.
root@myserver:/var/www # ln -s /var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu/</nowiki></pre> Or copy the /ubuntu directory from the CD into here.
To use a pure ftp server like the vs-ftp server instead of Apache, install the ftp server, and configure it for anonymous ftp access. Then copy the /ubuntu directory from the CD into the anonymous ftp home. With vs-ftpd, this is set to /home/ftp. (Check /etc/passwd to confirm the anonymous ftp home.) Next test that anonymous ftp works and finds the installation stuff. eg via 'ftp localhost' on that machine. The install needs to be done in 'expert' mode, so you can select the ftp protocol instead of the default 'http'.
To use a pure ftp server like the vs-ftp server instead of Apache, install the ftp server, and configure it for anonymous ftp access. Then copy the /ubuntu directory from the CD into the anonymous ftp home. With vs-ftpd, this is set to /home/ftp. (Check /etc/passwd to confirm the anonymous ftp home.) Next test that anonymous ftp works and finds the installation stuff. eg via 'ftp localhost' on that machine. The install needs to be done in 'expert' mode, so you can select the ftp protocol instead of the default 'http'.
第124行: 第136行:
== Advanced: Hands-Off, Preseeded Network Server Install ==
== Advanced: Hands-Off, Preseeded Network Server Install ==
The above is for an interactive install, just as if you booted from CD. The following addresses preseeding, which enables a Hands Off Install where all the questions have been answered and fed to the installer. In addition, the following does not pull anything from the Internet.
The above is for an interactive install, just as if you booted from CD. The following addresses preseeding, which enables a Hands Off Install where all the questions have been answered and fed to the installer. In addition, the following does not pull anything from the Internet.
A handful of preseed options need to be passed via kernel options.  The kernel only supports 255 chars, so things are cramped.  To accommodate this, I dumped some of the paths and made symlinks.  That gave me just enough space for now. Note that the path/name of the kernel gets appended, so even trimming that helped.
A handful of preseed options need to be passed via kernel options.  The kernel only supports 255 chars, so things are cramped.  To accommodate this, I dumped some of the paths and made symlinks.  That gave me just enough space for now. Note that the path/name of the kernel gets appended, so even trimming that helped.<pre><nowiki>
<pre><nowiki>root@sahara:/var/lib/tftpboot # ln -s ubuntu-installer/i386/initrd.gz
root@sahara:/var/lib/tftpboot # ln -s ubuntu-installer/i386/initrd.gz
root@sahara:/var/lib/tftpboot # ln -s ubuntu-installer/i386/linux</nowiki></pre>
root@sahara:/var/lib/tftpboot # ln -s ubuntu-installer/i386/linux</nowiki></pre>
# pxelinux.cfg/default
# pxelinux.cfg/default
# display u0buntu-installer/i386/boot-screens/syslinux.txt
# display ubuntu-installer/i386/boot-screens/syslinux.txt
default menu
default menu
prompt 1
prompt 1
timeout 150
timeout 150
ontimeout boothd
ontimeout boothd
label menu
label menu
# makes a menu out of this file, allows editing the options on the client
# makes a menu out of this file, allows editing the options on the client
kernel menu.c32
        kernel menu.c32
label boothd
label boothd
# boot from the first HD
        # boot from the first HD
# (this is what happens if nothing is pressed for 15 seconds)
        # (this is what happens if nothing is pressed for 15 seconds)
localboot 0
        localboot 0
label ubuntu-feisty-normal
label ubuntu-feisty-normal
# ubuntu installer
# ubuntu installer
kernel ubuntu-feisty/linux
        kernel ubuntu-feisty/linux
append vga=normal initrd=ubuntu-feisty/initrd.gz ramdisk_size=14984 root=/dev/rd/0 rw  --
        append vga=normal initrd=ubuntu-feisty/initrd.gz ramdisk_size=14984 root=/dev/rd/0 rw  --
label ubuntu-feisty-hands-off
label ubuntu-feisty-hands-off
# ubuntu installer
# ubuntu installer
# The 'kernel' and 'initrd' paths must identify files under tftpboot.
# The 'kernel' and 'initrd' paths must identify files under tftpboot.
# For example, on my system I have /var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu-feisty/linux and /var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu-feisty/initrd.gz.
# For example, on my system I have /var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu-feisty/linux and /var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu-feisty/initrd.gz.
kernel ubuntu-feisty/linux
        kernel ubuntu-feisty/linux
append initrd=ubuntu-feisty/initrd.gz ramdisk_size=14984 root=/dev/rd/0 rw preseed/locale=en_US kbd-chooser/method=us netcfg/wireless_wep= netcfg/choose_interface=eth0 netcfg/get_hostname= preseed/url= vga=6 --
        append initrd=ubuntu-feisty/initrd.gz ramdisk_size=14984 root=/dev/rd/0 rw preseed/locale=en_US kbd-chooser/method=us netcfg/wireless_wep= netcfg/choose_interface=eth0 netcfg/get_hostname= preseed/url= vga=6 --
label ubuntu-gutsy-hands-off
# For gutsy the preseeds on the command line are slightly different.
        kernel ubuntu-gutsy/net-linux
        append initrd=ubuntu-gutsy/net-initrd.gz auto url=http://server/u710a/preseed/web-server.preseed locale=en_US.UTF-8 debian-installer/keymap=us netcfg/get_hostname= vga=0x317 --</nowiki></pre>
netcfg/get_hostname= Is blank so that it will pick up the host-name supplied by the DHCP server.
netcfg/get_hostname= Is blank so that it will pick up the host-name supplied by the DHCP server.
netcfg/choose_interface=eth0 - You may wish to specify eth1 or wlan0 for laptops if you want it to setup the wifi card, not the wired port.
netcfg/choose_interface=eth0 - You may wish to specify eth1 or wlan0 for laptops if you want it to setup the wifi card, not the wired port.
Note for client-specific PXE configurations: The DHCP server can't pass it, but pretending that the MAC address of your wireless card is 12 : CD : 56 : AB : 78 : EF you can specify a custom pxelinux.cfg/01-12-dc-56-ab-78-ef (lowercase) instead. If you are using static dhcp, you can also use the IP address in hex for a per-machine or per-subnet or per-network configuration. See http://syslinux.zytor.com/pxe.php#config for more information. Basically, say you have three wireless cards where the IP in hex translated to caf12d5e, caf12d6b, caf124ea, you could specify pxelinux.cfg/caf12d and pxelinux.cfg/caf12. The first two would match to the first config file and the third would match to the second config file.
Note for client-specific PXE configurations: The DHCP server can't pass it this can be done in PXE boot. Pretending that the MAC address of your wireless card is 12 : CD : 56 : AB : 78 : EF you can specify a custom pxelinux.cfg/01-12-dc-56-ab-78-ef (lowercase) file instead of default. If you are using static dhcp, you can also use the IP address in hex for a per-machine or per-subnet or per-network configuration. See http://syslinux.zytor.com/pxe.php#config for more information. Basically, say you have three wireless cards where the IP in hex translated to caf12d5e, caf12d6b, caf124ea, you could specify pxelinux.cfg/caf12d and pxelinux.cfg/caf12. The first two would match to the first config file and the third would match to the second config file.
See http://www.debian.org/releases/etch/example-preseed.txt for an example preseed file, and be sure to note the debconf-get-selections example commands.
See http://www.debian.org/releases/etch/example-preseed.txt for an example preseed file, and be sure to note the debconf-get-selections example commands.
Here are the important changes for using the copy of the install CD on your server instead of the Internet repositories during the install:
Here are the important changes for using the copy of the install CD on your server instead of the Internet repositories during the install:<pre><nowiki>
# Choose software to install:
tasksel tasksel/first  multiselect    ubuntu-desktop
# Installation source
# Note the value of mirror/country "enter information manually" This is an actual choice in the mirror menu. Choosing this allows us to enter our local repository information.
d-i mirror/country string enter information manually
d-i mirror/country string enter information manually
d-i mirror/http/hostname string sahara # This is whatever HTTP server you have set up
# hostname This is whatever HTTP server you have set up.
d-i mirror/http/directory string /ubuntu # This is the /ubuntu directory from the install CD copied (or linked) under the webroot of your HTTP server
d-i mirror/http/hostname string sahara
d-i mirror/suite string feisty # Name your ubuntu version here
# This is the /ubuntu directory from the install CD copied (or linked) under the webroot of your HTTP server
d-i mirror/http/directory string /ubuntu
# Name your ubuntu version here
d-i mirror/suite string feisty
# d-i mirror/suite string gutsy
# no proxy
d-i mirror/http/proxy string  
d-i mirror/http/proxy string  
Here is my current dhcpd.conf  
If you want to use the first disk of your system "d-i partman-auto/disk string /dev/discs/disc0/disc" (because its a devfs-path, the installer use udev) wont work for you. As described in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=434405 "d-i partman-auto/disk string ?da" works well! More information about the partman-auto/expert_recipe seed that allows setting the partitions can be found at http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/svn/debian-installer/installer/doc/devel/partman-auto-recipe.txt
If you get questions popping up, you can find the corresponding seed name by looking in the /var/lib/cdebconf directory in the installer. Open vty2 and activate the shell. File template.dat contains all questions and the corresponding seed value. If you answered any questions manually, you can find the seed value in questions.dat
Here is my current dhcpd.conf <pre><nowiki>
ping-check = 1;
ping-check = 1;
log-facility local7;
log-facility local7;
option domain-name "sahara.net";
option domain-name "sahara.net";
option time-servers;
option time-servers;
option broadcast-address;
option broadcast-address;
option domain-name-servers,;
option domain-name-servers,;
option routers;
option routers;
subnet  netmask {
subnet  netmask {
# Hoary test boxes
# Hoary test boxes
group {
group {
filename="pxelinux.0" ;
filename="pxelinux.0" ;
# You need a next-server option if TFTP and DHCPd aren't on the same system.
# You need a next-server option if TFTP and DHCPd aren't on the same system.
next-server sahara;
next-server sahara;
# does not exist on my lan.
# does not exist on my lan.
# I am setting it like this to make sure the box doesn't find
# I am setting it like this to make sure the box doesn't find
第188行: 第225行:
#  limit these setting to the install phase  
#  limit these setting to the install phase  
#  (including the 2nd part after the reboot )
#  (including the 2nd part after the reboot )
option domain-name-servers ;
option domain-name-servers ;
option routers ;
option routers ;
host dwl650p {  
host dwl650p {  
hardware ethernet 00:05:5d:5a:81:f0 ;  
hardware ethernet 00:05:5d:5a:81:f0 ;  
option host-name "dwl650p" ; }
option host-name "dwl650p" ; }
# tsp2 6100 - a=wired, b=wifi
# tsp2 6100 - a=wired, b=wifi
host tsp2a {  
host tsp2a {  
hardware ethernet 00:00:39:fa:ff:f3 ;
hardware ethernet 00:00:39:fa:ff:f3 ;
option host-name "tsp2a" ; }
option host-name "tsp2a" ; }
host tsp2b {  
host tsp2b {  
hardware ethernet 00:02:2d:b0:c8:6c ;
hardware ethernet 00:02:2d:b0:c8:6c ;
option host-name "tsp2b" ; }
option host-name "tsp2b" ; }
host tsp1 {  
host tsp1 {  
hardware ethernet 00:00:39:88:31:a6 ;  
hardware ethernet 00:00:39:88:31:a6 ;  
option host-name "tsp1" ; }
option host-name "tsp1" ; }
host e400 {  
        host e400 {  
hardware ethernet 00:60:08:b0:62:0d ;  
hardware ethernet 00:60:08:b0:62:0d ;  
# fixed-address ;
# fixed-address ;
option host-name "e400" ; }
option host-name "e400" ; }
If your box doesn't have the option to boot from lan (like one of mine) you can make a boot disk that will do that part.
If your box doesn't have the option to boot from lan (like one of mine) you can make a boot disk that will do that part.
* http://etherboot.sourceforge.net/
* http://rom-o-matic.net/
I am pleased to say that I was able to read, download, build, run, make the floppy in under 30 min.   
I am pleased to say that I was able to read, download, build, run, make the floppy in under 30 min.   
"Etherboot does not (yet) offer support for PCMCIA cards." so the older laptops will have to wait.   
"Etherboot does not (yet) offer support for PCMCIA cards." so the older laptops will have to wait.   
第221行: 第266行:
For basic instructions pertaining to Ubuntu, see [http://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror How To Create A Local Debian/Ubuntu Mirror With apt-mirror].  Some modifications are required to the mirror configuration to work in conjunction with netboot.  Netboot requires debian-installer.  The following snippet from an example configuration is reported to work:   
For basic instructions pertaining to Ubuntu, see [http://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror How To Create A Local Debian/Ubuntu Mirror With apt-mirror].  Some modifications are required to the mirror configuration to work in conjunction with netboot.  Netboot requires debian-installer.  The following snippet from an example configuration is reported to work:   
deb http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu feisty main main/debian-installer restricted restricted/debian-installer
deb http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu intrepid main main/debian-installer restricted restricted/debian-installer
deb http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu feisty-updates main restricted
deb http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu intrepid-updates main restricted
deb http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu feisty-security main restricted
deb http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu intrepid-security main restricted
clean http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu
clean http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu
第229行: 第275行:
If your mirror is configured to support netboot, the following directories should be present:   
If your mirror is configured to support netboot, the following directories should be present:   
If these portions of the file tree are not present on your mirror, the Feisty netboot installer displays a generic error screen beginning with the text "The installer failed to download a file from the mirror."  
If these portions of the file tree are not present on your mirror, the Intrepid netboot installer displays a generic error screen beginning with the text "The installer failed to download a file from the mirror."  
Surprisingly, my netboot installation of the Feisty server release set did not install openssh-server by default.  After all this work setting up netboot, it was back to the console again for a couple of minutes.
''Surprisingly, my netboot installation of the Feisty server release set did not install openssh-server by default.  After all this work setting up netboot, it was back to the console again for a couple of minutes.''
== Related Links ==
== Related Links ==
'''Pile of PXE related links'''
=== Pile of PXE related links ===
* http://freshmeat.net/projects/syslinux/
* http://syslinux.zytor.com/memdisk.php
http://support.3com.com/infodeli/tools/nic/mba.htm New Universal NDIS Driver for DOS
* http://support.3com.com/infodeli/tools/nic/mba.htm New Universal NDIS Driver for DOS
* http://www.qualystem.com/en/dualboot.html
* http://unattended.sourceforge.net/step-by-step.php
* http://unattended.sourceforge.net/advanced.php#pxe
* http://syslinux.zytor.com/archives/2003-June/002185.html
* http://www.intel.com/design/network/drivers/int21143.htm
* http://www.tux.org/pub/distributions/tinylinux/tomsrtbt/
* http://www.winimage.com/winimage.htm
* http://www.weird-solutions.com/docs/pxe_booting.pdf
* http://www.weird-­solutions.com/bin/util/tftp_root.zip
* http://etherboot.sourceforge.net
http://marc.herbert.free.fr/linux/win2linstall.html Install GNU/Linux without any CD, floppy, USB-key, nor any other removable media.
* http://marc.herbert.free.fr/linux/win2linstall.html Install GNU/Linux without any CD, floppy, USB-key, nor any other removable media.
http://osdev.berlios.de/netboot.html - Network-booting Your Operating System - the part I like: "...loads the GRUB, the second-stage loader, off the server."  
* http://osdev.berlios.de/netboot.html - Network-booting Your Operating System - the part I like: "...loads the GRUB, the second-stage loader, off the server."  
'''PPC Mac related links'''
=== PPC Mac related links ===
* http://www.macgeekery.com/hacks/how_to_install_debian_via_network_boot_from_a_mac
* http://davespicks.com/writing/programming/mackeys.html#boot
* [[UbuntuHelp:SmartBootManager|SmartBootManager]]
[[category:CategoryDocumentation]] [[category:CategoryCleanup]]


2010年5月19日 (三) 22:50的最新版本

{{#ifexist: :Installation/LocalNet/zh | | {{#ifexist: Installation/LocalNet/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Installation/LocalNet|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Installation/LocalNet|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

Desktop Edition Install

The following describes how you can install Ubuntu onto a client machine, using just its network card to boot an Ubuntu installation image which will install Ubuntu. The way this works, in summary is: you set up and configure bootp, tftp, dhcp, and internet gateway services. Your client machine will

  1. 'netboot' via its network adapter, using pxe/bootp protocol,
  2. get passed a kernel and installer via tftp. It will boot into that kernel, which will run an installation of Ubuntu onto your client machine.

The kernel and installer used are actually the same as is on the mini.iso (the 'Minimal Installation" CD), so once started, the installation process is the same as if you had installed off a CD burnt with the mini.iso. Significantly, almost all of the packages installed come from latest versions from the Ubuntu repositories on the internet. Therefore, unlike the Desktop or Server Edition CD installs, where several packages on the CDs will already be out of date, installation using this netboot method (or using a mini.iso CD) gets the latest versions of everything during the initial installation.

Set up the servers

Ensure that you have a bootp server, a tftp (eg tftp-hpa) server, and access to your router/gateway.

  1. Configure the router and its dhcp server. Get the mac address of the new machine you will be installing ubuntu onto (the 'client machine' ). It is easiest if you decide on a fixed ip address for the client machine and set it into the router, as a fixed ip address, eg Note also the gateway address of the router.
  2. Configure a bootp service on a linux host. The same ip address as above needs to be assigned by the bootp service to the client machine.
    1. Install bootp.
    2. Edit /etc/bootptab. Here is an example.
      td=/: hd=/: bf=pxelinux.0
    • ha = the mac address of the client machine (set this to its value)
    • ip = the ip address assigned in the router to the client machine
    • gw = the address of the router
    • sm = the subnet mask for your lan
    • td = the directory on the tfptboot server where the pxe files reside, relative to the tftpboot server's root.
    • hd = a further path which ends at either the pxe boot file or a link to it. (this is probably ok as is)
    • bf = the pxe boot file (this is probably ok as is)

    For further help: man bootpd; man bootptab and also found in the etc/bootptab file itself as comments. If you don't know the hardware address, or which ip address the dhcp server of the router will assign, start the client machine. Make sure its bios is set to boot first from its network adapter. You should then be able to get the hardware mac address as it attempts to boot via the network adapter. Update /etc/bootptab on the bootp server with the client's mac address and the ip address for it as set in the dhcp server (eg in the router), then restart bootpd.

    1. Start bootp: Here is a wrapper to start and stop bootpd from the command line.
      Start () {
          echo -n "Starting $vDaemon: default current directory is at $vCd ... :"
          /usr/sbin/$vDaemon -d 4 -c $vCd >/tmp/$vDaemon.log 2>/tmp/$vDaemon.err &
          sleep 1
      Stop () {
      	echo "Stopping $vDaemon ..."
          kill `pidof $vDaemon`
      Reload () {
          if [ "`pidof $vDaemon`" ] ; then
              echo "Reloading config file for $vDaemon ..."
      	kill -HUP "`pidof $vDaemon`"
      Status () {
          vPid="`pidof $vDaemon`"
          if [ "$vPid" ] ; then
      	echo "$vDaemon running, pid=$vPid"
      	echo "$vDaemon not running"
      case "$1" in
          start)	Start ;;
          stop)	Stop ;;
          reload) Reload ;;
          restart) Stop ; sleep 2; Start ;;
          status) Status ;;
          ""|*) echo `basename $0` parameter: start stop status reload or restart ;;

    Preparing Files for TFTP Net Booting, Section "Setting up BOOTP server" has more info on bootp, including instructions for starting bootp using the inetd alternative.

    1. Configure the tftp server:
      1. Install tftpd-hpa. Its config in /etc/default/tftpd-hpa should be
        OPTIONS="-l -s /var/lib/tftpboot
        The -s parameter is your tftp server file root.
      2. Download the netboot installer tarfile from the Ubuntu Archives (karmic, jaunty), and extract its contents into the tftpboot server file root as per above.

      (More background info is at Preparing Files for TFTP Net Booting).

      Install Ubuntu onto the client machine

      Net-boot your client machine. The tftpboot server passes the client machine the install kernel and initrd, which presents a screen/menu with different installation options. Hit [Enter] to start a standard desktop installation.

      A variation: Booting the "Live CD" image

      You can also employ a variation of the above to instead boot into the Desktop Edition Live CD image instead of the installer. To do this, here are the key steps:

      1. Download the Desktop CD iso (eg /8.10/ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso from a mirror at http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors). Extract its contents including the hidden .disk directory, or mount the iso file, to the tftp root area. This needs to be reachable via nfs export; eg on the nfs host ( as per the example below). If you 'nfs-export' /, ie the nfs server's entire file system, you will not have a problem :-) (Alternatively, you could also use an ftp or http server, as further described in the next section.)
      2. Add a stanza of the following 3 lines into the ubuntu-installer/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default file
        LABEL live
        kernel ubuntu-desktop/casper/vmlinuz
        append initrd=ubuntu-desktop/casper/initrd.gz boot=casper netboot=nfs nfsroot= -- 
      3. Add a line into the ubuntu-installer/i386/boot-screens/f3.txt menu file to record your selection, so you can remember the extra option live.

      Your client machine can now boot the "Live CD" Ubuntu instead of the alternate CD installer, and you will get the Live Ubuntu desktop. You can then install Ubuntu via the "Install" icon on the desktop if you wish.

      • With Gutsy or Hardy, you might find the bootup stops just after this line appears. "squashfs: version 3.2-UBUNTU (2007/07/26) Phillip Lougher" In this case, try hitting Alt-Enter, and the boot-up should continue, giving you the Ubuntu desktop.
      • Up until late July 2008 for Hardy or earlier, if you fail to copy the hidden directory .disk, the install will stop at 82%, filling up the squash filesystem. After then it should abort cleanly. See this bug report on Launchpad for details.

      Basic: Hands-On Interactive Network Server Edition Install

      Another description of installing an Ubuntu distro from over your network, as if you had booted and installed it from the Ubuntu installation CD. This is almost a rewrite of the above, except its using a DHCP server on a Linux machine. Services needed, on a server (or servers) :

      1. dhcp or bootp: to provide netboot server support,
      2. tftp: to feed the first boot image to the netboot client machine, when requested by the netboot server,
      3. http, ftp or nfs: to supply the Ubuntu distro to the client machine during the installation process.
      4. The client machine must be able to boot from its network card, else from a diskette that you built to 'netboot'.

      This page focuses on the combination of dhcp, tftp, and http. In the examples below 'myserver' is the server for these 3 services. (Each of these can be run on a separate server if desired.)

      0.#1 Install and configure the dhcp server. Eg to install:
      root@myserver:~ # apt-get install dhcp3-server
      Configure the dhcp server to tell the clients what to boot. I added a default host name, you don't need it but it comes in handy for other things.
      root@myserver:~ # cat /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf
      subnet  netmask {
      # put your DNS IP's here:
      option domain-name-servers, ;
      root@myserver:~ # /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart
      Stopping DHCP server: dhcpd3.
      Starting DHCP server: dhcpd3.
      1. Install and configure the Trivial File Transfer Protocol server. The tftpd-hpa package is recommended. Install it. It is enabled via /etc/default/tftpd-hpa.
        OPTIONS="-l -s /var/lib/tftpboot"
        Also note its base directory. The default setting is shown above.
      Mount the CD (media or image) under the tftpboot base directory found above,eg
      root@myserver:/var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu/feisty$ mount -o loop feisty-alternate-i386.iso alternate/ 
      or, you can instead copy the contents of the CD into that location, instead of leaving the ISO mounted.

      See Preparing Files for TFTP Net Booting for detailed information.

      1. Install and configure Apache, eg:
        root@myserver:~ # apt-get install apache2
      Make a symlink from apache's doc Root to the CD
      root@myserver:/var/www # ln -s /var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu/
      Or copy the /ubuntu directory from the CD into here.

      To use a pure ftp server like the vs-ftp server instead of Apache, install the ftp server, and configure it for anonymous ftp access. Then copy the /ubuntu directory from the CD into the anonymous ftp home. With vs-ftpd, this is set to /home/ftp. (Check /etc/passwd to confirm the anonymous ftp home.) Next test that anonymous ftp works and finds the installation stuff. eg via 'ftp localhost' on that machine. The install needs to be done in 'expert' mode, so you can select the ftp protocol instead of the default 'http'. 0.#4 Boot up the client machine, set its bios to net boot and you should get the Ubuntu screen and Boot: prompt. Yippee!

      Advanced: Hands-Off, Preseeded Network Server Install

      The above is for an interactive install, just as if you booted from CD. The following addresses preseeding, which enables a Hands Off Install where all the questions have been answered and fed to the installer. In addition, the following does not pull anything from the Internet.

      A handful of preseed options need to be passed via kernel options. The kernel only supports 255 chars, so things are cramped. To accommodate this, I dumped some of the paths and made symlinks. That gave me just enough space for now. Note that the path/name of the kernel gets appended, so even trimming that helped.
      root@sahara:/var/lib/tftpboot # ln -s ubuntu-installer/i386/initrd.gz
      root@sahara:/var/lib/tftpboot # ln -s ubuntu-installer/i386/linux


      # pxelinux.cfg/default
      # display ubuntu-installer/i386/boot-screens/syslinux.txt
      default menu
      prompt 1
      timeout 150
      ontimeout boothd
      label menu
      # makes a menu out of this file, allows editing the options on the client
              kernel menu.c32
      label boothd
              # boot from the first HD
              # (this is what happens if nothing is pressed for 15 seconds)
              localboot 0
      label ubuntu-feisty-normal
      # ubuntu installer
              kernel ubuntu-feisty/linux
              append vga=normal initrd=ubuntu-feisty/initrd.gz ramdisk_size=14984 root=/dev/rd/0 rw  --
      label ubuntu-feisty-hands-off
      # ubuntu installer
      # The 'kernel' and 'initrd' paths must identify files under tftpboot.
      # For example, on my system I have /var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu-feisty/linux and /var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu-feisty/initrd.gz.
              kernel ubuntu-feisty/linux
              append initrd=ubuntu-feisty/initrd.gz ramdisk_size=14984 root=/dev/rd/0 rw preseed/locale=en_US kbd-chooser/method=us netcfg/wireless_wep= netcfg/choose_interface=eth0 netcfg/get_hostname= preseed/url= vga=6 --
      label ubuntu-gutsy-hands-off
      # For gutsy the preseeds on the command line are slightly different.
              kernel ubuntu-gutsy/net-linux
              append initrd=ubuntu-gutsy/net-initrd.gz auto url=http://server/u710a/preseed/web-server.preseed locale=en_US.UTF-8 debian-installer/keymap=us netcfg/get_hostname= vga=0x317 --

      netcfg/get_hostname= Is blank so that it will pick up the host-name supplied by the DHCP server. netcfg/choose_interface=eth0 - You may wish to specify eth1 or wlan0 for laptops if you want it to setup the wifi card, not the wired port. Note for client-specific PXE configurations: The DHCP server can't pass it this can be done in PXE boot. Pretending that the MAC address of your wireless card is 12 : CD : 56 : AB : 78 : EF you can specify a custom pxelinux.cfg/01-12-dc-56-ab-78-ef (lowercase) file instead of default. If you are using static dhcp, you can also use the IP address in hex for a per-machine or per-subnet or per-network configuration. See http://syslinux.zytor.com/pxe.php#config for more information. Basically, say you have three wireless cards where the IP in hex translated to caf12d5e, caf12d6b, caf124ea, you could specify pxelinux.cfg/caf12d and pxelinux.cfg/caf12. The first two would match to the first config file and the third would match to the second config file. See http://www.debian.org/releases/etch/example-preseed.txt for an example preseed file, and be sure to note the debconf-get-selections example commands.

      Here are the important changes for using the copy of the install CD on your server instead of the Internet repositories during the install:
      # Choose software to install:
      tasksel tasksel/first   multiselect     ubuntu-desktop
      # Installation source
      # Note the value of mirror/country "enter information manually" This is an actual choice in the mirror menu. Choosing this allows us to enter our local repository information.
      d-i	mirror/country		string enter information manually
      # hostname This is whatever HTTP server you have set up.
      d-i	mirror/http/hostname	string sahara
      # This is the /ubuntu directory from the install CD copied (or linked) under the webroot of your HTTP server
      d-i	mirror/http/directory	string /ubuntu 
      # Name your ubuntu version here
      d-i	mirror/suite		string feisty
      # d-i	mirror/suite		string gutsy
      # no proxy
      d-i	mirror/http/proxy	string 

      If you want to use the first disk of your system "d-i partman-auto/disk string /dev/discs/disc0/disc" (because its a devfs-path, the installer use udev) wont work for you. As described in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=434405 "d-i partman-auto/disk string ?da" works well! More information about the partman-auto/expert_recipe seed that allows setting the partitions can be found at http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/svn/debian-installer/installer/doc/devel/partman-auto-recipe.txt If you get questions popping up, you can find the corresponding seed name by looking in the /var/lib/cdebconf directory in the installer. Open vty2 and activate the shell. File template.dat contains all questions and the corresponding seed value. If you answered any questions manually, you can find the seed value in questions.dat

      Here is my current dhcpd.conf
      ping-check = 1;
      log-facility local7;
      option domain-name "sahara.net";
      option time-servers;
      option broadcast-address;
      option domain-name-servers,;
      option routers;
      subnet  netmask {
      # Hoary test boxes
      group {
      	filename="pxelinux.0" ;
      	# You need a next-server option if TFTP and DHCPd aren't on the same system.
      	next-server sahara;
      	# does not exist on my lan.
      	# I am setting it like this to make sure the box doesn't find
      	# a repo on the net to pull sources from.
      	# It would be good I can figure out how to i
      	#  limit these setting to the install phase 
      	#  (including the 2nd part after the reboot )
      	option domain-name-servers ;
      	option routers ;
      	host dwl650p { 
      		hardware ethernet 00:05:5d:5a:81:f0 ; 
      		option host-name "dwl650p" ; }
      	# tsp2 6100 - a=wired, b=wifi
      	host tsp2a { 
      		hardware ethernet 00:00:39:fa:ff:f3 ;
      		option host-name "tsp2a" ; }
      	host tsp2b { 
      		hardware ethernet 00:02:2d:b0:c8:6c ;
      		option host-name "tsp2b" ; }
      	host tsp1 { 
      		hardware ethernet 00:00:39:88:31:a6 ; 
      		option host-name "tsp1" ; }
              host e400 { 
      		hardware ethernet 00:60:08:b0:62:0d ; 
      		# fixed-address ;
      		option host-name "e400" ; }

      If your box doesn't have the option to boot from lan (like one of mine) you can make a boot disk that will do that part.

      I am pleased to say that I was able to read, download, build, run, make the floppy in under 30 min. "Etherboot does not (yet) offer support for PCMCIA cards." so the older laptops will have to wait.

      Advanced: Network install using apt-mirror

      apt-mirror is a Perl script for maintaining a mirror of the Debian or Ubuntu installation sets. It is often set up as a cron job to download updates to the mirror automatically. Updates are downloaded incrementally using parallel threads. Contents of the mirror are typically served via a web server to the local network. apt-mirror can be installed on most Unix machine from the tarball. On Debian or Ubuntu, the apt-mirror package can usually be installed by apt-get with the appropriate addition to sources.list. See the apt-mirror project home page for details. For basic instructions pertaining to Ubuntu, see How To Create A Local Debian/Ubuntu Mirror With apt-mirror. Some modifications are required to the mirror configuration to work in conjunction with netboot. Netboot requires debian-installer. The following snippet from an example configuration is reported to work:

      deb http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu intrepid main main/debian-installer restricted restricted/debian-installer
      deb http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu intrepid-updates main restricted
      deb http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu intrepid-security main restricted
      clean http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu

      You will need to modify your apt-mirror configuration file accordingly. Often this file is located at /etc/apt/mirrors.list. Note that not everyone chooses to mirror the security files unless the mirror updates regularly. If your mirror is configured to support netboot, the following directories should be present:


      If these portions of the file tree are not present on your mirror, the Intrepid netboot installer displays a generic error screen beginning with the text "The installer failed to download a file from the mirror." Surprisingly, my netboot installation of the Feisty server release set did not install openssh-server by default. After all this work setting up netboot, it was back to the console again for a couple of minutes.

      Related Links

      Pile of PXE related links

      PPC Mac related links