Blender2.5x-2.6完全教程 1.4.7:修订间差异

Yq-ysy留言 | 贡献
Yq-ysy留言 | 贡献
第30行: 第30行:
| 128 (32~32768)
| 128 (32~32768)
| Maximum number of lines to store for the console buffer
| Maximum number of lines to store for the console buffer
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
| Author (文本框)
| 作者信息(当输出文件的格式支持此功能时有效)
| Name that will be used in exported files when format  supports such feature
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Auto Run Python Scripts
| 允许自动运行.blend文件里的Python程序脚本(对于来源不明不被信任的blend文件有可能不安全)
| √
| Allow any .blend file to run scripts automatically (unsafe with blend files from an untrusted  source)
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Tabs as Spaces
| 在新的或载入的文本文件中自动把所有的制表符转换为空格符
| √
| Automatically converts all new tabs into spaces for new and loaded text files
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
| Sound
| Sound
第102行: 第87行:
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
| Mixing Buffer
| Mixing Buffer
| 设置音频混合缓冲样本大小
| 设置音频混合缓冲区采样大小
| (菜单)
| (菜单)
| Sets the number of samples used by the audio mixing buffer
| Sets the number of samples used by the audio mixing buffer
第129行: 第114行:
| √
| √
| Audio Mixing Buffer
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA  
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA  
| 1024
| 1024
第146行: 第131行:
| Audio Mixing Buffer
| Audio Mixing Buffer
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
| Sample Rate
| 设置音频采样率(千赫)
| (菜单)
| Sets the audio sample rate
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| 192 kHz
| Audio Sample Rate
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| 96 kHz
| Audio Sample Rate
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| 48 kHz
| Audio Sample Rate
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| 44.1 kHz
| √
| Audio Sample Rate
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
| Sample Format
| 设置音频样本格式
| (菜单)
| (菜单)
| Sets the audio sample format
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| 64-bit Float
| 64位浮点
| Audio Sample Format
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| 32-bit Float
| 32位浮点
| √
| Audio Sample Format
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA  
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA  
| 32-bit Signed
| 32位带符号
| Audio Sample Format
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| 24-bit Signed
| 24位带符号
| Audio Sample Format
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| 16-bit Signed
| 16位带符号
| Audio Sample Format
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| 8-bit Unsigned
| 8位无符号
| Audio Sample Format
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
| Screencast
| 截屏
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| 截屏回放的帧率(frames per second 帧/秒)
| 10 (10~50)
| Frame rate for the screencast to be played back
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Wait Timer (ms)
| 录制截屏时每帧间隔等候时间(毫秒)
| 50 (50~1000)
| Time in milliseconds between each frame recorded for screencast
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
| Compute Device
| 计算机驱动
| Device to use for computation (rendering With Cycle) 使用Cycle渲染引擎时指定用于计算的驱动
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| None
| 无
| √
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Nvidia显卡的CUDA算法
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| OpenCL
| OpenCL算法
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| (菜单)
| 无驱动时默认为CPU,CUDA算法时默认为显卡型号GPU
| style="width: 22%;" | 中间
| style="width: 22%;" | 中间
第161行: 第236行:
| style="width: 42%;" |  
| style="width: 42%;" |  
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
| OpenGL
| 开源图形库(Open Graphics Library)
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Clip Alpha
| 在3D纹理预览中低于设定值时剪切阿尔法透明度
| 0.000 (0~1)
| Clip alpha below this threshold in the 3D textured view
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Mipmaps
| 在3D视图中缩放纹理(multum in parvo maps 多重图像纹理映射,更美观但占用更多内存且重新载入图像更缓慢)
| √
| Scale textures for the 3D view (looks nicer but use more memory and slows image reloading)
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| GPU Mipmap Generation
| GPU细微贴图生成
| Generate image Mipmaps on the GPU 使用GPU生成映像细微贴图
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| 16 Bit Float Textures
| 16位浮点计算纹理
| √
| Use 16 bit per component for float images 为浮点映像的每个组成部分使用16位算法
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
| Anisotropic Filtering
| 各向异性滤镜
| (菜单)
| Quality of the anisotropic filtering(values greater than 1.0 enable anisotropic filtering) 相对于各向异性滤镜1.0版本的更高质量倍数
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| 16x
| 16倍
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| 8x
| 8倍
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| 4x
| 4倍
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| 2x
| 2倍
| √
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Off
| 关闭
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| VBOs
| 在视口渲染中使用顶点缓冲对像(如果不支持则使用顶点数组阵列)
| Use Vertex Buffer Objects (or Vertex arrays, if unsupported) for viewport rendering
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
| Window Draw Method
| 窗口管理器采用的窗口绘制方法
| (菜单)
| Drawing method used by window manager
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Automatic
| 自动
| √
| Window Draw Method
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Triple Buffer
| 三重缓冲
| Window Draw Method
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Overlap
| 重叠
| Window Draw Method
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Overlap Flip
| 重叠翻转
| Window Draw Method
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Full
| 完全
| Window Draw Method
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
| Text Draw Options
| 文本绘制选项
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Text Anti-aliasing
| 绘制用户介面时启用文本抗锯齿
| √
| Draw user interface text anti-aliasing
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
| Textures
| 纹理
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Limit Size
| 限制纹理尺寸以节省显存
| (菜单)
| Limit the texture size to save graphics memory
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | 128
| GL Textuer Limit 图形库纹理限制
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | 256
| GL Textuer Limit 图形库纹理限制
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | 512
| GL Textuer Limit 图形库纹理限制
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | 1024
| GL Textuer Limit 图形库纹理限制
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA  
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA  
| align=right | 2048
| GL Textuer Limit 图形库纹理限制
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | 4096
| GL Textuer Limit 图形库纹理限制
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | 8192
| GL Textuer Limit 图形库纹理限制
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Off
| 关闭(不限)
| √
| GL Textuer Limit 图形库纹理限制
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Time Out
| 上次访问GL纹理至被释放所需的刷新时间(秒,设为0则一直保留纹理调配)
| 120 (0~3600)
| Time since last access of a GL texture in seconds after which it is freed. (Set to 0 to keep texture allocated)
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Collection Rate
| GL纹理碎片收集器运行间隔的刷新时间(秒)
| 60 (1~3600)
| Number of seconds between each run of the GL texture garbage collector
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
| Sequencer
| 序列发生器
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Prefetch Frames
| 回放时预先渲染的的帧数
| 0 (0~500)
| Number of frames to render ahead during playback
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Memory Cache Limit
| 序列发生器内存缓存限制(兆字节)
| 128 (0~1024)
| Memory cache limit in sequencer (megabytes)
| style="width: 22%;" | 右侧
| style="width: 22%;" | 右侧
第176行: 第416行:
| style="width: 42%;" |  
| style="width: 42%;" |  
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
| Solid OpenGL lights
| 实体OpenGL灯光
| (三点照明布光方法)
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| (灯炮按钮)左前方主光源
| 实体绘制模式中启用本OpenGL灯光
| √
| Enable this OpenGL light in solid draw mode
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Colors
| 颜色
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Diffuse
| 漫反射(过渡色)
| (白)
| E7E7E7
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Specular
| 镜面反射(高光色)
| (浅灰)
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Direction
| 方向
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA  
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA  
| align=right | X
| -0.892
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Y
| 0.300
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Z
| 0.900
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| (灯炮按钮)右侧方辅助光源
| 实体绘制模式中启用本OpenGL灯光
| √
| Enable this OpenGL light in solid draw mode
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Colors
| 颜色
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Diffuse
| 漫反射(过渡色)
| (浅灰偏蓝)
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Specular
| 镜面反射(高光色)
| (灰)
| 7C7C7C
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Direction
| 方向
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | X
| 0.588
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Y
| 0.460
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Z
| 0.248
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| (灯炮按钮)背部轮廓光源
| 实体绘制模式中启用本OpenGL灯光
| √
| Enable this OpenGL light in solid draw mode
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Colors
| 颜色
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Diffuse
| 漫反射(过渡色)
| (淡灰偏蓝)
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Specular
| 镜面反射(高光色)
| (暗红)
| 490000
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Direction
| 方向
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | X
| 0.216
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Y
| -0.392
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Z
| -0.216
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
| Color Picker Type
| 颜色选取面板类型(不同显示风格)
| (菜单)
| Different styles of displaying the color picker widget
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Square (HV + S)
| 方形(色相明度平面+饱和度条)
| Color Picker Type
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Square (HS + V)
| 方形(色相饱和度平面+明度条)
| Color Picker Type
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Square (SV + H)
| 方形(饱和度明度平面+色相条)
| Color Picker Type
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Circle
| 圆形
| √
| Color Picker Type
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
| (勾选框)Custom Weight Paint Range
| 自定义重量描绘范围(在重量描绘模式中为重量可视化启用颜色范围)
| Enable color range used for weight visualization in weight painting mode
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Add(按钮)
| 在下方色带上添加一个新的颜色站位
| (实线)
| Add a new color stop to the colorband
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Delete(按钮)
| 删除活动站位
| (虚线)
| Delete the active position
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| F(按钮)
| 翻转色带
| Filp colorband
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| (数字)
| 选择活动颜色站位(0也计算在内)
| Choose active color stop(点击左右三角形符号切换)
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| (下拉菜单)
| 设置在颜色站位之间的插值
| Set interpolation between color stops
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Constant
| 常数(恒量)
| Interpolation
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | B-Spline
| B样条
| Interpolation
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Linear
| 线性
| √
| Interpolation
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Cardinal
| 首要基数
| Interpolation
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| align=right | Ease
| 衰减
| Interpolation
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| (透明色带)
| (黑白方格)
| (鼠标可拖动调节颜色站位线)
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| Pos
| 颜色渐变站位
| 1.000 (0~1)
| (点击Add按钮后出现Color Ramp Element position)
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA
| (双色方格)
| 颜色渐变色彩
| 绿色/透明黑白
| (点击Add按钮后出现Color Ramp Element color)
|- bgcolor=#EECC55
| (勾选框)International Fonts
| 国际字体(2.60版以后可以设置中文界面)
| (点击出现更多选项,请参考[[Blender2.5x-2.6完全教程_1.5.1|第 1.5.1 节]])

2012年8月30日 (四) 11:54的最新版本

第 1.4.7 节 系统 (system)

  User Preferences用户自定义窗口里的System系统标签页,,列出了声音、图形、及驱动等与运行Blender相关的设置。以下为System系统标签页的可自定义选项:

User Preferences 用户自定义 File 文件
General 通用项
DPI 显示字体大小(Dots Per Inch 每英寸点数) 72 (48~128) Font size and resolution for display
Frame Server Port 帧服务器渲染端口 8080 (0~32727) Frameserver Port for Frameserver Rendering
Console Scrollback 终端缓冲区存储的可回滚查看的行数 128 (32~32768) Maximum number of lines to store for the console buffer
Sound 声音 (按钮)
None 空设备(没有音频输出) Null device - there will be no audio output
SDL 简单直达多媒体应用层(建议在序列中使用) SDL device - simple direct media layer, recommended for sequencer usage
OpenAL 开源音效库,支持3D音效(Open Audio Library 建议在游戏引擎中使用) OpenAL device - supports 3D audio, recommended for game engine usage
Jack 杰克开源专业音效(Professional audio 建议专业音效用户使用) Jack device - Open source pro audio, recommended for pro audio users
Channels 设置音频通道数 (菜单) Sets the audio channels count
7.1 Surround 7.1 环绕声 Audio Channels
5.1 Surround 5.1 环绕声 Audio Channels
4 Channels 4通道 Audio Channels
Stereo 立体声 Audio Channels
Mono 单声道 Audio Channels
Mixing Buffer 设置音频混合缓冲区采样大小 (菜单) Sets the number of samples used by the audio mixing buffer
32768 Audio Mixing Buffer
16384 Audio Mixing Buffer
8192 Audio Mixing Buffer
4096 Audio Mixing Buffer
2048 Audio Mixing Buffer
1024 Audio Mixing Buffer
512 Audio Mixing Buffer
256 Audio Mixing Buffer
Sample Rate 设置音频采样率(千赫) (菜单) Sets the audio sample rate
192 kHz Audio Sample Rate
96 kHz Audio Sample Rate
48 kHz Audio Sample Rate
44.1 kHz Audio Sample Rate
Sample Format 设置音频样本格式 (菜单) Sets the audio sample format
64-bit Float 64位浮点 Audio Sample Format
32-bit Float 32位浮点 Audio Sample Format
32-bit Signed 32位带符号 Audio Sample Format
24-bit Signed 24位带符号 Audio Sample Format
16-bit Signed 16位带符号 Audio Sample Format
8-bit Unsigned 8位无符号 Audio Sample Format
Screencast 截屏
FPS 截屏回放的帧率(frames per second 帧/秒) 10 (10~50) Frame rate for the screencast to be played back
Wait Timer (ms) 录制截屏时每帧间隔等候时间(毫秒) 50 (50~1000) Time in milliseconds between each frame recorded for screencast
Compute Device 计算机驱动 Device to use for computation (rendering With Cycle) 使用Cycle渲染引擎时指定用于计算的驱动
CUDA Nvidia显卡的CUDA算法
OpenCL OpenCL算法
(菜单) 无驱动时默认为CPU,CUDA算法时默认为显卡型号GPU
OpenGL 开源图形库(Open Graphics Library)
Clip Alpha 在3D纹理预览中低于设定值时剪切阿尔法透明度 0.000 (0~1) Clip alpha below this threshold in the 3D textured view
Mipmaps 在3D视图中缩放纹理(multum in parvo maps 多重图像纹理映射,更美观但占用更多内存且重新载入图像更缓慢) Scale textures for the 3D view (looks nicer but use more memory and slows image reloading)
GPU Mipmap Generation GPU细微贴图生成 Generate image Mipmaps on the GPU 使用GPU生成映像细微贴图
16 Bit Float Textures 16位浮点计算纹理 Use 16 bit per component for float images 为浮点映像的每个组成部分使用16位算法
Anisotropic Filtering 各向异性滤镜 (菜单) Quality of the anisotropic filtering(values greater than 1.0 enable anisotropic filtering) 相对于各向异性滤镜1.0版本的更高质量倍数
16x 16倍
8x 8倍
4x 4倍
2x 2倍
Off 关闭
VBOs 在视口渲染中使用顶点缓冲对像(如果不支持则使用顶点数组阵列) Use Vertex Buffer Objects (or Vertex arrays, if unsupported) for viewport rendering
Window Draw Method 窗口管理器采用的窗口绘制方法 (菜单) Drawing method used by window manager
Automatic 自动 Window Draw Method
Triple Buffer 三重缓冲 Window Draw Method
Overlap 重叠 Window Draw Method
Overlap Flip 重叠翻转 Window Draw Method
Full 完全 Window Draw Method
Text Draw Options 文本绘制选项
Text Anti-aliasing 绘制用户介面时启用文本抗锯齿 Draw user interface text anti-aliasing
Textures 纹理
Limit Size 限制纹理尺寸以节省显存 (菜单) Limit the texture size to save graphics memory
128 GL Textuer Limit 图形库纹理限制
256 GL Textuer Limit 图形库纹理限制
512 GL Textuer Limit 图形库纹理限制
1024 GL Textuer Limit 图形库纹理限制
2048 GL Textuer Limit 图形库纹理限制
4096 GL Textuer Limit 图形库纹理限制
8192 GL Textuer Limit 图形库纹理限制
Off 关闭(不限) GL Textuer Limit 图形库纹理限制
Time Out 上次访问GL纹理至被释放所需的刷新时间(秒,设为0则一直保留纹理调配) 120 (0~3600) Time since last access of a GL texture in seconds after which it is freed. (Set to 0 to keep texture allocated)
Collection Rate GL纹理碎片收集器运行间隔的刷新时间(秒) 60 (1~3600) Number of seconds between each run of the GL texture garbage collector
Sequencer 序列发生器
Prefetch Frames 回放时预先渲染的的帧数 0 (0~500) Number of frames to render ahead during playback
Memory Cache Limit 序列发生器内存缓存限制(兆字节) 128 (0~1024) Memory cache limit in sequencer (megabytes)
Solid OpenGL lights 实体OpenGL灯光 (三点照明布光方法)
(灯炮按钮)左前方主光源 实体绘制模式中启用本OpenGL灯光 Enable this OpenGL light in solid draw mode
Colors 颜色
Diffuse 漫反射(过渡色) (白) E7E7E7
Specular 镜面反射(高光色) (浅灰) BCBCBC
Direction 方向
X -0.892
Y 0.300
Z 0.900
(灯炮按钮)右侧方辅助光源 实体绘制模式中启用本OpenGL灯光 Enable this OpenGL light in solid draw mode
Colors 颜色
Diffuse 漫反射(过渡色) (浅灰偏蓝) BBBCCB
Specular 镜面反射(高光色) (灰) 7C7C7C
Direction 方向
X 0.588
Y 0.460
Z 0.248
(灯炮按钮)背部轮廓光源 实体绘制模式中启用本OpenGL灯光 Enable this OpenGL light in solid draw mode
Colors 颜色
Diffuse 漫反射(过渡色) (淡灰偏蓝) E7ECFF
Specular 镜面反射(高光色) (暗红) 490000
Direction 方向
X 0.216
Y -0.392
Z -0.216
Color Picker Type 颜色选取面板类型(不同显示风格) (菜单) Different styles of displaying the color picker widget
Square (HV + S) 方形(色相明度平面+饱和度条) Color Picker Type
Square (HS + V) 方形(色相饱和度平面+明度条) Color Picker Type
Square (SV + H) 方形(饱和度明度平面+色相条) Color Picker Type
Circle 圆形 Color Picker Type
(勾选框)Custom Weight Paint Range 自定义重量描绘范围(在重量描绘模式中为重量可视化启用颜色范围) Enable color range used for weight visualization in weight painting mode
Add(按钮) 在下方色带上添加一个新的颜色站位 (实线) Add a new color stop to the colorband
Delete(按钮) 删除活动站位 (虚线) Delete the active position
F(按钮) 翻转色带 Filp colorband
(数字) 选择活动颜色站位(0也计算在内) Choose active color stop(点击左右三角形符号切换)
(下拉菜单) 设置在颜色站位之间的插值 Set interpolation between color stops
Constant 常数(恒量) Interpolation
B-Spline B样条 Interpolation
Linear 线性 Interpolation
Cardinal 首要基数 Interpolation
Ease 衰减 Interpolation
(透明色带) (黑白方格) (鼠标可拖动调节颜色站位线)
Pos 颜色渐变站位 1.000 (0~1) (点击Add按钮后出现Color Ramp Element position)
(双色方格) 颜色渐变色彩 绿色/透明黑白 (点击Add按钮后出现Color Ramp Element color)
(勾选框)International Fonts 国际字体(2.60版以后可以设置中文界面) (点击出现更多选项,请参考第 1.5.1 节

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