Ubuntu 9.10 发行注记:修订间差异

Pedant留言 | 贡献
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;[http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=233739 原请求——来自论坛]
''[http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=233739 原请求——来自论坛]''<br>
'''已完成[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/ReleaseNotes/zh_CN|Ubuntu 官方地址]'''<br>

=1.System Requirements=
=1.System Requirements=
1. 系统硬件要求

The minimum memory requirement for Ubuntu 9.10 is 256 MB of memory. Note that some of your system's memory may be unavailable due to being used by the graphics card. If your computer has only the minimum amount of memory, the installation process will take longer than normal, but will complete successfully, and the system will perform adequately once installed.
The minimum memory requirement for Ubuntu 9.10 is 256 MB of memory. Note that some of your system's memory may be unavailable due to being used by the graphics card. If your computer has only the minimum amount of memory, the installation process will take longer than normal, but will complete successfully, and the system will perform adequately once installed.

Ubuntu 9.10至少需要256MB内存。需要注意的是,电脑部分内存可能因为被显卡占用而无法使用。如果电脑仅有最低要求的内存,安装过程可能会比较长一些。当然,安装也能完成,系统也能正常运行。
Ubuntu 9.10 至少需要 256 MB 的内存。需要注意的是,计算机部分内存可能因为被显卡占用而无法使用。如果计算机仅有最低要求的内存,安装过程可能会比较长一些。当然,安装也能完成,系统也能正常运行。

Systems with less memory may be able to select "Install Ubuntu" from the boot menu to run just the installer, rather than the whole desktop, or may be able to use the alternate install CD.
Systems with less memory may be able to select "Install Ubuntu" from the boot menu to run just the installer, rather than the whole desktop, or may be able to use the alternate install CD.

内存较低的电脑,可以通过启动菜单的"Install Ubuntu"只运行安装程序,而不是启动整个桌面。也可以用alternate install CD来进行字符界面安装。
如果您在使用内存较低的计算机,可以通过启动菜单的“Install Ubuntu”只运行安装程序,而不是启动整个桌面。也可以用 alternate install CD 来进行命令行安装。

2. 安装
==2.1 Recommended packages installed by default==
==2.1 Recommended packages installed by default==
2.1 默认安装推荐的软件包

In accordance with the Debian Policy Manual (which says "The 'Recommends' field should list packages that would be found together with this one in all but unusual installations"), the package management system now installs packages listed in the Recommends: field of other installed packages as well as Depends: by default. If you want to avoid this for specific packages, use apt-get --no-install-recommends; if you want to make this permanent, set APT::Install-Recommends "false"; in /etc/apt/apt.conf. Be aware that this may result in missing features in some programs.
In accordance with the Debian Policy Manual (which says "The 'Recommends' field should list packages that would be found together with this one in all but unusual installations"), the package management system now installs packages listed in the Recommends: field of other installed packages as well as Depends: by default. If you want to avoid this for specific packages, use apt-get --no-install-recommends; if you want to make this permanent, set APT::Install-Recommends "false"; in /etc/apt/apt.conf. Be aware that this may result in missing features in some programs.
为了遵循 Debian 策略手册的要求(其指出“'推荐'区域应当列出与此在一起的软件包,除了特别的安装”),软件包管理系统现在默认安装推荐列表中的软件包和其他安装的软件包及相关依赖。如果您希望对特殊的软件包避免如此,使用 apt-get --no-install-recommends;如果您希望永远如此,在 /etc/apt/apt.conf 中设置 APT::Install-Recommends "false"。注意,这可能导致一些程序失去某些特性。

(This change was made in Ubuntu 8.10.)
(This change was made in Ubuntu 8.10.)
(自从 Ubuntu 8.10。)

==2.2Hibernation may be unavailable with automatic partitioning==
==2.2Hibernation may be unavailable with automatic partitioning==

2.2 自动分区模式可能导致“休眠”功能失效

The default partitioning recipe in the installer will in some cases allocate a swap partition that is smaller than the physical memory in the system. This will prevent the use of hibernation (suspend-to-disk) because the system image will not fit in the swap partition. If you intend to use hibernation with your system, you should ensure that the swap partition's size is at least as large as the system's physical RAM. (354126)
The default partitioning recipe in the installer will in some cases allocate a swap partition that is smaller than the physical memory in the system. This will prevent the use of hibernation (suspend-to-disk) because the system image will not fit in the swap partition. If you intend to use hibernation with your system, you should ensure that the swap partition's size is at least as large as the system's physical RAM. (354126)

某些情况下,安装程序中的自动分区模式划出的 swap 分区可能会小于物理内存,从而在系统快照大于 swap 分区的情况下导致其无法保存,这也就意味着休眠(挂起到硬盘)将无法使用。如果想启用休眠功能的话,请确保 swap 分区不小于电脑的物理内存。

==2.3 Other OS options not shown in boot menu when installing with Ubuntu 9.10 RC==

2.3 安装 Ubuntu 9.10 RC 后导致其他操作系统在启动菜单消失

==2.3 Other OS options not shown in boot menu when installing with Ubuntu 9.10 RC==
After installation from the Ubuntu 9.10 Release Candidate, other installed operating systems are not correctly displayed in the boot menu. To correct this, users should run sudo update-grub from the commandline after rebooting to their installed Ubuntu system. (456776)

After installation from the Ubuntu 9.10 Release Candidate, other installed operating systems are not correctly displayed in the boot menu. To correct this, users should run sudo update-grub from the commandline after rebooting to their installed Ubuntu system. (456776)
当安装完 Ubuntu 9.10 RC 后,其他已安装的操作系统可能会在启动菜单中无法正确显示。对此,用户需要首先重启刚安装完毕的系统,然后在命令行界面中运行“sudo update-grub”。(456776)

3. 升级

Users of Ubuntu 9.04 can upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10 by a convenient automated process. Users of older Ubuntu releases need to upgrade to Ubuntu 9.04 first, and then to 9.10. Complete instructions may be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading.
Users of Ubuntu 9.04 can upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10 by a convenient automated process. Users of older Ubuntu releases need to upgrade to Ubuntu 9.04 first, and then to 9.10. Complete instructions may be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading.
Ubuntu 9.04 用户可以方便地自动升级到 9.10。使用更早 Ubuntu 版本的用户则需要先升级到 9.04,再升级到 9.10。详细的操作可以参考http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading。

Kubuntu users can upgrade directly from Kubuntu 8.04 to Kubuntu 9.10. Users upgrading in this way are advised to also read the release notes for Ubuntu 8.10 and for Ubuntu 9.04, as the issues described there will in most cases also apply.
Kubuntu users can upgrade directly from Kubuntu 8.04 to Kubuntu 9.10. Users upgrading in this way are advised to also read the release notes for Ubuntu 8.10 and for Ubuntu 9.04, as the issues described there will in most cases also apply.
Kubuntu 用户可以直接由 8.04 升级到 9.10。建议通过这种方式升级的用户也阅读一下 Ubuntu 8.10 和 Ubuntu 9.04 的发行注记,因为那里描述的问题将在许多情况下都适用。

==3.1Setting wireless regulatory domain via module option no longer supported==
==3.1Setting wireless regulatory domain via module option no longer supported==
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==3.2 Upgrade from beta must be triggered manually==
==3.2 Upgrade from beta must be triggered manually==
3.2 从 beta 版升级到正式版必须手动调整

A bug in the apt package included in the Ubuntu 9.10 Beta prevents automatic notification of available package updates. Users who have installed or upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10 prior to the Release Candidate should ensure that updates are being made available by running update-manager manually, clicking Check, and installing the presented updates. (449535)
A bug in the apt package included in the Ubuntu 9.10 Beta prevents automatic notification of available package updates. Users who have installed or upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10 prior to the Release Candidate should ensure that updates are being made available by running update-manager manually, clicking Check, and installing the presented updates. (449535)
Ubuntu 9.10 Beta 版中的 apt 包中有一个 bug 会阻止可用包更新的自动通知。已经安装了 Ubuntu 9.10 RC 版之前版本的用户应该手动运行更新管理器,点击“检查”,然后“安装可用更新”,以确保更新可用 。

==3.3 X server crashes when using a wacom tablet==
==3.3 X server crashes when using a wacom tablet==
3.3 在使用 wacom tablet 的时候 X server 崩溃

The wacom driver in Ubuntu 9.10 supports automatic configuration, but it conflicts with manual device entries for wacom tablets in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, causing the X server to crash either on startup or shutdown. Please comment out or remove the entries from xorg.conf to get rid of the crashes. (358643)
The wacom driver in Ubuntu 9.10 supports automatic configuration, but it conflicts with manual device entries for wacom tablets in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, causing the X server to crash either on startup or shutdown. Please comment out or remove the entries from xorg.conf to get rid of the crashes. (358643)
Ubuntu9.10 中 wacom 的驱动支持自动设置,但是它会和 /etc/X11/xorg.conf 中的 wacom tablets 人工设置项冲突,导致 X server 在开机或关机的时候崩溃。请注释掉或删除 xorg.conf 中的条目,以避免崩溃。

==3.4 Kubuntu may keep unneeded guidance power package==
==3.4 Kubuntu may keep unneeded guidance power package==
3.4 Kubuntu 可能会保留不再需要的 guidance power 包

The kubuntu upgrade may leave the no longer needed packages "kde-guidance-powermanager" or "guidance-power-manager" installed. Those can be removed.
The kubuntu upgrade may leave the no longer needed packages "kde-guidance-powermanager" or "guidance-power-manager" installed. Those can be removed.
Kubuntu 的升级可能会遗留下已安装的非必需包“kde-guidance-powermanager” 或者 "guidance-power-manager"。这些包是可以删除的。

==3.5 Ctrl-Alt-Backspace disabled by default in Xorg, configured via XKB==
==3.5 Ctrl-Alt-Backspace disabled by default in Xorg, configured via XKB==
3.5 Ctrl-Alt-Backspace 在 Xorg 中默认不被激活,由 XKB 配置

Since Ubuntu 9.04, the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace key combination to force a restart of X is now disabled by default, to eliminate the problem of accidentally triggering the key combination. In addition, the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace option is now configured as an X keymap (XKB) option, replacing the X server "DontZap" option and allowing per-user configuration of this setting.
Since Ubuntu 9.04, the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace key combination to force a restart of X is now disabled by default, to eliminate the problem of accidentally triggering the key combination. In addition, the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace option is now configured as an X keymap (XKB) option, replacing the X server "DontZap" option and allowing per-user configuration of this setting.
从 Ubuntu 9.04 开始,强行重启 X 的 Ctrl-Alt-Backspace 组合键默认被禁止,以避免误操作。另外,Ctrl-Alt-Backspace 选项作为 XKB 的选项,取代 X server 的"DontZap"选项,允许每个用户进行配置。

As a result, enabling or disabling the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace shortcut can now be done easily from the desktop.
As a result, enabling or disabling the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace shortcut can now be done easily from the desktop.
这样做的结果是,开启 / 关闭 Ctrl+Alt+Backspace 快捷键功能可以在桌面方便地操作。

===3.5.1 Enabling Ctrl-Alt-Backspace for Ubuntu===
===3.5.1 Enabling Ctrl-Alt-Backspace for Ubuntu===
3.5.1  开启 Ubuntu Ctrl-Alt-Backspace 组合键功能

#Select "System"->"Preferences"->"Keyboard"
#Select "System"->"Preferences"->"Keyboard"
# Select the "Layouts" tab and click on the "Layout Options" button.
# Select the "Layouts" tab and click on the "Layout Options" button.
# Select "Key sequence to kill the X server" and enable "Control + Alt + Backspace".
# Select "Key sequence to kill the X server" and enable "Control + Alt + Backspace".
#选择“Key sequence to kill the X server” ,勾选上“Control + Alt + Backspace”即可。

===3.5.2 Enabling Ctrl-Alt-Backspace for Kubuntu===
===3.5.2 Enabling Ctrl-Alt-Backspace for Kubuntu===
3.5.2  Kubuntu 开启 Ctrl-Alt-Backspace 功能键

* Click on the Application launcher and select "System Settings"
* Click on the Application launcher and select "System Settings"
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For further information, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap
For further information, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap
* 点击应用程序菜单,然后选择系统设置 ;
* 点击"组织 & 语言"(区域选项).
* 选择"键盘布局";
* 点击 "Enable keyboard layouts" (在布局标签中).
* 选择"高级"标签. 然后再选择“Key sequence to kill the X server” ,勾选上“Control + Alt + Backspace”即可.
更多信息,请参阅: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap

==3.6 Change in notifications of available updates==
==3.6 Change in notifications of available updates==
3.6 可用更新通知的变化

Ubuntu 9.10 launches update-manager directly to handle package updates, instead of displaying a notification icon in the GNOME panel. Users are notified of security updates on a daily basis, but for updates that are not security-related, users will only be prompted once a week.
Ubuntu 9.10 launches update-manager directly to handle package updates, instead of displaying a notification icon in the GNOME panel. Users are notified of security updates on a daily basis, but for updates that are not security-related, users will only be prompted once a week.
第95行: 第145行:

(This change was made in Ubuntu 9.04.)
(This change was made in Ubuntu 9.04.)
Ubuntu 9.10 直接启动更新管理器来处理包更新,而不是在GNOME面板显示一个通知图标。用户会在 daily basis 上被通知有安全更新,但是对于非安全更新,一个星期才通知一次。
gconftool -s --type bool /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch false
(自从 Ubuntu 9.04。)

=4. Other known issues=
=4. Other known issues=
4. 其他已知问题
==4.1 Switching to ext4 requires manually updating grub==
==4.1 Switching to ext4 requires manually updating grub==
4.1 转换到 ext4 需要手动升级 grub

If you choose to upgrade your / or /boot filesystem in place from ext2 or ext3 to ext4 (as documented on the ext4 wiki), then you must also use the grub-install command after upgrading to Ubuntu 9.04 to reinstall your boot loader. If you do not do this, then the version of GRUB installed in your boot sector will not be able to read the kernel from the ext4 filesystem and your system will fail to boot.
If you choose to upgrade your / or /boot filesystem in place from ext2 or ext3 to ext4 (as documented on the ext4 wiki), then you must also use the grub-install command after upgrading to Ubuntu 9.10 to reinstall your boot loader. If you do not do this, then the version of GRUB installed in your boot sector will not be able to read the kernel from the ext4 filesystem and your system will fail to boot.
如果您选择把您的 / 或者 /boot 目录的文件系统从 ext2 或者 ext3 升级到 ext4(如 ext4 的 wiki 中的文档所说的),那么在升级到 9.10 后您必须使用 grub-install 命令来重新安装你的启动引导器。如果你不这样做,那么安装在你的引导扇区的当前版本的 GRUB 不能从 ext4 文件系统中读取内核,您的系统也就无法启动。

==4.2 Avahi will not start if a .local domain is present==
==4.2 Avahi will not start if a .local domain is present==
4.2 如果 .local 区域存在的话,Avahi 将不会启动

The avahi-daemon package, which implements the mDNS "zeroconf" standard, includes a check to avoid running when a conflicting .local DNS domain is present. It is reported that some ISPs advertise such a .local domain on their networks, which will leave Ubuntu 9.10 hosts unable to see names advertised on the local network (327362).
The avahi-daemon package, which implements the mDNS "zeroconf" standard, includes a check to avoid running when a conflicting .local DNS domain is present. It is reported that some ISPs advertise such a .local domain on their networks, which will leave Ubuntu 9.10 hosts unable to see names advertised on the local network (327362).
第109行: 第174行:
sudo sed -i -e'/AVAHI_DAEMON_DETECT_LOCAL/s/1/0/' /etc/default/avahi-daemon
sudo sed -i -e'/AVAHI_DAEMON_DETECT_LOCAL/s/1/0/' /etc/default/avahi-daemon
sudo service avahi-daemon start
sudo service avahi-daemon start
avahi-daemon 包用以实现 mDNS "zeroconf"标准,它包含了一个控制器,当和现有的 .local DNS 域冲突时,可以阻止运行。有报告称某些 ISP 会在他们的网络上广播这样一个 .local 域,它会使得 Ubuntu 9.10 的主机无法看到本地网络上广播的名字。

==4.3 Kubuntu GUI package manager does not warn about installing from unsigned package repositories==
==4.3 Kubuntu GUI package manager does not warn about installing from unsigned package repositories==
4.3 Kubuntu 的 GUI 包管理器不会提示从未签名的软件源安装

The kpackagekit package manager used in Kubuntu 9.10 does not notify users if the packages they are installing come from repositories that are not secured with PGP. Users who have unsigned package repositories in their /etc/apt/sources.list configuration and wish to be informed of any packages installed from these sources should use the apt-get commandline tool as a workaround. (256245)
The kpackagekit package manager used in Kubuntu 9.10 does not notify users if the packages they are installing come from repositories that are not secured with PGP. Users who have unsigned package repositories in their /etc/apt/sources.list configuration and wish to be informed of any packages installed from these sources should use the apt-get commandline tool as a workaround. (256245)
Kubuntu 中的 kpackagekit 包管理器不会通知用户他们正在从软件源安装的包是否对 PGP 安全。如果用户在他们的 /etc/apt/sources.list 中有未签名的软件源,又想得到从这些软件源安装任何包的通知,那么他们应该使用 apt-get 的命令行工具。(256245)

==4.4 Amarok will not offer to download additional codecs when running Kubuntu from the live CD==
==4.4 Amarok will not offer to download additional codecs when running Kubuntu from the live CD==
4.4  从 Live CD 启动 Kubuntu 时,Amarok 不提供附加解码器的下载

When started from the live session, Amarok will not offer to download additional media codecs when needed, so, for example, it will be unable to play MP3 files. This will work normally after the system is installed to the hard disk. (362538)
When started from the live session, Amarok will not offer to download additional media codecs when needed, so, for example, it will be unable to play MP3 files. This will work normally after the system is installed to the hard disk. (362538)
从 Live 会话启动时,Amarok 将不为所需的附加媒体解码器提供下载,所以,比如说,它将不能播放 MP3 文件。安装到硬盘之后问题会得到解决。

==4.5 Sparc not supported by Ubuntu 9.10==
==4.5 Sparc not supported by Ubuntu 9.10==
4.5 Sparc 不被Ubuntu9.10支持

The upstart init system in Ubuntu 9.10 fails to work on the sparc architecture due to an undiagnosed SIGBUS error. Users of Ubuntu on sparc are advised to remain on Ubuntu 9.04 instead of upgrading to 9.10. Assistance in resolving this architecture-specific bug for Ubuntu 10.04 is welcome. (436758)
The upstart init system in Ubuntu 9.10 fails to work on the sparc architecture due to an undiagnosed SIGBUS error. Users of Ubuntu on sparc are advised to remain on Ubuntu 9.04 instead of upgrading to 9.10. Assistance in resolving this architecture-specific bug for Ubuntu 10.04 is welcome. (436758)
Ubuntu 9.10 中新的 init 系统由于一个未确认的 SIGBUS 错误,无法在 sparc 架构上运行。Sparc 上的 Ubuntu 用户建议停留在 Ubuntu 9.04,而不要升级到 9.10。欢迎在Ubuntu 10.04 中帮助解决架构性 bug。(436758)

2009年10月25日 (日) 11:55的最新版本


1.System Requirements

1. 系统硬件要求

The minimum memory requirement for Ubuntu 9.10 is 256 MB of memory. Note that some of your system's memory may be unavailable due to being used by the graphics card. If your computer has only the minimum amount of memory, the installation process will take longer than normal, but will complete successfully, and the system will perform adequately once installed.

Ubuntu 9.10 至少需要 256 MB 的内存。需要注意的是,计算机部分内存可能因为被显卡占用而无法使用。如果计算机仅有最低要求的内存,安装过程可能会比较长一些。当然,安装也能完成,系统也能正常运行。

Systems with less memory may be able to select "Install Ubuntu" from the boot menu to run just the installer, rather than the whole desktop, or may be able to use the alternate install CD.

如果您在使用内存较低的计算机,可以通过启动菜单的“Install Ubuntu”只运行安装程序,而不是启动整个桌面。也可以用 alternate install CD 来进行命令行安装。


2. 安装

2.1 Recommended packages installed by default

2.1 默认安装推荐的软件包

In accordance with the Debian Policy Manual (which says "The 'Recommends' field should list packages that would be found together with this one in all but unusual installations"), the package management system now installs packages listed in the Recommends: field of other installed packages as well as Depends: by default. If you want to avoid this for specific packages, use apt-get --no-install-recommends; if you want to make this permanent, set APT::Install-Recommends "false"; in /etc/apt/apt.conf. Be aware that this may result in missing features in some programs.

为了遵循 Debian 策略手册的要求(其指出“'推荐'区域应当列出与此在一起的软件包,除了特别的安装”),软件包管理系统现在默认安装推荐列表中的软件包和其他安装的软件包及相关依赖。如果您希望对特殊的软件包避免如此,使用 apt-get --no-install-recommends;如果您希望永远如此,在 /etc/apt/apt.conf 中设置 APT::Install-Recommends "false"。注意,这可能导致一些程序失去某些特性。

(This change was made in Ubuntu 8.10.)

(自从 Ubuntu 8.10。)

2.2Hibernation may be unavailable with automatic partitioning

2.2 自动分区模式可能导致“休眠”功能失效

The default partitioning recipe in the installer will in some cases allocate a swap partition that is smaller than the physical memory in the system. This will prevent the use of hibernation (suspend-to-disk) because the system image will not fit in the swap partition. If you intend to use hibernation with your system, you should ensure that the swap partition's size is at least as large as the system's physical RAM. (354126)

某些情况下,安装程序中的自动分区模式划出的 swap 分区可能会小于物理内存,从而在系统快照大于 swap 分区的情况下导致其无法保存,这也就意味着休眠(挂起到硬盘)将无法使用。如果想启用休眠功能的话,请确保 swap 分区不小于电脑的物理内存。

2.3 Other OS options not shown in boot menu when installing with Ubuntu 9.10 RC

2.3 安装 Ubuntu 9.10 RC 后导致其他操作系统在启动菜单消失

After installation from the Ubuntu 9.10 Release Candidate, other installed operating systems are not correctly displayed in the boot menu. To correct this, users should run sudo update-grub from the commandline after rebooting to their installed Ubuntu system. (456776)

当安装完 Ubuntu 9.10 RC 后,其他已安装的操作系统可能会在启动菜单中无法正确显示。对此,用户需要首先重启刚安装完毕的系统,然后在命令行界面中运行“sudo update-grub”。(456776)


3. 升级

Users of Ubuntu 9.04 can upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10 by a convenient automated process. Users of older Ubuntu releases need to upgrade to Ubuntu 9.04 first, and then to 9.10. Complete instructions may be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading.

Ubuntu 9.04 用户可以方便地自动升级到 9.10。使用更早 Ubuntu 版本的用户则需要先升级到 9.04,再升级到 9.10。详细的操作可以参考http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading。

Kubuntu users can upgrade directly from Kubuntu 8.04 to Kubuntu 9.10. Users upgrading in this way are advised to also read the release notes for Ubuntu 8.10 and for Ubuntu 9.04, as the issues described there will in most cases also apply.

Kubuntu 用户可以直接由 8.04 升级到 9.10。建议通过这种方式升级的用户也阅读一下 Ubuntu 8.10 和 Ubuntu 9.04 的发行注记,因为那里描述的问题将在许多情况下都适用。

3.1Setting wireless regulatory domain via module option no longer supported

Ubuntu 9.10 enables the CRDA wireless regulatory framework for controlling which wireless channels are usable and visible in a particular location. If you previously had to use the module option similar to that below in /etc/modprobe.d/options to allow access to certain channels in your locality then you may find that wireless will not function at all:

  • options cfg80211 ieee80211_regdom=EU

You should remove this kernel module option on upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10 and use the iw reg command instead.

(This change was made in Ubuntu 9.04.)

3.2 Upgrade from beta must be triggered manually

3.2 从 beta 版升级到正式版必须手动调整

A bug in the apt package included in the Ubuntu 9.10 Beta prevents automatic notification of available package updates. Users who have installed or upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10 prior to the Release Candidate should ensure that updates are being made available by running update-manager manually, clicking Check, and installing the presented updates. (449535)

Ubuntu 9.10 Beta 版中的 apt 包中有一个 bug 会阻止可用包更新的自动通知。已经安装了 Ubuntu 9.10 RC 版之前版本的用户应该手动运行更新管理器,点击“检查”,然后“安装可用更新”,以确保更新可用 。

3.3 X server crashes when using a wacom tablet

3.3 在使用 wacom tablet 的时候 X server 崩溃

The wacom driver in Ubuntu 9.10 supports automatic configuration, but it conflicts with manual device entries for wacom tablets in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, causing the X server to crash either on startup or shutdown. Please comment out or remove the entries from xorg.conf to get rid of the crashes. (358643)

Ubuntu9.10 中 wacom 的驱动支持自动设置,但是它会和 /etc/X11/xorg.conf 中的 wacom tablets 人工设置项冲突,导致 X server 在开机或关机的时候崩溃。请注释掉或删除 xorg.conf 中的条目,以避免崩溃。

3.4 Kubuntu may keep unneeded guidance power package

3.4 Kubuntu 可能会保留不再需要的 guidance power 包

The kubuntu upgrade may leave the no longer needed packages "kde-guidance-powermanager" or "guidance-power-manager" installed. Those can be removed.

Kubuntu 的升级可能会遗留下已安装的非必需包“kde-guidance-powermanager” 或者 "guidance-power-manager"。这些包是可以删除的。

3.5 Ctrl-Alt-Backspace disabled by default in Xorg, configured via XKB

3.5 Ctrl-Alt-Backspace 在 Xorg 中默认不被激活,由 XKB 配置

Since Ubuntu 9.04, the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace key combination to force a restart of X is now disabled by default, to eliminate the problem of accidentally triggering the key combination. In addition, the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace option is now configured as an X keymap (XKB) option, replacing the X server "DontZap" option and allowing per-user configuration of this setting.

从 Ubuntu 9.04 开始,强行重启 X 的 Ctrl-Alt-Backspace 组合键默认被禁止,以避免误操作。另外,Ctrl-Alt-Backspace 选项作为 XKB 的选项,取代 X server 的"DontZap"选项,允许每个用户进行配置。

As a result, enabling or disabling the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace shortcut can now be done easily from the desktop.

这样做的结果是,开启 / 关闭 Ctrl+Alt+Backspace 快捷键功能可以在桌面方便地操作。

3.5.1 Enabling Ctrl-Alt-Backspace for Ubuntu

3.5.1 开启 Ubuntu Ctrl-Alt-Backspace 组合键功能

  1. Select "System"->"Preferences"->"Keyboard"
  2. Select the "Layouts" tab and click on the "Layout Options" button.
  3. Select "Key sequence to kill the X server" and enable "Control + Alt + Backspace".
  1. 点击“系统”->“首选项”->“键盘”;
  2. 选择“布局”标签,然后点击“布局选项”按键;
  3. 选择“Key sequence to kill the X server” ,勾选上“Control + Alt + Backspace”即可。

3.5.2 Enabling Ctrl-Alt-Backspace for Kubuntu

3.5.2 Kubuntu 开启 Ctrl-Alt-Backspace 功能键

  • Click on the Application launcher and select "System Settings"
  • Click on "Regional & Language".
  • Select "Keyboard Layout".
  • Click on "Enable keyboard layouts" (in the Layout tab).
  • Select the "Advanced" tab. Then select "Key sequence to kill the X server" and enable "Control + Alt + Backspace".

For further information, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap

  • 点击应用程序菜单,然后选择系统设置 ;
  • 点击"组织 & 语言"(区域选项).
  • 选择"键盘布局";
  • 点击 "Enable keyboard layouts" (在布局标签中).
  • 选择"高级"标签. 然后再选择“Key sequence to kill the X server” ,勾选上“Control + Alt + Backspace”即可.

更多信息,请参阅: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap

3.6 Change in notifications of available updates

3.6 可用更新通知的变化

Ubuntu 9.10 launches update-manager directly to handle package updates, instead of displaying a notification icon in the GNOME panel. Users are notified of security updates on a daily basis, but for updates that are not security-related, users will only be prompted once a week.

Users who wish to continue receiving update notifications in the previous manner can restore the earlier behavior using the following command:

gconftool -s --type bool /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch false

(This change was made in Ubuntu 9.04.)

Ubuntu 9.10 直接启动更新管理器来处理包更新,而不是在GNOME面板显示一个通知图标。用户会在 daily basis 上被通知有安全更新,但是对于非安全更新,一个星期才通知一次。


gconftool -s --type bool /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch false

(自从 Ubuntu 9.04。)

4. Other known issues

4. 其他已知问题

4.1 Switching to ext4 requires manually updating grub

4.1 转换到 ext4 需要手动升级 grub

If you choose to upgrade your / or /boot filesystem in place from ext2 or ext3 to ext4 (as documented on the ext4 wiki), then you must also use the grub-install command after upgrading to Ubuntu 9.10 to reinstall your boot loader. If you do not do this, then the version of GRUB installed in your boot sector will not be able to read the kernel from the ext4 filesystem and your system will fail to boot.

如果您选择把您的 / 或者 /boot 目录的文件系统从 ext2 或者 ext3 升级到 ext4(如 ext4 的 wiki 中的文档所说的),那么在升级到 9.10 后您必须使用 grub-install 命令来重新安装你的启动引导器。如果你不这样做,那么安装在你的引导扇区的当前版本的 GRUB 不能从 ext4 文件系统中读取内核,您的系统也就无法启动。

4.2 Avahi will not start if a .local domain is present

4.2 如果 .local 区域存在的话,Avahi 将不会启动

The avahi-daemon package, which implements the mDNS "zeroconf" standard, includes a check to avoid running when a conflicting .local DNS domain is present. It is reported that some ISPs advertise such a .local domain on their networks, which will leave Ubuntu 9.10 hosts unable to see names advertised on the local network (327362).

To force the use of mDNS on a network configured this way, users can run the commands:

sudo sed -i -e'/AVAHI_DAEMON_DETECT_LOCAL/s/1/0/' /etc/default/avahi-daemon sudo service avahi-daemon start

avahi-daemon 包用以实现 mDNS "zeroconf"标准,它包含了一个控制器,当和现有的 .local DNS 域冲突时,可以阻止运行。有报告称某些 ISP 会在他们的网络上广播这样一个 .local 域,它会使得 Ubuntu 9.10 的主机无法看到本地网络上广播的名字。

4.3 Kubuntu GUI package manager does not warn about installing from unsigned package repositories

4.3 Kubuntu 的 GUI 包管理器不会提示从未签名的软件源安装

The kpackagekit package manager used in Kubuntu 9.10 does not notify users if the packages they are installing come from repositories that are not secured with PGP. Users who have unsigned package repositories in their /etc/apt/sources.list configuration and wish to be informed of any packages installed from these sources should use the apt-get commandline tool as a workaround. (256245)

Kubuntu 中的 kpackagekit 包管理器不会通知用户他们正在从软件源安装的包是否对 PGP 安全。如果用户在他们的 /etc/apt/sources.list 中有未签名的软件源,又想得到从这些软件源安装任何包的通知,那么他们应该使用 apt-get 的命令行工具。(256245)

4.4 Amarok will not offer to download additional codecs when running Kubuntu from the live CD

4.4 从 Live CD 启动 Kubuntu 时,Amarok 不提供附加解码器的下载

When started from the live session, Amarok will not offer to download additional media codecs when needed, so, for example, it will be unable to play MP3 files. This will work normally after the system is installed to the hard disk. (362538)

从 Live 会话启动时,Amarok 将不为所需的附加媒体解码器提供下载,所以,比如说,它将不能播放 MP3 文件。安装到硬盘之后问题会得到解决。

4.5 Sparc not supported by Ubuntu 9.10

4.5 Sparc 不被Ubuntu9.10支持

The upstart init system in Ubuntu 9.10 fails to work on the sparc architecture due to an undiagnosed SIGBUS error. Users of Ubuntu on sparc are advised to remain on Ubuntu 9.04 instead of upgrading to 9.10. Assistance in resolving this architecture-specific bug for Ubuntu 10.04 is welcome. (436758)

Ubuntu 9.10 中新的 init 系统由于一个未确认的 SIGBUS 错误,无法在 sparc 架构上运行。Sparc 上的 Ubuntu 用户建议停留在 Ubuntu 9.04,而不要升级到 9.10。欢迎在Ubuntu 10.04 中帮助解决架构性 bug。(436758)