Blender2.5x-2.6完全教程 1.4.2:修订间差异

Yq-ysy留言 | 贡献
Yq-ysy留言 | 贡献
第86行: 第86行:
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA  
|- bgcolor=#FFDDAA  
| align=right | Smooth Stroke
| align=right | Smooth Stroke
| 圆滑处理最终完成练条
| 圆滑处理最终的练条
| √
| √
| Smooth the final stroke
| Smooth the final stroke

2011年2月25日 (五) 10:33的版本

第 1.4.2 节 编辑 (editing)


User Preferences 用户自定义 Editing 编辑
Link Materials To 切换材料链接到物体数据或物体块 Toggle whether the materials is linked to object data or the object block
ObData 物体数据
Object 物体
New Objects 新物体
Enter Edit Mode 添加一个新物体后自动进入编辑模式 Enter Edit Mode automatically after adding a new object
Align To 从一个3D视图菜单添加物体时,对齐物体到视图方向或世界坐标 When adding objects from a 3D View menu, either align them to that view's direction or the world coordinates
View 视图
World 世界
Undo 撤销
Global Undo 全局撤销,实现撤销操作需要在内存中保留完整的文件备份,所以会占用额外的内存 Global Undo works by keeping a full copy of the file itself in memory, so takes extra memory
Steps 可撤销的步数(较小的值节省内存) 32 (0~64) Number of undo steps available (smaller values conserve memory)
Memory Limit 最大可用内存限制(MB兆字节,0则无限制) 0 (0~32767) Maximun memory usage in megabytes (0 means unlimited)
Grease Pencil 油彩铅笔
Manhattan Distance 曼哈顿距离,勾画线条时(滚轮)鼠标每次轴转对应移动的像素数) 1 (0~100) Pixels moved by mouse per axis when drawing stroke
Euclidean Distance 欧几里德距离,勾画线条时包括每个像素对应鼠标移动的距离 2 (0~100) Distance moved by mouse when drawing stroke (in pixels) to include
Eraser Radius 橡皮擦半径 25 (0~100) Radius of eraser 'brush'
Smooth Stroke 圆滑处理最终的练条 Smooth the final stroke
Playback 播放
Allow Negative Frames 当前帧编号数可手动设置为负数帧 Current frame number can be manually set to a negative frames
Keyframing 关键帧
Visual Keying 使用可见的键控自动约束物体 Use Visual keying automatically for constrained objects
Only Insert Needed 仅在需要时插入关键帧 Keyframe insertion only when Keyframe need
Auto Keyframing 为物体和骨胳自动插入关键帧 Automatic keyframe insertion for objects and bones
Only Insert for Keying Set 使用活动键控集自动插入关键帧 Automatic keyframe insertion use active keying Set
Only Insert Available 在可用曲线中自动插入关键帧 Automatic keyframe insertion in available curves
New F-Curve Defaults 新增功能曲线时的默认值 function curve
Interpolation 插值类型
Bezier 贝塞尔
Linear 线性
Constant 常量
Handles 处理方式
Aligned 均衡
Vector 矢量
Auto 自动
Free 自由
XYZ to RGB 用颜色标示在功能曲线上新增的变换(位移、旋转、缩放),所用颜色基于变换坐标轴 Color for newly added transformation F-Curves (Location, Rotation, Scale) and also Color is base on the transform axis
Transform 变换
Release confirms 使用鼠标拖曳移动东西时,放开按键即确认操作。 Moving things with a mouse drag confirms when releasing the button
Sculpt Overlay Color 雕塑叠加纹理颜色 Color of texture overlay
Duplicate Data 复制数据 与物体一起被复制的相关数据
Mesh 网孔物体 Causes mesh data to be duplicated with the object
Surface 表面 Causes surface data to be duplicated with the object
Curve 曲线 Causes curve data to be duplicated with the object
Text 文字 Causes text data to be duplicated with the object
Metaball 中介球 Causes metaball data to be duplicated with the object
Amature 枢纽 Causes amature data to be duplicated with the object
Lamp Causes lamp data to be duplicated with the object
Material 材质 Causes Material data to be duplicated with the object
Texture 纹理 Causes texture data to be duplicated with the object
Action 动作 Causes action data to be duplicated with the object
Particle 粒子 Causes particle data to be duplicated with the object

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